Monday, June 10, 2019

DANCE THROUGH YOUR WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE - Jesus defeated the devil in a one on one match during His wilderness experience. He came out of the wilderness radiating the Power of God. John the Baptist received the Word of God during his wilderness experience, which was the launching pad for his explosive ministry. The people of Israel messed up during their wilderness experience but there was a crazy man among them called Moses, who got straight A’s in the wilderness. He encountered God face to face during his wilderness experience. God and Moses became best friends in the wilderness. Take that for a wilderness experience buddy…


Dancing through your wilderness experience 

By Kenneth Justin

Are you having a Wilderness experience? If yes, then you checked into the right place.
In the Church culture, a wilderness experience is tagged with spiritual dryness, a state where you don’t hear God, you feel far from God and you don’t get answers for your prayers.
Allow me to mess up your brain.
Jesus defeated the devil in a one on one match during His wilderness experience. He came out of the wilderness radiating the Power of God.
John the Baptist received the Word of God during his wilderness experience, which was the launching pad for his explosive ministry.
The people of Israel messed up during their wilderness experience but there was a crazy man among them called Moses, who got straight A’s in the wilderness.
He encountered God face to face during his wilderness experience. God and Moses became best friends in the wilderness.
Take that for a wilderness experience buddy…
Hello? Are you still there? Did I miss you?
Defeating the devil, radiating the power of God, receiving a Word for an explosive ministry, becoming God’s best friend and talking to Him face to face are tagged with a wilderness experience in the Bible. 
The problem is with your perspective, not with what’s happening in your life. You need to check your glasses. You need to repair your part that interprets your life to you.
You can see yourself in a season of rejection or you can see yourself in a season filled with lot of time and energy to grow close with God. 
You can see yourself in a season where you are not able to hear God’s voice or You can see yourself in a season where His silence is speaking volumes.
Oh, if you didn’t know, God’s silence speaks volumes. You can see yourself in a season of shut doors or you can see yourself in a season where God is asking you to get up and obey His Word - which says we have the authority to open and close.
You can see yourself in a season where there is no answers or You can see yourself in a season where you are being prepared for the answers.
Didn’t He tell you that there is a process before every promise or prophecy comes to pass?
You can see yourself in a place where you feel far from God or you can see yourself in a season where God is teaching you to put faith above your feelings.
Stop right there, He is always with you, whether you feel Him or not. He can’t leave you because He can’t stop loving you.
If you change your perspective, If you learn to see differently, you can dance through your wilderness experience. 
You can see your wilderness experience as a season of dryness and failures or you can see it as a platform for victories, encounters and revelation.
I’m in so much pain you say, dance yourself out of it I say. Pain makes me stronger when I have the right attitude.
Get your shoutin clothes on and dance. 
If your life looks bad from every angle, shout louder and dance harder because God is a specialist in reversing stuff.
So if it is really bad, then it’s going to be really good. 
Change your perspective, change how you see everything.
Don’t say “Oh my bad, God is taking me through the wilderness,” shout out saying “Yippeeeee I’m going through a wilderness. I’m going to have victories, divine encounters and revelatory experiences.”  
Perspective has a twin brother, his name is Perseverance. You need that guy in your boat too.
Every season in life is a opportunity to grow close with God, to grow close with your loved ones and to fulfill your destiny. 
When you change your view of a wilderness experience, your experience in the wilderness will change. 
You will stop being sad and you will start dancing yourself through your wilderness. If you didn’t know, I want to tell you that happiness is a choice.
Hakuna Matata…

The Den of Revolution Church exists to bring about a revolution in the Church and in the World for the Glory of God. It is headquartered at Adyar, Chennai. It is an extension of Holy Spirit Revolution Ministries. 

Hakuna matata roughly translates to "there are no troubles" in Swahili. The phrase was popularized in English by the 1994 Disney movie The Lion King, where it’s translated as "no worries." It has a connotation of not worrying about things outside a person's control.

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