Tuesday, December 22, 2020

JESUS IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE - Jesus possesses sovereignty, and in giving Him the title of Prince, God the Father confers upon Him all the dignity that comes with it. But the word “prince” also designates the son of the king. Thus, God reminds us that He is the sovereign King who reigns upon the Earth. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the only One who is capable of bringing you true peace. It’s in Him alone that you can find real peace… First and foremost peace, with God - His sacrifice reconciles you to God - also peace in your heart, a peace you could never find anywhere else - “‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’” In the Bible, Jesus is also called the “Prince of Peace.” The word “prince,” according to the dictionary, is “a name marking the dignity of one who possesses sovereignty in title; the ruler of a principality or state.” Jesus possesses sovereignty, and in giving Him the title of Prince, God the Father confers upon Him all the dignity that comes with it. But the word “prince” also designates the son of the king. Thus, God reminds us that He is the sovereign King who reigns upon the Earth. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the only One who is capable of bringing you true peace. It’s in Him alone that you can find real peace… First and foremost, peace with God. Jesus is the Prince of Peace because His sacrifice reconciles you to God. But also peace in your heart, a peace you could never find anywhere else. Jesus said, “‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’”




Jesus is the Prince of Peace!

Jesus possesses sovereignty, and in giving Him the title of Prince, God the Father confers upon Him all the dignity that comes with it. But the word “prince” also designates the son of the king. Thus, God reminds us that He is the sovereign King who reigns upon the Earth. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the only One who is capable of bringing you true peace. It’s in Him alone that you can find real peace… First and foremost peace, with God - His sacrifice reconciles you to God - also peace in your heart, a peace you could never find anywhere else



“‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’” (John 14:27) 


In the Bible, Jesus is also called the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6)

The word “prince,” according to the dictionary, is “a name marking the dignity of one who possesses sovereignty in title; the ruler of a principality or state.”

Jesus possesses sovereignty, and in giving Him the title of Prince, God the Father confers upon Him all the dignity that comes with it.

But the word “prince” also designates the son of the king.

Thus, God reminds us that He is the sovereign King who reigns upon the Earth.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the only One who is capable of bringing you true peace.

It’s in Him alone that you can find real peace…

First and foremost, peace with God.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace because His sacrifice reconciles you to God.

But also peace in your heart, a peace you could never find anywhere else.

Jesus said, “‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’” (according to John 14:27) 

As this song by Hillsong United says, may the Prince of Peace meet you and reign in your heart again today.


Jesus.net is a global international network of more than 85 Christian organizations and ministries who are engaged in online evangelism and discipleship. We see the impact in the lives of people. Every few seconds someone in the world decides that he or she wants to know more about Jesus.

Jesus.net has a huge dream, which we believe God gave us:

Imagine a world with every single person having free access to the Gospel, knowing God, growing in Jesus and sharing faith easily.

We believe this dream can become a reality. Worldwide, about 5 billion people have Internet access in 2020. This will only grow in coming years. Just imagine that all these people can find and share the Gospel online.


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 My Peace


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