Sunday, December 15, 2019

HOW TO LIVE IN THE CONVERGENCE ZONE - You are a whole lot bigger on the inside than you think! DNA is the unique code within your physical body that reveals your physical identity. If your body — which is subject to decay and death — has a unique identity code, how about your inner man — the part of you that outlasts your body? A small sample of DNA can reveal who your parents are and if you are a believer – you carry the DNA of your Creator and redeemer right inside of you. Thar DNA links to your destiny. God has hidden this treasure in a place where nobody else can steal it and perhaps in the one place you never thought to look — inside you! Your spirit carries the DNA code to your calling, purpose, and destiny. If you are a believer you have what’s called a “regenerated” spirit, or “born again” spirit man. A whole new you is living inside of you. This new spirit has your spiritual DNA!

How To Live In The Convergence Zone
Dr. Lance Wallnau

Even a small sample of DNA can reveal who your parents are and if you are a believer – you carry the DNA of your Creator and redeemer right inside of you.
You are a whole lot bigger on the inside than you think!
DNA is the unique code within your physical body that reveals your physical identity.
Just think, if your body — which is subject to decay and death — has a unique identity code, how about your inner man—the part of you that outlasts your body?
There is a DNA you carry that links to your destiny. God has hidden this treasure in a place where nobody else can steal it and perhaps in the one place you never thought to look — inside you!
Your spirit carries the DNA code to your calling, purpose, and destiny.
If you are a believer you have what’s called a “regenerated” spirit, or “born again” spirit man. A whole new you is living inside of you. This new spirit has your spiritual DNA! 
Unlocking The Convergence Code ™ is unlocking what you already have inside you and putting it to its intended use!
Code cracking is easy because your life is leaving BIG clues. It is like Hansel and Gretel’s trail of breadcrumbs leading them back to their house. 
The key to cracking The Convergence Code ™ is increasing your awareness every time you enter the convergence zone.
What is convergence?
1. Convergence is a phase of life where “it all starts coming together.”
2. Convergence happens when the work you do is the work you were created and called to do. You enter a role that frees you to utilize 100% of your gifts, talents, and acquired skills.
3. In convergence you access levels of fulfillment to which nothing else compares.
4. The convergence zone is a term I’ve used for the last four years to describe something like an energy field. It is like a vortex that sucks into itself uncanny coincidences and “divine appointments.”
How Do I Recognize the Convergence Zone?
Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation and you or the other person can point to goose bumps on your arm because the thing said resonated with the environment in such a way it gave you chills?
This mysterious feeling is evidence of entering the convergence zone. It is a place where your spirit is aligned with heaven’s rhythm and earth’s ripple at the same time!
Here are some other aspects of to help you recognize the convergence zone:
·          The convergence zone is the place where you experience the future you — the person on the inside who wants to come out! You access a momentary alignment with your ultimate assignment and seem to get a glimpse of who you are in your tomorrow.
·         The convergence zone is activated whenever you step into a role that fully utilizes your God-given talents
·          You have entered the convergence zone many times in your life and did not notice it. Look for clues! Reflect deeper into your childhood.
What were those electric moments for you growing up? This may have been when you performed in a play, a dance, an athletic event, participated in student council, yearbook committee, elective or election.
What did you gravitate to? Who were you drawn to? Was it to people in the theater or in music? Jocks? Intellectuals? The popular crowd?
Or were you a loner? Did you prefer to hang out with your own crowd? When were you most alive?
Now think about all the jobs you have ever done? What one job did you enjoy most? Why?
The moments that JUMP OUT as PEAK experiences were moments you crossed thru the zone.
Your future was being revealed to you in those moments!
Life gives you those priceless destiny appointments so you can “taste and see” your future and confirm the direction of your calling.
This is SO IMPORTANT. You need to multiply your AWARENESS and sensitivity to those moments!
You are IN the CONVERGENCE ZONE when:
·          You are FEELING authentic — you are being who you really are. You have no need to wear a mask. When you are in this zone you say to yourself, “This is me. This is what I was meant to do!”
·          You are 100% ALIVE because you are doing what you do best. You are energized rather than depleted by the activity.
·          You lose track of time. You experience a sort of “timeless awareness.” You become so fully engaged in the bliss of the activity that you enter a time bubble.
·         People want more. This creates more demand and experiences, which multiply more invitations and opportunities which create more evidence of being in “the zone.” Increase of any kind is the signature that you are in your zone and cracking the code.
·         More opportunities create more potential for prosperity. Why? Because you have figured out how to meet a need doing what you do best and love to do most!
The sad truth is: People perish for lack of knowledge — not lack of passion or opportunity. This is why convergence is only achieved by about 20% of people. The numbers could be higher if we had someone to teach us and that’s what I am committed to doing for you.
You don’t have to miss convergence because it is NEVER too late to become who you already are! My next post will unpack a HUGE key to the process. Don’t be left behind!

Dr. Wallnau is an internationally recognized speaker, business and political strategist. USA Today reports that he is one of only three evangelical leaders to have accurately predicted Donald Trump's Presidency. Dr. Wallnau's best selling book, "Gods Chaos Candidate" is credited as being the catalyst that mobilized thousands of Christian's to vote for Donald Trump and contributed to Trumps unprecedented election victory.

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