Friday, June 21, 2019

WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE - Jesus loved the wilderness. The wilderness experience is the place of suffering, testing, and preparation. It was a place to find strength and wisdom from within. In the desert we can see more clearly, unencumbered by other distractions. The desert reflects freedom and uncluttered vision, allowing us to take stock of our lives and ourselves in an environment devoid of outside pressures. Jesus was tested, spent, and replenished in the wilderness.

Wilderness Experience

Why Jesus Loved the Wilderness and Why You Should Too
The wilderness experience has a long history in Judaism as the place of suffering, testing, and preparation.
Moses heard God in the wilderness. He led the people through the wilderness.
It was the wilderness that prepared them for the Promised Land.
The wilderness experience was common for the first-century Jewish sage. It was a place to find strength and wisdom from within.
Jesus in the Wilderness
Rabbi Kerry Olitzky writes:
For the Rabbis, the desert, the wilderness is actually a desirable place to be very different than what the English words perhaps imply.
In our parlance, the words conjure images of desolation and helplessness.
In the Rabbis view, however, the desert is a place where we can see more clearly, unencumbered by other distractions.
The desert reflects freedom and uncluttered vision, allowing us to take stock of our lives and ourselves in an environment devoid of outside pressures.”
In his wilderness experience, Jesus felt the full weight of the power of Satan, and at the same time, the full concentration of God's sustaining love.
Jesus was tested, spent, and replenished in the wilderness.
He went back to the wilderness again and again (Luke 5:16).
Here is a 3-minute devotional video explaining why you should too!
Elliz Orozco
I am a pastor, writer, and teacher. I want to help you dig deep into the life of Jesus, uncovering who he truly was in order to find the spiritual strength to live a strong, confident life and make a lasting impact on the world.

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