It may
appear as though you have been overcome, but you can still be an overcomer!
Regardless of how desperate your condition
may seem; God has not forgotten about you. He still has a plan to provide for
you, even when it seems that the storms of life have stranded you in difficult
straits. It may seem as though your life has been wrecked, but don’t give up.
You may have what looks like nothing now, but if you will continue to look for
opportunities to help others, God will provide everything you need to finish
your journey.
Rod Parsley
“In that area was an estate of the chief man of the island, named Publius, who had welcomed us and courteously housed us for three days. It happened that the father of Publius lay sick with a fever and dysentery. Paul visited him and, placing his hands on him, prayed and healed him. When this happened, the rest on the island who had diseases also came and were healed. They honored us in many ways. And when we sailed, they provided us with necessary supplies.” - Acts 28:7-10
devotion comes from our Decade of Dominion: 52 Week Devotional.
and his companions were shipwrecked on the island of Malta.
had lost all their possessions when the ship was torn to pieces by the violence
of the storm, and were left with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
God had a plan for Paul.
don’t know how long Paul was there (it was probably a few months, since sailing
was suspended in the winter due to weather), but by the time he left, the
Maltese provided him with everything he needed to complete his journey to Rome.
of how desperate your condition may seem; God has not forgotten about you.
still has a plan to provide for you, even when it seems that the storms of life
have stranded you in difficult straits.
courage from Paul’s example. Even though he was in unfamiliar surroundings and
without natural means among strangers, he did not give up and moan about how
bad things were.
continued to minister to those who had needs around him, and God did miracles
of healing through him.
responded to Paul’s ministry with genuine generosity. He arrived on the island
with nothing, and left with all he needed.
as God had a plan for Paul, He also has a plan for you.
may seem as though your life has been wrecked, but don’t give up.
may have what looks like nothing now, but if you will continue to look for
opportunities to help others, God will provide everything you need to finish
your journey.
may appear as though you have been overcome, but you can still be an overcomer!
Lord, today is Your
day, and I want Your will to be done. So, whatever happens, stay beside me, and
let's face it together. Amen.
Timothy 5:8
Romans 12:8
Rod Parsley has been clearly called to a
pre-eminent position of leadership within the Body of Christ, as his numerous roles
– including TV host, evangelist, educator, humanitarian and statesman – will
attest. But he’d be the first to tell you that his prominence is solely a
function of his willingness to be used by God in extraordinary ways.
He was 19 when he first led a Bible study in his parents’ backyard. In more
than 40 years since then, he’s built one of the most important and far-reaching
Christian ministries in the United States. He has founded and now leads
outreaches with local, national and worldwide reaches.
This New York Times best-selling author has successfully advocated
for federal legislation, delivered hundreds of millions of pounds of food and
medical supplies to poverty-stricken areas of the world and changed the lives of
thousands who will shape the cultural landscape in the next generation. He’s in
constant demand to preach the Gospel in pulpits across America and around the
world, and to comment publicly on the moral issues of our day. If none of those
opportunities had ever presented themselves, though, he’d still be Pastor
Parsley, sharing God’s Word with his beloved World Harvest Church, helping his
congregation know God as he does.
His other ministries include Valor Christian College; Harvest Preparatory
School, an educational institution for local students from preschool
through 12th grade; Hispanic and urban-outreach ministries; a
national ministerial alliance; Bridge of Hope, a world-wide missions
Through Bridge of Hope, he hosts the television shows “Breakthrough” and “Rod
Parsley Now” which air on the Word Network, Daystar and 1,400 other local
channels and cable outlets worldwide.
Pastor Parsley is the author of more than 50 books and study guides. He is
especially noted for his trilogy of books that call the Church to moral
action: Still Silent No More, a manifesto for the “values voter”
movement; Culturally Incorrect, a New York Times best seller, and Living
on Our Heads. Other of Pastor Parsley’s books include: Be Made Whole, a
personal account of his battle and victory over cancer showing scriptures and
meditations that built his faith in a healing Jesus, God's End-Time
Calendar, the prophetic meaning behind celestial events and seasons and his landmark
book, Repairers of the Breach, rebuilding the old gospel bridge leading
today’s society across the chasm of sin, back to the basics of serving Christ.
He holds a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Christian University in Circleville,
Ohio, and a doctorate from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. He and his
wife, Joni, are the parents of two, Ashton and Austin.
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