Thursday, December 17, 2020

BY THIS WE KNOW LOVE - As we relish the goodness of God, let it naturally fill our lives and touch those around us as well. Let the healing balm of God’s compassion soothe all who are hurting. Let peace, forgiveness, and rest fill our hearts. Let favour replace hatred, blessings replace cursings, life replace death. All’s well when we dwell in God’s love. May His compassion reign. - ‘By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us’ - We love, because He first loved us - remember Jesus’ compassion today. He laid down His life and suffered on the Cross so that we may be saved and enjoy the blessings of God. And part of that blessing, is that we have also inherited a heart of compassion. If God’s people are to be living examples of one thing, that ought to be compassion. And yet our first response is often something else. They should know better than to make such a mess of their lives. Showing compassion will interrupt our comfort and security. It may be an inconvenience. But if we are to be people after God’s own heart, showing compassion should not be an option. Showing compassion is helping practically, giving sacrificially and loving without judgement or bias. It can be offering a meal, driving another when they have no fuel or sitting beside someone and crying with them in their soul-crushed state. Compassion begins where loud applause and cheering ends. In fact, the best acts of compassion will never be known to others. They are the kind acts we do in obscurity.


By This We Know Love

For those who have been forgiven much, love much. We love because He first loved us.


As we relish the goodness of God, let it naturally fill our lives and touch those around us as well. Let the healing balm of God’s compassion soothe all who are hurting. Let peace, forgiveness, and rest fill our hearts. Let favour replace hatred, blessings replace cursings, life replace death. All’s well when we dwell in God’s love - may His compassion reign

‘By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us’ - (1 John 3:16)


We love, because He first loved us.

Beloved, remember Jesus’ compassion today.

He laid down His life and suffered on the Cross so that we may be saved and enjoy the blessings of God.

And part of that blessing, is that we have also inherited a heart of compassion.

As we relish the goodness of God, let it naturally fill our lives and touch those around us as well.

Let the healing balm of God’s compassion soothe all who are hurting.

Let peace, forgiveness, and rest fill our hearts.

Let favour replace hatred, blessings replace cursings, life replace death.

All’s well when we dwell in God’s love.

May His compassion reign.

Be Greatly Blessed!


Father, God of all compassion, create in me a heart that is full of love for those who need help.

Show me, within the context of my own life, how I might show care and concern to those you direct me to.

Surround me with your presence. Fill me with your love, blessings and favour.

So that it may overflow and touch the lives of those around me.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


What is our first response when we see another in need? Judgement, criticism, anger or compassion?

If God’s people are to be living examples of one thing, that ought to be compassion.

And yet our first response is often something else.

How could that person have got themselves into this mess?

Why should I go out of my way to help?

Can’t someone else rescue them?

They should know better than to make such a mess of their lives.

Showing compassion will interrupt our comfort and security. It may be an inconvenience.

But if we are to be people after God’s own heart, showing compassion should not be an option.

Showing compassion is helping practically, giving sacrificially and loving without judgement or bias.

It can be offering a meal, driving another when they have no fuel or sitting beside someone and crying with them in their soul-crushed state.

Compassion begins where loud applause and cheering ends.

In fact, the best acts of compassion will never be known to others. They are the kind acts we do in obscurity.

Our compassion is known only to the receiver and it is given with no thought of thanks or gain.

Compassion is a service done unto the Lord for His glory alone.

Genuine compassion takes risks.

Genuine compassion gives away what most people cling to and reaches out when most people would hold back.

Their caring brings them up close to feel the pain of others and genuine compassion is prepared to do whatever is necessary to demonstrate true concern.

Consider our response to the need of others today.

Or are we so removed from the needy that we don’t know how to respond?

Do we see those who are struggling, who require our help, as an inconvenience, or a threat to our own comfortable and secure lifestyle?

God’s heart goes out to the poor, the needy and the lost. Our hearts ought to ache for these people too. 

But above all, remember God’s forgiveness and His love for you.

For those who have been forgiven much, love much. We love because He first loved us.

It is through understanding God’s love for us that we can develop the heartfelt response through the overflowing of His compassion in us.

So love freely, for you have already been loved completely.

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