Saturday, July 25, 2020

WHAT IS IDOLATRY? - God created us in His image. He gave us a will and the freedom of choice - we choose to disobey Him and go our own way - this separates us from God. Idolatry is anything that comes between us and God. God is a great God, but even God can’t make the decision for us. He can help, but only we can decide. We have to make our own choice - make a decision to accept Christ today - “Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father . . .” Idolatry is anything that comes between us and God. Joshua told his people that their nation would be destroyed if they persisted in idolatry, and their souls would suffer eternal death. He said, “You must make your decision today. You must decide whether you want to serve the idols of this life, or the living God.” “Choose you this day,” said Joshua, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” What about you? Are you taking your stand with Joshua? No matter what the cost? I am asking you to choose this day whom you will serve. God has provided the only way back to Him. You must make a choice. Our families cannot choose Christ for us. Our friends cannot do it. God is a great God, but even God can’t make the decision for us. He can help, but only we can decide. We have to make our own choice. Make a decision to accept Christ today. God loves you and wants you to experience peace and eternal life.

As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord - Reusable Plastic ...
Joshua 24:15 “as for me and my house”: Translation, Meaning, Context
What Is Idolatry?
Choose Today Whom To Serve | Biblical ChristianityGod created us in His image. He gave us a will and the freedom of choice - we choose to disobey Him and go our own way - this separates us from God. Idolatry is anything that comes between us and God. God is a great God, but even God can’t make the decision for us. He can help, but only we can decide. We have to make our own choice - make a decision to accept Christ today
By Billy Graham 

“Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father . . .” - — Matthew 10:33

What is idolatry?
Idolatry is anything that comes between us and God.
Joshua told his people that their nation would be destroyed if they persisted in idolatry, and their souls would suffer eternal death.
He said, “You must make your decision today. You must decide whether you want to serve the idols of this life, or the living God.”
Vinyl Lady Decals Josh 24:15 As For Me And My House We Will Serve ...“Choose you this day,” said Joshua, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
What about you?
Are you taking your stand with Joshua? No matter what the cost?
I am asking you to choose this day whom you will serve.
Our families cannot choose Christ for us.
Our friends cannot do it.
Morning Companion: Peter Reached BackGod is a great God, but even God can’t make the decision for us. He can help, but only we can decide.
We have to make our own choice.
Prayer for the day
Lord Jesus Christ, take away the idols in my life so that, completely undivided, I may serve You, my Savior.
God loves you and wants you to experience peace and eternal life.
The Bible says:
“We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” - Romans 5:1
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16
What keeps us from having the life God planned for us?
God created us in His image. He gave us a will and the freedom of choice; we choose to disobey Him and go our own way. This separates us from God.
The Bible says:
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” - Romans 3:23
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 6:23
People have tried to bridge this gap between themselves and God.
The Bible says: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” - Proverbs 14:12
“But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” - Isaiah 59:2
No bridge reaches God … except one.
30-day Challenge: Day 10 | Our Gospel JourneyJesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave. He paid the penalty for our sin and bridged the gap between us and God.
The Bible says:
“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” - 1 Timothy 2:5
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” - 1 Peter 3:18
God has provided the only way back to Him. You must make a choice.
We must trust and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The Bible says:
“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” - John 1:12
“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” - Romans 10:9
God's Choice: If you deny Me....Which side are you on? The side with Christ or without Him?
Here is how you can accept Christ into your life:
o  Admit your need. (I am a sinner)
o  Be willing to turn from your sins. (Repent)
o  Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave.
o  Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to control your life through the Holy Spirit. (Receive him as Lord and Savior)
We suggest praying the following prayer to accept Christ as your Savior:
“Dear God,
I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness.
I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died
for my sin and that you raised Him to life.
I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord,
from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will.
I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
Did you pray this prayer?

As For Me And My House We Will Serve The Lord Vintage Modeled Sign ...
Denying Christ--Again
Matthew 10:34 KJV - Think not that I am come to send peace on ...

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