Everyone faces hardships and overwhelming circumstances, many of which
we cannot control
The challenge of faith is this: that even though we find ourselves in deep despair due to circumstances and the doubts that arise in us, we continue facing toward God. No matter our circumstances, we cry out to Him and know that He will answer us. He will not abandon us.
When you find yourself in the depths of despair, turn
toward God, not toward your circumstances. The God of the universe will hear
your cry, and the deepest depths are not too deep for Him.
“Out of the depths I have cried to You, O
LORD; Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my
supplications. … I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope.
My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning—yes, more
than those who watch for the morning” - (Psalm 130:1-2, 5-6 NKJV).
the depths?
you ever felt so overwhelmed by life and its circumstances that you felt as if
you were in the deepest, darkest pit?
psalmist did. And he cried out to the Lord.
is actually an amazing statement by the psalmist, because when you find
yourself in the depths, one of the hardest things to do is cry out to God.
may think that sounds strange. Perhaps you think that the natural cry should be
to God. And it should.
problem, however, is that when we find ourselves in the depths, we stand on the
edge of despair.
overwhelm us like violent waves of the ocean. At first, we may find the
strength to face the challenges and hardships, but eventually, even inside of
us, we begin to faint, wear down, and despair.
is not just believing God in the good times or even the mildly bad times; faith
is crying out to God from the deepest depths of despair, when everything
outside of us and inside of us feels like things are hopeless.
we can cry out to God in that moment, pleading with Him to hear our cry, that
is the genuine test of our faith.
faces hardships and overwhelming circumstances, many of which we cannot
challenge of faith is this: that even though we find ourselves in deep despair
due to circumstances and the doubts that arise in us, we continue facing toward
matter our circumstances, we cry out to Him and know that He will answer us. He
will not abandon us.
psalmist didn’t allow his circumstances to consume him, nor did he buy into the
thought that his circumstances separated him from God’s being able to hear him.
the depths, he called out to the Lord because the God of the Bible is near to
the cry of His people.
you find yourself in the depths of despair, turn toward God, not toward your
doesn’t mean that the hardship, difficulty, or pain will subside.
does mean that the God of the universe will hear your cry, and the deepest
depths are not too deep for Him.
Father, hear our cry. Give ear to our plea today. Amen.
CBN Israel exists to
tell the true story of Israel and sustain a movement of Christians who will
bless and stand with the Jewish people. Our vision is to change the global
conversation about Israel and build bridges of hope and healing between Jews
and Christians worldwide.
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