Jesus says He is the resurrection and the life. Receive the Holy Spirit
and be rejuvenated!
Let your righteousness be resurrected. Let your peace be resurrected. Let your health be resurrected. Let your wealth be resurrected. Let your joy be resurrected. For if you believe in Jesus, you have been resurrected! You have the life!
Even if there are areas in your life that
you think is already dead, beyond hope, a gone case, Jesus will bring it back
to life. And He’ll make it better than before! So live!
Live abundantly as anew creation of God. Receive the living Spirit of God. Let Jesus resurrect any
area of your life that’s dead. Whether it’s health, wealth, or relationships,
Jesus can bring it back to life and give you a double portion of His blessings.
So do not be dismayed. Do not worry. Do not fear. For Jesus and His
resurrecting power is here!
“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who
believes in me will live, even though they die;” - (John 11:25)
You, the favored of God, the one who
believes in Jesus. You’ll live, even though you’ve died with Jesus.
Jesus says He is the resurrection and the
life. Receive the Holy Spirit and be rejuvenated!
Are there any areas in your life today that
needs revival?
Let your righteousness be resurrected. Let
your peace be resurrected. Let your health be resurrected. Let your wealth be
resurrected. Let your joy be resurrected.
For if you believe in Jesus, you have been
resurrected! You have the life!
Even if there are areas in your life that
you think is already dead, beyond hope, a gone case, Jesus will bring it back
to life. And He’ll make it better than before!
So live! Live abundantly as a new creation
of God.
Be Greatly Blessed!
Receive the living Spirit of God. Let Jesus
resurrect any area of your life that’s dead.
Whether it’s health, wealth, or
relationships, Jesus can bring it back to life and give you a double portion of
His blessings.
So do not be dismayed. Do not worry. Do not fear.
For Jesus and His resurrecting power is
Let’s pray…
Father, I believe in Jesus and receive His
resurrecting power today.
He is the way, the truth, and the life.
I’ve been reborn through His death.
I receive the Holy Spirit today Lord.
Thank you for moving in and reviving every
area of my life.
My health. My finances. My relationships.
And most importantly, thank you for
resurrecting my connection with you.
For your presence is better than all the
treasures of the earth.
I’ll worship you as a new creation.
I’ll sing a new song in praise.
May you move greatly in my life and fill me
to the overflowing with your blessings.
So I can be blessed to be a blessing and
touch those around me with the resurrecting life of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
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