Monday, July 1, 2019

THE KAIROS MOMENT ANOINTING OIL - Olive oil comes from pressed olives. Extra-virgin olive oil is the preferred variety for aromatherapy and skin care preparations. Olive oil’s scent may interfere with the scent of some essential oils. Sweet incense containing Frankincense was placed on the Inner Altar of the Tabernacle and burned morning and evening. It speaks of intercession. Frankincense is one of the three prophetic gifts given to the Messiah at His birth, represent His role as Priest and Prophet, signifying all that Messiah would do and continues to do on our behalf. Myrrh is one of the 3 gifts presented to Baby Jesus by the 3 wise men from the East. The oil is bitter to taste but sweet to smell. Spiritually, it speaks of dying to self to become a “sweet smelling savour" to the LORD.

Anointing Oil

Oil appears over 200 times in the King James Version.    
The Kairos Moment is an anointing oil made with a concoction of the extra virgin olive oil and infused with Frankinsence, Myrrh and other essential oils.
The resulting oil is fruitfully fragrant and uplifting.  Below we describe the qualities of each ingredient. 
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil comes from pressed olives. It’s best known as a healthy, edible oil with a fruity aroma, but it’s also used in aromatherapy as a carrier oil.  
Extra-virgin olive oil is the preferred variety for aromatherapy and skin care preparations. Olive oil’s scent may interfere with the scent of some essential oils.
Olive oil contains fatty acids and plant sterols, which make it great for cleansing and moisturizing dry skin. Use olive oil as a carrier oil for massage, facial cleansers, hair care, and homemade soaps.
Frankincense Essential Oil
In temple days, sweet incense containing Frankincense was placed on the Inner Altar of the Tabernacle and burned morning and evening. It speaks of intercession. 
Frankincense is one of the three prophetic gifts given to the Messiah at His birth, represent His role as Priest and Prophet, signifying all that Messiah would do and continues to do on our behalf.
"He was wounded for our transgression, He was bruised for our iniquities; ....and by His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
This is probably one of the most effective fragrances that can be used for prayer for deliverance.
The spiritual realm runs parallel to the natural realm which means that what we see in this natural world, is a result of what already took place in the spiritual realm.
In the spiritual and in the natural realm, snakes hate this fragrance. Just the smell of this fragrance often leads to manifestations.
In Israel this fragrance was often used to keep snakes away from under the houses.  
(Adapted from an article from Love Unlimited Ministries)
Myrrh Essential Oil
Myrrh is one of the 3 gifts presented to Baby Jesus by the 3 wise men from the East.  
Interestingly the Myrrh tree grows best in poor soil condition - even as Jesus entered into the world under very lacking and trying circumstances yet HIS poured out life brought eternal riches to countless.
Myrrh is derived from resin harvested from the myrrh tree.  
The bark of the tree is cut and the tear shaped resin is collected then steam-distilled to produce the essential oil.  
The oil is bitter to taste but sweet to smell. Spiritually, it speaks of dying to self to become a “sweet smelling savour" to the LORD.
"A bundle of myrrh is my beloved unto me" Song of Solomon, 1:13
Scientific study on myrrh has proven that it has antioxidant, astringent, anti-tumoral, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, antiviral and analgesic (pain relieving) benefits.
Once Upon A Time
Once upon a time in an HDB apartment called 318, a group of people came huddled together, hearts filled with anticipation and wondering what God would do in their midst.  Their shepherd heard the call of God and initiated a 21 Day Daniel Fast with nightly meetings in this house.   Here as we waited upon the Lord, the Pastor felt called to bottle and distribute anointing oil that was coined 'Kairos Moment'
Who are we
A group of people put together for kinship, for breakthrough and for polishing.  Each bearing rough edges from a wounded past, bumped one against another yet strangely over time, in pain, in wounds, in hurts, in comaraderie, in comfort, in empathy in forgiveness for a greater cause and the burning desire for the promise of victory - in all this, the very wounds begin to heal and the downtrodden rise to their destinies.  


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