Sunday, July 19, 2020

THE CORD OF THREE STRANDS - When three strands are twisted together a rope is produced in which the strands are firmly pressed against each other - it is impossible to pull one of the strands loose from the rope. The greater the tension on the rope, when it is pulled, the firmer the strands become pressed against each other - a cord of three strands, or a rope of three stands, is a splendid image of a trinity. “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him — a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” - A trinity is mentioned frequently in the Bible. God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and man, as body, soul and spirit. A trinity that symbolises great strength is illustrated in Ecclesiastes 4:12. Rope for daily use is usually manufactured from three strands. A strand contains several hemp fibres twisted together . Three of these strands are twisted together so that a rope is made, as illustrated here. The three strands ensure that a stable rope is made. A rope made from two strands twisted together would have no stability. Four strands also produce an unstable rope. The four strands will slide over each other, so that three of them will end up next to each other, with the fourth on the outside. A cable with four strands will only be stable if a solid core is laid in the middle. When three strands are twisted together a rope is produced in which the strands are firmly pressed against each other. It is impossible to pull one of the strands loose from the rope.

Rope constructions | Marlow Ropes
What Does Ecclesiastes 4:12 Mean?The cord of three strands
Torasophy: A Biblical Humanism (Part I) | 3 Quarks Daily
When three strands are twisted together a rope is produced in which the strands are firmly pressed against each other - it is impossible to pull one of the strands loose from the rope. The greater the tension on the rope, when it is pulled, the firmer the strands become pressed against each other - a cord of three strands, or a rope of three stands, is a splendid image of a trinity, which cannot be broken quickly
The School of Life

12 And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him — a threefold cord is not quickly broken".” - Ecclesiastes 4:12 English Standard Version

A trinity is mentioned frequently in the Bible.
For example God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and man, as body, soul and spirit.
A trinity that symbolises great strength is illustrated in Ecclesiastes 4:12, which states:
“A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” 
Rope for daily use is usually manufactured from three strands.
A strand contains several hemp fibres twisted together – nowadays these are often made of plastic.
Three of these strands are twisted together so that a rope is made, as illustrated here.
The three strands ensure that a stable rope is made.
A rope made from two strands twisted together would have no stability.
(the rings in the illustrations represent strands, which consist of several separate threads.)
Four strands also produce an unstable rope.
The four strands will slide over each other, so that three of them will end up next to each other, with the fourth on the outside.
A cable with four strands will only be stable if a solid core is laid in the middle.
When three strands are twisted together a rope is produced in which the strands are firmly pressed against each other.
It is impossible to pull one of the strands loose from the rope.
The greater the tension on the rope, when it is pulled, the firmer the strands become pressed against each other.
This rope, with three strands twisted together, will not break quickly.
A cord of three strands, or a rope of three stands, is a splendid image of a trinity, which cannot be broken quickly.

Why The School of Life
To get acquainted with life to the full !
A signpost !
We have several ‘teachers’ throughout our life: parents, family, nursery, schoolteachers, employers, colleagues, and friends (male and female) too – simply the people around us. They all exercise an influence on how we think and act.
They each have their own view of life, as a result of which we are exposed to many different opinions. These are sometimes contradictory, so that it can be difficult to choose one’s own way through life.
Nothing gives more satisfaction than getting rid of confusion and uncertainty.
This is why it is important to know that there exists an extraordinary “Manual for Life”.
We are not given this extraordinary ‘Manual’ at birth, even though it was written long before we were born.
t was written for every human being, wherever in the world, and points the way to experiencing full joy and peace in this life.
What one needs to do, is to read and study this ‘Manual’.
The School of Life wants to be of assistance in understanding the ‘Manual’, so that life can be experience as intended.
Celebrating Jesus at Christmas (Week 5) - First Baptist Church

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