Saturday, July 27, 2019

MEANINGS & SYMBOLISM OF THE SUNFLOWER - The Sunflower’s Message Is… Stand tall and follow your dreams. Focus on what’s positive in your life and don’t let anyone get you down. It’s no surprise that both ancient and modern people associated the Sunflower with warmth, positivity, power, strength, and happiness since it bears such a strong resemblance to the Sun itself. In Greek mythology, it’s tied to a story of a nymph who becomes the flower after losing her love. Victorian flower language ascribes a meaning of gratitude to the dwarf Sunflower, while it’s considered a good luck charm for occasions like graduations and new businesses in China. The sunflower is a beautiful symbol of power for many people. In many ways, it’s more powerful in what it symbolizes because it is easy to grow in your backyard or a patio container. The sunflower has developed unique meanings across the world as it spreads in the modern age, but many cultures share similar views of the flower thanks to its physical characteristics.

Sunflower Meaning
Its Meanings & Symbolism
Flowers & Their Meanings

Sunflower Meaning
The sunflower is not the rarest flower, but it’s still a beautiful symbol of power for many people.
In many ways, it’s more powerful in what it symbolizes because it is easy to grow in your backyard or a patio container.
Find out what this sunny gem means as a birth flower or a happy representation of the sun.
What Does the Sunflower Mean?
The sunflower has developed unique meanings across the world as it spreads in the modern age, but many cultures share similar views of the flower thanks to its physical characteristics.
·     Long life, mainly since most varieties stand in full bloom for months on end during the hottest days of summer
·      Feelings of adoration, admiration, and platonic love towards a person, such as a family member or friend
·     Loyalty and strong bonds between two people, as represented by the strong and upright stem
·      Seeking out positivity and strength, as the bloom turns to face the sun
·      Nourishing yourself and others, since the sunflower produces an abundance of edible seeds
Sunflower·      Brightening your mood, through the vibrancy of the yellow or orange petals
·      Good luck and lasting happiness, especially in the Chinese culture
Etymological Meaning of the Sunflower
The English name for the Sunflower is quite literal and taken from its bright sun-like appearance.
Its scientific name, Helianthus, is just as literal because it combines the two Greek words for sun and flower.
Symbolism of the Sunflower
It’s no surprise that both ancient and modern people associated the Sunflower with warmth, positivity, power, strength, and happiness since it bears such a strong resemblance to the Sun itself.
In Greek mythology, it’s tied to a story of a nymph who becomes the flower after losing her love.
Victorian flower language ascribes a meaning of gratitude to the dwarf Sunflower, while it’s considered a good luck charm for occasions like graduations and new businesses in China.
Of course, Sunflowers also feature prominently in works from artists like Van Gogh.
Sunflower Facts
·      The Sunflower is native to North America, but it has spread across the world through export.
·      Native Americans planted wild varieties as a source of food, but modern breeding has emphasized petal size and count over seed production in many varieties.
·      The Sunflower can range in height from six inches to over 12 feet tall, depending on the variety.
Sunflower Meaning
SunflowerDo you want to have more success and joy in your life? The best way to do this is by learning more about your name through numerology.
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All it takes is your name and date of birth, click here to get your free personalized numerology reading.
Sunflower Color Meanings
Most Sunflowers are a shade of yellow, but white, orange, brown, and multicolored varieties also exist in the wild and through careful breeding.
Color meaning variations include
·        A connection with innocence for white or cream colored petals
·       A link to strength and positivity with the more vibrant orange and red varieties of Sunflower
·        A tie to happiness and a long life with most of the yellow shades
·        A theme of loyalty and support for brown and burgundy flowers.
Meaningful Botanical Characteristics of the Sunflower
SunflowerAside from being beautiful and important symbolically, the Sunflower is downright useful.
Almost all varieties produce edible and good-tasting seeds with plenty of health benefits.
If you don’t eat the seeds yourself, you can feed your local songbirds just by letting them dry on the stalk.
The entire plant also produces a pale-yellow dye.
The Sunflower’s Message Is…
Stand tall and follow your dreams. Focus on what’s positive in your life and don’t let anyone get you down.

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Flowers & Their Meanings
Sunflower MeaningSunflowerSunflowerSunflowerSunflower

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