Friday, April 5, 2019

DREAM BIG! - You have a dream. But now your circumstances have changed so much that the dream seems like it was from another lifetime. Life has been so painful that you have given up on your dream. But God still has a dream for you! Get quiet. Make time to rest in God’s presence. God is the author of your dream. He wants you to accomplish your purpose for His glory. God created and authored you and me. He is the author of our life story. God has more planned for us than we could ask or even imagine. Think of it: more than we can imagine.

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Dream BIG!

by Inspiration Ministries

Do you have a dream?
Or did you have a dream in the past, but now your circumstances have changed so much that the dream seems like it was from another lifetime?
Maybe life has been so hard or painful that you have given up on your dream … or maybe you’ve never dared to dream at all.
But do you know what? God still has a dream for you!
Today, I invite you to STOP.
Get quiet. Make time to rest in God’s presence.
Now ask your Abba Father (your Papa) to help you remember - or perhaps help you to see for the very first time - the dream or purpose for your life that He has put in your heart.
Second Timothy 1:9 says God has “saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.” 
God is the author of your dream. He wants you to accomplish your purpose for His glory.
God is the Creator and Author of the earth and all it contains.
This means He created and authored you and me. He is the author of our life story.
God has more planned for us than we could ask or even imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
Think of it: more than we can imagine.
I have a pretty big imagination … how about you?
Whatever your circumstances are today, God has more planned for you!
As He fulfills His dreams for your life, you will experience the MORE He has purposed for you.

Discovering God’s Dream for Your Life

Ever since I can remember, I’ve sensed that something great was going to happen in my life.
I met the Lord as a young girl and was taught that nothing is impossible with God, so my heart has always been open to the possibilities.
Even if you are a new Believer, God has a wonderful dream for you.
I know it may not seem like it right now.
If you are going through a very painful time, you might be thinking, “God has a purpose for me?
I can barely get through the day. How can I possibly take time to dream with God?”
My reply to you is, “How can you not?”
Please know that I’m not trying to minimize your situation.
I’m trying to help you see that dreaming with God and recognizing His unique purpose for you is the start of a new beginning and the way out of your circumstances into a new way of living.
How many of us just settle for whatever life hands us?
We go through our daily routine stuck in a rut.
Every night, we reach for the TV remote and then sit there like a blob, wishing something new or exciting would happen in our lives.
I’ve heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Does this describe you?
I would even go so far as to say that our attitude makes up 90% of whether we will be all God wants us to be or fail to experience His great dream for us.
Don’t allow your attitude to keep you from walking into your destiny with God!
Something has to change … and it’s US! It certainly isn’t God.
Yet we have to make a conscious decision to change. But how?
Begin by praying. Open your Bible to the Psalms.
Read them out loud. Why?
Because reading Scripture aloud builds our faith: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).
There is life in the Word, and hearing it will truly lift our spirits.
Then have an open dialogue with God.
Yes, He will speak back to you.
God’s Word promises that you are His sheep and you know His voice (John 10:4).
You may not hear His audible voice, but you will begin to hear the Lord speak to you in your spirit.
At first, you may not easily recognize His voice, but as you learn to rest in His presence, wait on Him, and listen, He will share His thoughts, plans, and purpose for your life.

Jesus Loves You

I encourage you to take a step of faith today.
God is there with you, right now, patiently waiting for you to make up your mind to stop, get quiet, and rest in His presence.
Please let my life be an example to you, dear friend.
My heart’s desire is to please my Heavenly Father.
And as I’ve shared with you over the past few months, my new adventure of returning to school at 61 years of age to get my degree in counseling is pleasing to Him … and so exciting and wonderful to me!
When all is said and done, like Abraham, I want my testimony to be that I believed and obeyed God, and it was accounted to me as righteousness (Genesis 15:6).
Even though life is hard sometimes, I wouldn’t change it.
Living every day with God is a grand adventure. My prayer is that you will discover this truth as well.
Jesus loves you so much!
By allowing Him to work His purpose in you, you’ll experience more peace and joy than you have ever dreamed.
Lives will be touched and changed forever because of your obedience to His call.
And whatever He asks of you, He will provide what you need, when you need it, for His glory.
Trust Him and see what He will do through you!
Your friend on the journey,
David Sig
Barbara Cerullo is devoted to authentically sharing God’s love with women. She authors From Barbara’s Heart, where her spiritual insights, heartwarming family stories, and delightful anecdotes encourage readers with God’s faithfulness. Her husband, David, is CEO of Inspiration Ministries.

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