‘Do you not know
that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in
such a way that you may win it.’ - (1 Corinthians 9:24)
Beloved, turn your
eyes upon Jesus, for He’s your salvation – the prize of all prizes.
He is the way.
He is the truth.
He is the very
personification of our Father’s grace.
And He rightfully
belongs in the centre of our lives.
Whatever your
priorities are today, focus first on Jesus, and everything else will come into
For only one thing
is needful – to rest at Jesus’ feet and enjoy His presence.
Trust in His love
and grace. Focus on Jesus and His perfect work on the Cross.
When you are facing
difficulties – focus on Jesus and draw on His strength.
When you are
tempted by the evil one – focus on Jesus and His complete victory on the Cross.
Whatever you are
facing, whatever you are struggling with, whatever you are rejoicing for, lay
them all at Jesus’s feet and let His peace that surpasses all understanding
fill and saturate your heart.
Be Greatly Blessed!
We were hopelessly
lost, but you never gave up on us.
Through Jesus’
finished work, we are now redeemed and righteous.
Because of Jesus,
we can now freely receive your love and blessings.
Help me to focus on
Jesus today Lord, that I may run faithfully on the path you have set before me.
Show me where I am
losing focus. Help me to remember that you are always by my side, encouraging
me and cheering me on.
Thank you Father. I
love you and bless your Name.
In Jesus’ Mighty
The gunshot
reverberated around the stadium and the competitors were off and running.
But one stumbled
and came crashing to the ground.
Another, hearing
his name shouted out from the grandstand, turned aimlessly around and fell
Yet one more
slumped over as a sudden gut-wrenching pain overpowered him.
And so, they fell
away one by one.
Just one man ran in
such a way that he might win. And he did.
Life needs a level
of focus: to fix our eyes on a goal and not be dissuaded from it.
To run the race of
life steadily, heedless of the distractions that would cause us to run
everywhere, rather than straight ahead into the path God calls us on.
Persuaded by the
voices of others, we can easily lose focus.
Our energy is
dissipated and we became frustrated as we spread ourselves thinly over an
ever-growing circle of demands.
Paul exhorts us in
Hebrews 12 to run with perseverance the race marked out before us, throwing off
everything that hinders us and fix our eyes on Jesus, whose example of
endurance and commitment is worth following.
To run a race, we
must travel lightly.
What burdens or
distractions are weighing us down?
Bad habits,
regrets, unforgiveness, greed or selfishness are the weights that will cause us
to slow down and lose focus on the goal.
Cast them all away,
sit at Jesus feet, focus on Him and His finished work.
That is the one
thing needful.
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