Could monkeys type the
23rd Psalm?
The chance that
even the simplest self-reproducing life forms might have emerged by
evolutionary processes) is comparable with the chance that ‘a tornado sweeping
through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.’ The
obvious inference from science, as well as the obvious implications of
Scripture, is that the original creation of living things involved the very
opposite of chance, namely, the imposition of external intelligence on to
matter by an original Designer or Creator.
by Russell Grigg
Thomas Huxley (left) and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, the protagonists at the famous debate on the subject of evolution at the Oxford meeting of the British Association, June 30, 1860 |
On 30 June 1860, there occurred an event
which, in the minds of many people, was the turning point for the public
acceptance of the theory of evolution in its confrontation with Christianity.
This event was the debate between the
agnostic Thomas Huxley, who came to be known as ‘Darwin’s bulldog’, and the
Anglican Bishop of Oxford, Samuel Wilberforce, son of the famous anti-slavery
politician, William Wilberforce.
The debate was held at a meeting of the
British Association, Oxford, of which Bishop Wilberforce was a vice-president,
and was sparked by the publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species seven
months earlier, in November 1859.
Wilberforce was an experienced and skillful
As well as being a theologian, he was an
able naturalist.
He had also acquired a first in mathematics
in his graduate days at Oxford.
He was also a Fellow of the Royal Society,
and had the unusual combination of being both Professor of Theology and
Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford.
He was well versed in Darwin’s theory as,
shortly before the debate took place, he had written a 19,000-word review of
the Origin, which was published in the Quarterly Review, July 1860.
When Darwin read this review his comment
‘It is uncommonly clever; it picks out with skill all
the most conjectural parts, and brings forward well all the difficulties.’
Wilberforce began the debate and, after
making several scientific points, concluded with Paley’s argument that a watch
implies the existence of a watchmaker, and similarly design in nature implies
the existence of a Designer.
Huxley then arose and is said to have put
forward his now well-known argument that six eternal monkeys or apes typing on
six eternal typewriters with unlimited amounts of paper and ink could, given
enough time, produce a Psalm, a Shakespearean sonnet, or even a whole book,
purely by chance that is, by random striking of the keys.
In the course of his presentation Huxley
pretended to find the 23rd Psalm among the reams of written gibberish produced
by his six imaginary apes at their typewriters.
He went on to make his point that, in the
same way, molecular movement, given enough time and matter, could produce
Bishop Wilberforce himself, purely by chance and without the work of any
Designer or Creator.
It seems, from the various accounts of what
happened (mostly letters written by Darwin’s followers, as no report on the
debate was published by the British Association), that the worthy Bishop did
not have an answer to this line of reasoning.
This is rather surprising in view of his
erudition in the realm of Mathematics.
So let us consider some answers to Huxley’s
argument — an argument that is still advanced from time to time by modern-day
evolutionists — that chance is a better explanation for origins than design.
vs. Design
Let us imagine a special typewriter,
‘user-friendly’ to apes, with 50 keys, comprised of 26 capital letters, 10
numbers, one space bar, and 13 symbols for punctuation, etc.
For the sake of simplicity we shall
disregard lower-case letters and settle for typing all to be in capitals, and
we shall disregard leap years.
How long would it take an operator, on the
average, to correctly type the 23rd Psalm, by randomly striking keys?
To obtain the
answer, let us first consider the first verse of the Psalm, which reads: ‘THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT.’
According to the Multiplication Rule of
Probability (in simplified form) the chance of correctly typing the three
designated letters ‘THE’ from
possibilities is 1 in 50 x 50 x 50, which equals 125,000.
At a rate of one strike per second, the
average time taken to make 125,000 strikes is 34.72 hours.
The chance of randomly typing the eight
keys (seven letters and one space) in the right sequence for the two words THE LORD is 1 in 50 x 50 … eight times
(i.e. 508).
This is 1 chance in 39,062 billion.
There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year, so
the average time taken in years to make 39,062 billion strikes at the rate of
one strike per second would be 1,238,663.7 years.
The time taken on the average to correctly
type the whole of verse 1 of the 23rd Psalm, which contains 42 letters,
punctuation, and spaces, would be 5042 divided by 31,536,000 (seconds in a
year), which is 7.2 x 1063 years.
And the time taken on the average to
correctly type the whole of the 23rd Psalm, made up of 603 letters, verse numbers,
punctuation, and spaces, would be 50603 divided by 31,536,000 which is 9.552 x
101016 years.
If the letter ‘b’ stands for billion (109),
this could be written as about one
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
By comparison, the evolutionists’ age of
the Earth is (only) 4.6 billion years, and the evolutionists’ age of the
universe is (only) almost 15 billion years.
of a DNA molecule forming by chance
When we apply probability theory to the
correct arrangement of a DNA molecule, a similar situation is seen, as per the
following quotation:
‘When we come to examine the simplest known organism
capable of independent existence, the situation becomes even more fantastic. In
the DNA chain of the chromosome of the bacterium E. coli, a favourite organism
used by molecular biologists, the [DNA] helix consists of 3-4 million base
pairs. These are all arranged in a sequence that is ’meaningful’ in the sense
that it gives rise to enzyme molecules which fit the various metabolites and
products used by the cell. This unique sequence represents a choice of one out
of 102,000,000 alternative ways of arranging the bases! We are compelled to
conclude that the origin of the first life was a unique event, which cannot be
discussed in terms of probability.’
Notice that this refers only to the correct
arrangement of already formed bases.
Harold J. Morowitz, Professor of Biophysics
at Yale University, has taken into account the covalent bond energies required
to actually form such a DNA molecule.
He arrives at a probability figure for the
spontaneous formation of one complete bacterium of Escherichia coli in the
history of the universe, of less than one chance in 10 to the power 100 billion
(which can be written 10-100,000,000,000).
Such numbers are far too large for most
people to comprehend.
However, the late
Sir Fred Hoyle, who was Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge University and was
not a Christian, illustrated the point this way: ’Now imagine 1050 blind persons [that’s 100,000 billion billion billion
billion billion people—standing shoulder to shoulder, they would more than fill
our entire planetary system] each with a scrambled Rubik cube and try to
conceive of the chance of them all simultaneously arriving at the solved form.
You then have the chance of arriving by random shuffling [random variation] of
just one of the many biopolymers on which life depends. The notion that not
only the biopolymers but the operating program of a living cell could be
arrived at by chance in a primordial soup here on Earth is evidently nonsense
of a high order.’ (Emphasis
Another of
Professor Hoyle’s very expressive analogies is that the chance that even the
simplest self-reproducing life forms might have emerged in this way (i.e. by
evolutionary processes) is comparable with the chance that ‘a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747
from the materials therein.’ (See also Q&A: Probability).
objections countered
about natural selection?
Lest it be thought that the Darwinian
concept of natural selection could increase the chance of forming life (i.e.
that with time, mutations may contribute superior survival value to some
members of a species), it should be realised that natural selection could only
work on a living organism that could produce offspring.
By its very definition it could not work on
non-living chemicals, as pointed out by leading evolutionist Dobzhansky.
To try to get around these insurmountable
difficulties, some evolutionists are now postulating that the universe is
eternal, because if time is eternal, they argue, then theoretically any event
is certain to occur.
The idea of an eternal universe cannot be
substantiated, however, because the universe is slowly approaching ‘heat death’
in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics.
Heat death will occur when all the energy
of the cosmos has been degraded to random heat energy, with random motions of
molecules and uniform low-level temperatures.
If the universe were eternal, this state
would have been reached ‘a long time ago’.
The fact that the universe is not dead is
clear evidence that it is not infinitely old. For more information, see Who
created God?
To overcome this problem, Huxley’s
modern-day supporters are ready to talk about previous universes before the
present one, and other spaces ‘beyond’ our space.
They then argue that, no matter how small
the probability of an event, it will occur with the probability one (certainty)
‘somewhere, sometime’, as long as the probability is not actually zero
Moreover, they claim that the reason we
observe the realisation of the totally unlikely event is that it can only be
observed by the sentient beings it produced.
However, as Professor A.M. Hasofer
(Statistician, University of New South Wales) has pointed out in a private
communication, there is a fatal scientific weakness in such reasoning, because
such a model fails Karl Popper’s fundamental criterion of scientific
acceptability, that it be falsifiable.
Professor Hasofer writes:
‘The problem [of falsifiability of a probabilistic
statement] has been dealt with in a recent book by G. Matheron, entitled
Estimating and Choosing: An Essay on Probability in Practice (Springer-Verlag,
1989). He proposes that a probabilistic model be considered falsifiable if some
of its consequences have zero (or in practice very low) probability. If one of
these consequences is observed, the model is then rejected.
‘The fatal weakness of the monkey argument, which
calculates probabilities of events “somewhere, sometime”, is that all events,
no matter how unlikely they are, have probability one as long as they are
logically possible, so that the suggested model can never be falsified.
Accepting the validity of Huxley’s reasoning puts the whole probability theory
outside the realm of verifiable science. In particular, it vitiates the whole
of quantum theory and statistical mechanics, including thermodynamics, and
therefore destroys the foundations of all modern science. For example, as
Bertrand Russell once pointed out, if we put a kettle on a fire and the water
in the kettle froze, we should argue, following Huxley, that a very unlikely
event of statistical mechanics occurred, as it should “somewhere, sometime”,
rather than trying to find out what went wrong with the experiment!’
— the Achilles’ Heel of biogenesis by chance
There is one other aspect that needs to be
considered — yet another fatal flaw in Huxley’s reasoning and that of his
modern-day followers — when applied to the idea of biogenesis by chance or the
formation of living cells from chance combinations of molecules.
Let us consider the situation where time is
infinite, and probability equals one.
We have just seen that evolutionists do not
have infinite time, but just suppose they did, could Huxley’s argument be
sustained? In particular, could chance combinations of molecules produce life
(or even Bishop Samuel Wilberforce), if there was no restriction on time?
The idea that life can form spontaneously
from non-life involves the formation of proteins10 from peptides which have
formed from amino acids, (which have formed from the gases in a reducing
However, the biochemical reactions involved
in the formation of proteins from peptides and peptides from amino acids are
reversible — they go the other way as well.
This is represented below in the simplest
reaction of two amino acids forming a dipeptide while releasing a molecule of
water (the R in the table stands for any one of 20 different functional groups.
The different R groups are responsible for
the wide variety of proteins, and the precise sequences are very specialised
and improbable):
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Under the right conditions, the condensation
continues, with a dipeptide reacting with a third amino acid to form a
tripeptide and releasing another water molecule, and so on.
Sometimes hundreds or thousands of amino
acids link up, with a corresponding number of water molecules released.
For n amino acids in a chain, n-1 water
molecules are released.
This means that condensation reactions,
like the synthesis of peptides from amino acids, are inhibited by excess water,
and the reverse reaction is favoured.
Professor A.E. Wilder-Smith, commenting on
this fact, writes:
‘The consequence of this well-known fact of organic
chemistry is important: concentrations of amino acids will combine only in
minute amounts, if they combine at all in a primeval ocean providing excess
water, to form polypeptides. Any amounts of polypeptide which might be formed
will be broken down into their initial components (amino acids) by the excess
water. The ocean is thus practically the last place on this or any other planet
where the proteins of life could be formed spontaneously from amino acids. Yet
nearly all textbooks of biology teach this nonsense to support evolutionary
theory and spontaneous biogenics. It requires a very great unfamiliarity with
organic chemistry not to take into consideration the above-mentioned facts when
proposing postulates for biogenesis…’ (Emphasis
in the original.) [See also Origin of life: the polymerization problem.]
In the case of biogenesis, these reversible
reactions are all in equilibrium with one another, since there is no cell
machinery to remove products selectively.
In the body, organic reactions such as the
synthesis of proteins and the oxidation of fats occur because of the
intervention of specific enzymes (acting as a type of ‘chemical machinery’)
acting specifically at each step along the reaction chain.
However, enzymes are proteins, and one
cannot claim synthesis for a product if one begins with the product one is
trying to end up with.
The purpose of Huxley’s typewriter argument
was to show that, given enough time, any event is certain to occur.
However, for this argument to be analogous
to the idea of the formation of proteins by chance combination of amino acid
molecules, Huxley’s typewriters needed to be reversible!
With an ordinary typewriter, any words
typed by an ape would stay on the paper and would not get modified into more
meaningful combinations, nor would they decompose into their constituent
This means that each word is out of
equilibrium with its precursors and has no ‘postcursors’.
However, with a reversible typewriter, when
the key ‘A’ (for example) was depressed, the letter ‘A’ would be printed on the
paper; but when the same key was released, the printed letter ‘A’ would arise
from the paper without leaving a trace, so that the typewriter would type out
just as quickly and effectively as it typed in.
All of which means that Huxley’s eternal
apes would have typed as much or as little after one second as after a billion
Furthermore, it would not matter how many
billion apes were typing (or molecules of matter were combining), or how many
(billion) times per second this might have been happening.
The result at any time would always be
zero, whether it be apes typing reversible typewriters or amino acids combining
in reversible reactions.
Another way of
saying this is that ‘increased time spans
in biological systems will merely increase the probability of equilibrium being
set up, and not the probability of improbable reaction products being formed’.
The concept of ‘somewhere, sometime’ does
not apply, because the probability of forming a stipulated end-product from
reversible reactions in equilibrium is zero.
The theory that chance random combinations
of living matter could produce the Bishop of Oxford, a living cell, or even a
single functional protein molecule, whether in time or in eternity, therefore
fails on all counts.
Life is bristling with machinery, codes and
programs, which are not an inherent property of the material substrate (the
information for their construction having been passed on during reproduction).
No observation has ever shown such
information-bearing structures arising spontaneously.
The obvious inference from science, as well
as the obvious implications of Scripture, is that the original creation of
living things involved the very opposite of chance, namely, the imposition of
external intelligence on to matter by an original Designer or Creator.
Did Wilberforce really say it?
Writers dealing with the famous debate
between Huxley and Wilberforce often repeat the story that the Bishop, towards
the end of his speech, turned to Huxley and asked whether it was through his
grandfather or his grandmother that he claimed descent from an ape?
Huxley, in reply, is supposed to have said
that he was not ashamed of having an ape as an ancestor, but he would be
ashamed of having as an ancestor a man who used his abilities in a sphere of science
with which he had no real acquaintance and who used aimless rhetoric in an
appeal to religious prejudice.
J.R. Lucas sums up the evidence for and
against this story in a long article in the Historical Journal, summarised in
He points out that the audience was ‘larger
than a full House of Commons’, which means that, in the noisy and somewhat
gladiatorial circumstances of this debate, not everyone would have correctly
heard everything that was said.
He goes on to say,
‘It is doubtful that Wilberforce asked Huxley whether
he was descended from an ape. It makes a good story, but Wilberforce had used
the first person plural in his review, and the use of the first person is borne
out by Wilberforce’s biography and one—admittedly late—account. What
Wilberforce may have asked Huxley in the second person is where he drew the
line between human descendants and ape-like ancestors, if, as was generally
admitted, the offspring was of the same species as the parents.19 Huxley,
however, was ready to answer the question he had not been asked. Three months
earlier, in the April issue of the Westminster Review, he had accused critics
of Darwin of making him out to be no better than an ape himself, and since
Wilberforce was now criticising him for being a Darwinian, he must be calling
him an ape too.’
It would seem therefore that Wilberforce
did not try to ridicule Huxley, but rather the reverse was actually what
If so, it gives a very different picture of what really occurred at this famous debate.
Russell M. Grigg M.Sc. (Hons.)
Chemist and Missionary
Grigg was born in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1927. He received his schooling and
university education in that country. He studied chemistry at Victoria
University College, Wellington (now known as Victoria University of
Wellington), graduating in 1948. He then worked for a number of years as an
industrial chemist and then as a manager in the paint manufacturing industry in
Wellington and Christchurch.
theological studies at the New Zealand Bible Training Institute (later known as
the Bible College of New Zealand, and now as Laidlaw College), he joined the
Overseas Missionary Fellowship in 1959. He served for 12 years, heading up
OMF’s publishing program in Jakarta, Indonesia. Here he met and married Miss
Merle Cornelius, another member of OMF, from Adelaide, Australia. Merle went to
be with the Lord in January 2009. Russell has three adult children and nine
1971, the family settled in Adelaide and Russell worked for 10 years with Rigby
Ltd., an Australian publishing company, rising to be one of the Senior Editors.
Here he wrote two books, Australian Trains and Death in the
Family: What to Do, both published by Rigby Ltd.
1982, Russell rejoined OMF and served on the home staff for eight years. He was
State Director for South Australia.


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