Sunday, May 31, 2020

STRENGTH FOR THE FEARFUL - Staying focused on the Lord can be hard - thankfully, we serve an almighty God who says, “Surely I will help you.” We can count on Him. Let’s decide to trust in the promises God has given us – He has filled His Word with scriptural anchors to keep His children steady in the faith - “ you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, ‘You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off’; fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish. You shall seek those who contend with you, but you shall not find them; those who war against you shall be as nothing at all. For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Underline Isaiah 41 in your Bible and meditate on it frequently. When one of God’s people is seeking an anchor in turbulent times, this is the right passage for the job. Here, Isaiah writes about the source of Christians’ strength. In Isaiah 41:10 alone, the Lord promises strength, help, and protection. Moreover, He gives two commands: “Do not fear” and “Do not anxiously look about you.” We serve an almighty God who says, “Surely I will help you.” We can count on Him. Let us trust in the promises God has given us.

25 Bible Verses About Courage Help You Overcome Fear

Be not afraidStrength for the Fearful

Be Strong and Courageous: How to Rest in God When Fear Overwhelms YouStaying focused on the Lord can be hard - thankfully, we serve an almighty God who says, “Surely I will help you.” We can count on Him. Let’s decide to trust in the promises God has given us – He has filled His Word with scriptural anchors to keep His children steady in the faith
Charles Stanley

9 you whom I took from the ends of the earth,
    and called from its farthest corners,
saying to you, ‘You are my servant,
    I have chosen you and not cast you off’;
10 fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
11 Behold, all who are incensed against you
    shall be put to shame and confounded;
those who strive against you
    shall be as nothing and shall perish.
12 You shall seek those who contend with you,
    but you shall not find them;
those who war against you
    shall be as nothing at all.
13 For I, the Lord your God,
    hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not,
    I am the one who helps you.’”
- Isaiah 41:9-13 English Standard Version

I recommend that believers underline Isaiah 41 in their Bible and meditate on it frequently.
Outsmarting Our Primitive Responses to Fear - The New York TimesWhen one of God’s people is seeking an anchor in turbulent times, this is the right passage for the job.
Here, Isaiah writes about the source of Christians’ strength.
In Isaiah 41:10 alone, the Lord promises strength, help, and protection.
Moreover, He gives two commands: “Do not fear” and “Do not anxiously look about you.”
Among Satan’s subtle and successful traps is the art of distraction.
The evil one knows that fear can choke faith.
He works hard to make unsettling circumstances a person’s sole focus.
Once a believer’s attention is diverted from God, natural human tendencies take over.
In the absence of prayer and worship, anxiety and doubt grow unobstructed.
How to overcome your fears | TED TalksStaying focused on the Lord can be hard. The flesh prefers to seek security by thinking through all possible angles.
Our tendency is to weigh what we think could happen against what “experts” say will happen, and then to evaluate possible ways of preventing our worst fears from coming true.
Instead of becoming more confident, we begin to realize how powerless we are.
Thankfully, we serve an almighty God who says, “Surely I will help you” (Isaiah 41:10).
We can count on Him.
By focusing on our circumstances, we’re actually choosing to feel anxiety and doubt. But these emotions don’t belong in a believer’s daily life.
Instead, let’s decide to trust in the promises God has given us.
He’s filled His Word with scriptural anchors to keep His children steady in the faith.

Charles F. Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times  best-selling author. While his teaching is transmitted throughout the world to millions of people, Dr. Stanley has been said to demonstrate a practical, keen awareness of people's needs and provide Christ-centered, biblically-based principles for everyday life.
Dr. Stanley’s motivation is best represented by the truth found in Acts 20:24, “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about God's mighty kindness and love.” This is because, as he says, “It is the Word of God and the work of God that changes people’s lives.”

YOU CAN’T MESS UP GOD'S PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE - The love of Jesus is multidimensional; it has breadth. It is an extensive, all-encompassing ocean of adoration that covers you in dark seasons and protects you through the night. The love of Jesus has length; it goes the distance. His love is better than your worst day, stronger than the most defiant will and more forgiving than your cruelest sin. The agape love of Christ has height; it exceeds all your expectations - Have you ever needed to make an important life decision and felt the weight of the world pressing down on your shoulders as you wrestle with the question — what is the right choice? The pressure can paralyze you as you struggle to decipher God's will for your life, and perhaps even wrestle with the thought that you could mess it all up, or miss out on what He's leading you to do. The load can feel unbearable, the anxiety smothering and the fear immobilizing. As we journey through life, we often come to crossroads and can see only two distinct options: On one hand, we could choose God's will, or we could completely miss it. We could make the right choice or the wrong one. We could either pass or fail; thrive or settle. When we view the outcome of our decisions this way, with only one option to succeed, the stakes can feel extremely high. I love the truth that the prophet Jeremiah declares, "For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Can You Mess Up God's Plan for Your Life?
The love of Jesus is multidimensional; it has breadth. It is an extensive, all-encompassing ocean of adoration that covers you in dark seasons and protects you through the night. The love of Jesus has length; it goes the distance. His love is better than your worst day, stronger than the most defiant will and more forgiving than your cruelest sin. The agape love of Christ has height; it exceeds all your expectations.
Author - Kris Vallotton

Have you ever needed to make an important life decision and felt the weight of the world pressing down on your shoulders as you wrestle with the question — what is the right choice?
The pressure can paralyze you as you struggle to decipher God's will for your life, and perhaps even wrestle with the thought that you could mess it all up, or miss out on what He's leading you to do.
The truth is that we have all been there, including me. The load can feel unbearable, the anxiety smothering and the fear immobilizing.
As we journey through life, we often come to crossroads and can see only two distinct options: On one hand, we could choose God's will, or we could completely miss it.
We could make the right choice or the wrong one. We could either pass or fail; thrive or settle.
When we view the outcome of our decisions this way, with only one option to succeed, the stakes can feel extremely high.
I love the truth that the prophet Jeremiah declares, "For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11).
Did you catch that God has plans? That's plural, people! Not just one single plan!
Check out this video to hear more about God's many plans for your life, or scroll to read the video summary:
In summary:
·         Jesus was crucified from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8).
Isn't it interesting that before Adam had a problem, God had an answer?
Have you ever failed so miserably that you thought you messed up God's plan?
He's had an answer for that since the foundation of the world!
·         Do you know why Jesus, the King of kings, was born in a manger? Practically speaking, it was because there was no room in the hotel.
Wouldn't you think that God, who planned this event since the foundation of the world, could have orchestrated a place for Jesus to be born?
What we can learn here is that sometimes we think if God has called us to do something, that everything is supposed to go smoothly.
However, this is not always true! A perfect plan and smooth sailing is not always an indicator of God's will!
·         God has a purpose for our lives, not a singular plan — but He has many plans to get us to our purpose.
·         Several years ago, I heard a message by Mark Chironna.
·         He broke down Jeremiah 29:11 and explained that the word "plans" in Hebrew actually means "purpose, destiny, invention and design."
In fact, the New King James Version says, "I know the thoughts I have for you."
·         Mark went on to share that God doesn't have a plan for your life, He has a purpose for your life, and He has a lot of plans to get you to your purpose.
·         What does that mean for us? We can't mess it up!
If you mess up plan A, He's got a plan B, C and D to get you where you need to go.
He can redirect and change the plan one thousand times to meet the purpose.
You Can't Mess It Up
I really want you to get this: You cannot mess up God's purpose for your life! He has many plans to get you to your purpose.
So today, let's take the high stakes out of the equation of our destinies, take the weight of the world off of our shoulders and take a deep breath under the comfort of the Prince of Peace.
God wasn't surprised or panicked that there was no room for Jesus to be born in an inn.
In the same way, He's not surprised that your life has not been perfect. Perfection was never the plan!
And guess what? Whatever decisions you're facing today, He is with you in them, and He's championing you into the incredible purpose He has set before you.
I want to encourage you that no matter where you're at in your journey or what crossroads you perceive to be in front of you, keep moving forward and pressing into Him.
Let Love Cover You in Your Decisions and Plans
God is a good Father, not a circus ring leader trying to get you to walk a tightrope through life.
I pray that regardless of the mountains you're climbing, the decisions you're processing or the challenges you're facing, you would be wrapped in God's multifaceted love today.
God's love is a powerful force through which we can interpret all of life's experiences.
Remember the Scriptures say, "that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:17–19).
The love of Jesus is multidimensional; it has breadth.
It is an extensive, all-encompassing ocean of adoration that covers you in dark seasons and protects you through the night.
The love of Jesus has length; it goes the distance.
You can't fall so far that it can't catch you, run so fast that it can't get you or hide so well that it can't find you.
His love is better than your worst day, stronger than the most defiant will and more forgiving than your cruelest sin.
When you give up, love goes on; when you fall down, it picks you up.
Love gives courage when you're afraid, hope when you feel helpless, and strength when you're weary. Love goes the distance!
The agape love of Christ has height; it exceeds all your expectations.
Paul emphasizes this dimension of God's love in the next verse when he writes that God "is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us" (Ephesians 3:20).
If you've asked for it, love gives more; if you've thought it, love takes it higher.
If you've dreamed big, love dreams bigger; if you've aimed high, love aims higher.
You dream of a family; love dreams of a legacy. You ask for a job; love finds you a destiny.
You hope for peace; love longs for a ministry.
You pray for heaven; love gives you His city.
Go ahead, think really big — but it will never compare to what love has already planned for you!
Do you struggle with a religious tightrope mentality? How do you work through that?
Are you facing a big life decision right now? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

Kris Vallotton is the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). Kris travels internationally, training and equipping people to successfully fulfill their divine purpose. He's a best-selling author, having written more than a dozen books and training manuals to help prepare believers for life in the kingdom. He has a diverse background in business, counseling, consulting, pastoring and teaching, which gives him unique leadership insights and perspectives. Kris has a passion to use his experience and his prophetic gift to assist world leaders in achieving their goals and accomplishing their mission.

NOTORIOUS DOOMSDAY PROPHETS AND CULTS - The ancient Mayan civilization – once an empire whose sphere of influence stretched from Central Mexico to Guatemala – is widely known for its advanced calendaring system. Originating as far back as the 5th century B.C.E., the calendar ends on December 21st, 2012. The mystery-shrouded date has served as fodder for doomsday prophets worldwide. The astrological consultant Nostradamus was most famous for his book Les Propheties, published in 1555. An American Baptist preacher, William Miller is credited as the founder of Adventism (heir to the Jehovah’s Witnesses). Miller prophesied The End in 1844. For Miller, the apocalypse would entail a great fire in which saints would be resurrected and all evil would be annihilated. Also known as the “mad messiah,” Jim Jones was founder and leader of the “People’s Temple.” Jones is notorious for the November 18, 1978 mass murder of more than 900 Temple members there. The Waco Branch Davidians based their faith on apocalypticism. David Koresh claimed himself their final prophet. The Davidian movement went up in flames during a siege in Waco, Texas, in 1993. Heaven’s Gate followers believed in UFOs and impending doom, for which the only escape was to voluntarily “turn against the next level” by committing suicide. Aum Founder Shoko Asahara was convicted of masterminding the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.

Heaven’s Gate followers believed in UFO’s and impending doom, for which the only escape was to voluntarily “turn against the next level” by committing suicide. The New Age leaders of the group, Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles, convinced members that their “evacuation” plan would be a fast-approaching UFO which would act as their mode of transport to beyond. Text of the Applewhite/Nettles mantra reads: “Apparently they aimed to avoid a “spading.” The 39 members of the group died wearing ar
December 21, 2012 -- the end date in the ancient Mayan calendar. Will it bring the Apocalypse? However you choose to characterize THE END, recent tsunamis, earthquakes, and revolutions certainly make the notion of impending global calamity seem feasible. But this isnÕt the first time society has entertained end-times speculation. Click ahead to see some of the most notorious prophets and doomsday groups in history.
December 21, 2012 -- the end date in the ancient Mayan calendar.
Will it bring the Apocalypse? However you choose to characterize THE END,
recent tsunamis, earthquakes, and revolutions certainly make the notion
 of impending global calamity seem feasible. But this isn’t
 the first time society has entertained end-times speculation.
Notorious Doomsday Prophets and Cults
By Jennifer Leigh Parker

Notorious Doomsday Prophets
December 21, 2012 -- the end date in the ancient Mayan calendar. Will it bring the Apocalypse? However you choose to characterize THE END, recent tsunamis, earthquakes, and revolutions certainly make the notion of impending global calamity seem feasible. But this isn’t the first time society has entertained end-times speculation.
The Mayans
The ancient Mayan civilization – once an empire whose sphere of influence stretched from Central Mexico to Guatemala – is widely known for its advanced calendaring system. Originating as far back as the 5 century B.C.E., the calendar ends on December 21st, 2012. The mystery-shrouded meaning of this date has served as fodder for doomsday prophets worldwide. But before you run out wearing your cardboard sign necklace, note that the collapse of ancient Mayan civilization was reportedly self-inflict

The ancient Mayan civilization – once an empire whose sphere of influence stretched from Central Mexico to Guatemala – is widely known for its advanced calendaring system. Originating as far back as the 5th century B.C.E., the calendar ends on December 21st, 2012.
The mystery-shrouded meaning of this date has served as fodder for doomsday prophets worldwide.
But before you run out wearing your cardboard sign necklace, note that the collapse of ancient Mayan civilization was reportedly self-inflicted.
According to Mayan scholars, non-productive members of society such as the aristocracy and priesthood exhausted their resources.
Yet millions of people today trust them with an end of the world prediction.
If they were prophetic, wouldn’t they have foreseen the implosion of their own society, and worked to avoid it?
While Dec. 21, 2012 is the last date on the Mayan calendar, no mention of catastrophe was ever mentioned by the Maya.
Whether or not you believe in doomsday 2012, Mayan history does warn against ignoring signs our own demise.
The astrological consultant Nostradamus was most famous for his book , published in 1555. The book, still in print today, contained collections of cryptic prophecies called quatrains. An example:Interpret him as you will -- followers of Nostradamus believe his quatrains predicted major historical events, such as the French Revolution, the atomic bomb, the rise of Hitler and even 9/11. Note that credit given to the “seer” has only ever been in hindsight, and that no one has been able to interpretThe astrological consultant Nostradamus was most famous for his book Les Propheties, published in 1555.
The book, still in print today, contained collections of cryptic prophecies called quatrains. An example:
Century I Quatrain 46
“Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande
a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights.
The cause will appear both stupefying and marvellous;
shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake.”
Interpret him as you will -- followers of Nostradamus believe his quatrains predicted major historical events, such as the French Revolution, the atomic bomb, the rise of Hitler and even 9/11.
Note that credit given to the “seer” has only ever been in hindsight, and that no one has been able to interpret Les Propheties specifically enough to identify any event in advance.
As for the end of the world, 2012 is not in the cards. Nostradamus predicted it to be the year 3786 or 3797, depending on which expert you believe.
William Miller and the Millerites
Looks like a man with the plan. An American Baptist preacher, Miller is credited as the founder of Adventism (heir to the Jehovah’s Witnesses). Miller prophesied The End in 1844, based on Bible passage Daniel 8:14: "Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." Assuming ‘cleansing’ meant a purifying apocalypse, Miller predicted its occurrence during ‘Advent,’ or Christ’s Second Coming. For Miller, the apocalypse would entail a great fire in which saints would bAn American Baptist preacher, Miller is credited as the founder of Adventism (heir to the Jehovah’s Witnesses).
Miller prophesied The End in 1844, based on Bible passage Daniel 8:14: “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”
This image is of a Millerite prophetic time chart from 1843, about the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
Assuming ‘cleansing’ meant a purifying apocalypse, Miller predicted its occurrence during ‘Advent,’ or Christ’s Second Coming.
For Miller, the apocalypse would entail a great fire in which saints would be resurrected and all evil would be annihilated.
In his conferences on the Advent, Miller wrote: “I was thus brought to the solemn conclusion, that in about 25 years from that time 1818 all the affairs of our present state would be wound up.”
His final prediction settled on 1844.
Needless to say, the dissolution of his followers on the “the 10th day of the seventh month of the present year, 1844,” is now referred to as “The Great Disappointment.”
Jim Jones
Also known as the “mad messiah,” Jones was founder and leader of the “People’s Temple.” In 1965, Jones claimed that the world would be engulfed in a nuclear war on July 15, 1967. When that didn’t happen, Jones went about establishing his communist commune in “Jonestown” in Guyana. The isolated jungle land leased by Jones from the Guyanese government was used as the location of the People’s Temple. Jones is notorious for the November 18, 1978 mass murder of more than 900 Temple members there. RecAlso known as the “mad messiah,” Jones was founder and leader of the “People’s Temple.”
In 1965, Jones claimed that the world would be engulfed in a nuclear war on July 15, 1967.
When that didn’t happen, Jones went about establishing his communist commune in “Jonestown” in Guyana.
The isolated jungle land leased by Jones from the Guyanese government was used as the location of the People’s Temple.
Jones is notorious for the November 18, 1978 mass murder of more than 900 Temple members there.
Recorded on audiotape, the cult leader convinced members to commit “revolutionary suicide” by ingesting cyanide poisoning in protest against capitalism.
The incident was the single greatest loss of American life in a non-natural disaster until Sept. 11, 2001.
Jones died alongside temple members of a self-inflicted gun wound.
David Koresh and the Branch Davidians
The Waco Branch Davidians based their faith on apocalypticism. The actions of this religious sect were predicated on the notion that they lived in the final times according to the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. David Koresh claimed himself their final prophet. The Davidian movement went up in flames during a siege in Waco, Texas, in 1993. Leader Koresh named the group’s headquarters “Ranch Apocalypse.” His followers lived with him waiting for the apocalypse, but instead met fiery endThe Waco Branch Davidians based their faith on apocalypticism.
The actions of this religious sect were predicated on the notion that they lived in the final times according to the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible.
David Koresh claimed himself their final prophet. The Davidian movement went up in flames during a siege in Waco, Texas, in 1993.
Leader Koresh named the group’s headquarters “Ranch Apocalypse.” His followers lived with him waiting for the apocalypse, but instead met a fiery end fighting the FBI.
During the siege, 76 Branch Davidians, including Koresh, died barricaded in their building when it caught fire.
Heaven’s Gate
Heaven’s Gate followers believed in UFO’s and impending doom, for which the only escape was to voluntarily “turn against the next level” by committing suicide. The New Age leaders of the group, Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles, convinced members that their “evacuation” plan would be a fast-approaching UFO which would act as their mode of transport to beyond. Text of the Applewhite/Nettles mantra reads: “Apparently they aimed to avoid a “spading.” The 39 members of the group died wearing arHeaven’s Gate followers believed in UFOs and impending doom, for which the only escape was to voluntarily “turn against the next level” by committing suicide.
The leaders of the group, Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles, convinced members that their “evacuation” plan would be a fast-approaching UFO which would act as their mode of transport to beyond.
Text of the Applewhite/Nettles mantra reads: “Since this is the close of the Age, the battle in the Heavens with their servants on Earth will be the means of that closing and the spading under of the plants (including the humans) of this civilization.”
Apparently, they aimed to avoid a “spading.”
The 39 members of the group died wearing arm patches that read: “Heaven’s Gate Away Team,” after having spent $10,000 on alien abduction insurance.
Aum Shinrikyo
“Aum” was a Japanese religious movement founded by Shoko Asahara. His 1984 doomsday prophecy described a final conflict culminating in a nuclear "Armageddon", borrowing again the term from the Book of Revelation. According to Robert Jay Lifton, author of “Destroying the World to Save It: Aum Shinrikyo, Apocalyptic Violence, and the New Global Terrorism,” Asahara predicted Armageddon would occur in 1997, and that humanity would end, except (surprise!) for the elite few who joined Aum.Founder Shok“Aum” was a Japanese religious movement founded by Shoko Asahara.
His 1984 doomsday prophecy described a final conflict culminating in a nuclear “Armageddon”, borrowing again the term from the Book of Revelation.
According to Robert Jay Lifton, author of “Destroying the World to Save It: Aum Shinrikyo, Apocalyptic Violence, and the New Global Terrorism,” Asahara predicted Armageddon would occur in 1997, and that humanity would end, except (surprise!) for the elite few who joined Aum.
Founder Shoko Asahara was convicted of masterminding the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.
According to the Japan Times, the subway nerve gas attack killed 12 people and injured some 5,500.
For this crime, among others, Asahara was sentenced to death. His appeal against the sentence was unsuccessful, and he is currently awaiting execution.
James Rawles and the Survivalists
Somewhat outside the realm of religious cults we have survivalists, who are convinced doom is certain, imminent, and that they must be prepared. Dominating the survivalist underground blogosphere as editor of is James Rawles, who also wrote "How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It" -- presumably holed up on a remote farm in what he calls the “hinter boonies.” Rawles’ version of impending doom involves a vaguely defined socio-economic collapse caused initially by a power grid failure. “
Somewhat outside the realm of religious prophets are survivalists, who are convinced doom is certain, imminent, and that they must be prepared.
Dominating the survivalist underground blogosphere as editor of is James Rawles, who also wrote “How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It” — presumably holed up on a remote farm in what he calls the “hinter boonies.”
Rawles’ version of impending doom involves a vaguely defined socio-economic collapse caused initially by a power grid failure.
“[The power grid] is the real linchpin of society. It fuels our economy, and controls all automatic-ordering systems. Without it, our economy would just shut down. In winter, you’d see a mass out-migration from cities as refugees flood the countryside.”
So, how do survivalists prepare? Rawles says any “prepper worth his salt” has a self-sufficient retreat replete with stored firewood or coal, with years worth of food stores.
The serious ones have their own gardens and livestock. “It’s important to be well-armed, and take advanced medical training.”
Yet for Rawles and his followers, preparing for the worst is a lifestyle. He adds, proudly: “Just today I was out in my barn getting ready for the delivery of a new dairy cow.”

Jennifer Leigh Parker is a writer, reporter, and editor with more than 10 years of experience, including full-time positions at CNBC, Bloomberg News, and Surface Media. Her travel coverage has been featured on Bloomberg Radio, published by The Week, and syndicated by the Washington Post.
The astrological consultant Nostradamus was most famous for his book , published in 1555. The book, still in print today, contained collections of cryptic prophecies called quatrains. An example:Interpret him as you will -- followers of Nostradamus believe his quatrains predicted major historical events, such as the French Revolution, the atomic bomb, the rise of Hitler and even 9/11. Note that credit given to the “seer” has only ever been in hindsight, and that no one has been able to interpret

DON'T LOSE FOCUS - We, who know Jesus and have given our lives to His purposes have a big task at hand - there is a world of people who are hungry to know God and the time is short. Yes, we may come across some obstacles along the way but we cannot let them distract us from our calling - people are searching and we who love God must all contribute and stay focused - “Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now has been made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures has been made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith - to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.” - Colonel G.W. Goethals, the man responsible for the completion of the Panama Canal, had major problems with the climate and the geography as it was being built. He had an even bigger problem. It was the growing criticism back home from those who predicted he'd never finish the project and had opinions about how to do it better. One day, a colleague asked him, "Aren't you going to answer all these critics?" "In time," answered Goethals. "When?" his partner asked. "When the canal is finished.” There is a world of people who are hungry to know God and the time is short. People are searching.

Panama Canal Says Its Not Privatising Any Of Its Services
ThePanamaCanal Instagram posts (photos and videos) -
Don't lose focus!
Travel Tips for your Panama Canal Cruise • a farmgirl's dabblesWe, who know Jesus and have given our lives to His purposes have a big task at hand -there is a world of people who are hungry to know God and the time is short. Yes, we may come across some obstacles along the way but we cannot let them distract us from our calling - people are searching and we who love God must all contribute and stay focused
Worthy Ministries

“Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now has been made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures has been made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith-- to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.” Romans 16:25-27

George Washington Goethals - Alchetron, the free social encyclopediaColonel G.W. Goethals, the man responsible for the completion of the Panama Canal, had major problems with the climate and the geography as it was being built.
If that wasn't enough to deal with, he had an even bigger problem.
It was the growing criticism back home from those who predicted he'd never finish the project and had opinions about how to do it better.
One day, a colleague asked him, "Aren't you going to answer all these critics?"
"In time," answered Goethals.
15 Best Panama Canal Tours - The Crazy Tourist"When?" his partner asked.
"When the canal is finished.”
We, who know Yeshua (Jesus) and have given our lives to his purposes have a big task at hand -- a bit bigger, I would say, than the building the Panama Canal.
There is a world of people who are hungry to know God and the time is short.
The climate and geography may not be ideal and people around us might be critical, but the task still remains -- and we who love God must all contribute and stay focused!
Yes, we may come across some obstacles along the way but we cannot let them distract us from our calling!
romans 16 25 27 establish according gospelIf you haven't been focused on sharing the Good News of Messiah with the lost, let's take this opportunity make it a goal today.
If each of us led only one person to the Kingdom, can you imagine what a difference that would make?
Let's make it a point to lead at least one person to the Lord before the holidays!
People are searching -- it's not as hard as you think!

Worthy Ministries is a Christian organization based in the United States and Israel with a global outreach to more than 120 countries on a daily basis.
Though we are an internet ministry, we are also significantly involved in the land of Israel.
Each week, Worthy Ministries delivers thousands of daily devotionals and news briefs across the globe. This past year alone, we have sent out more than 5.2 million news briefs and inspirational devotionals. We have received thousands of encouraging responses from appreciative subscribers. And many millions have utilized our sites and services, including Worthy News, Worthy Chat, Worthy Devotions, and Worthy Christian Forums.
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