
favorite day of the week is “someday.” But death knocks at every door. The Bible says that each of us has an appointment with death - that appointment may come later than you expected. On the other hand, it may come much, much sooner. Three people die every second, 180 die every minute, and 11,000 people die every hour - this means that every day, 250,000 people enter into eternity. Live every day as though you may never have another one - Live ready to step into God’s presence at any moment
Greg Laurie
“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom... You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath” - (Psalms 90:12; 39:5, NLT).
In other words, what gets you out of bed in the morning?
What gets your blood pumping? Is it an alarm clock or a calling that gets you up each and every day?
Every one of us needs some motivating passion, some ideal, something that gives our lives purpose that drives us on.
Many people are merely marking time instead of enjoying their lives.
Their favorite day of the week is “someday.”
Someday my ship will come in.
Someday my prince (or princess) will come.
Someday it’s all going to get better.
Someday my life will change.
A recent study revealed that 94 percent of the people surveyed were simply enduring the present while “waiting for something better to happen.”
But here is what people don’t plan on.
When you’re young you tell yourself, “I don’t have to even think about that for another fifty or sixty years.”
And that may true. But death knocks at every door.
The Bible says that each of us has an appointment with death: “People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” - (Hebrews 9:27, NIV).
That appointment may come later than you expected.
On the other hand, it may come much, much sooner.
This means that every day, 250,000 people enter into eternity.
What’s the bottom line? Live every day as though you may never have another one.
Live ready to step into God’s presence at any moment.
Greg Laurie
I came from a broken home and was lonely much of the time. As did so many others of my generation, I bought into the idea that drugs might contain some of the answers I was looking for, so I could truly find myself. At a very early age, I found myself asking the big questions: What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? And the one that really kept me up nights: What will happen after I die?
Although I felt certain that Jesus was out there somewhere, I certainly did not think He was interested in me or my problems. But one day, on my high-school campus, I sat close enough to a Bible study to overhear what was being said without looking like one of the group. I don’t remember much of what was said that day except for one statement: Jesus said, “You are either for Me or against Me.” What side are you on?
That really struck me. Before I knew quite what was happening, I was praying to receive Jesus Christ into my heart and life. Since that day in 1970, I have pastored a church and written a number of books as well as preached in evangelistic events we hold called Harvest Crusades.
Growing up, it was my dream to one day become a professional cartoonist, but God opened up a different plan for my life, and I’m glad he did. I hope you will allow God to use you to further His kingdom as well.

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