Sunday, December 22, 2019

THE SECOND DEATH - Those who are saved during the millennium will be resurrected after the millennium. Those who are resurrected are not affected by the second death. The first death is the death we experience in this age, the death of the body, which means the soul is separated from the body and goes either to Hades or Heaven. The second death then would be described in Revelation 20:11, where those already dead by the first death are now called before the great white throne of Jesus for judgment. They are judged out of the book of life and because their names are not found there (they aren’t followers of Jesus), they perish or die the second death, consignment to Hell or the Lake of Fire forever. The severity of their judgment is based on the deeds recorded in the “books” in this passage. There is no chance of heaven, once someone dies, if they have never trusted in Jesus for forgiveness and salvation. We must keep reaching the lost wherever they are. This is Christ’s great commission for us.

Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11
The Second Death
Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11What is the meaning of the second death in Revelation 20:11?
Central Church

Question: I just found something about the “Second Death“, Rev 2:11… I checked the concordance and it seems that the meaning is “The Lake of Fire“… but honestly, I still do not understand What’s the meaning of the second death… Could you help me with this?

Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11Answer: In the context of the passage we are told that those who were martyred during the great tribulation will be resurrected and reign with Christ 1,000 years. This is the first resurrection.
Following the premillennial scheme, I view this as the resurrection of all who are saved during the tribulation. 
Those who are saved during the millennium will be resurrected after the millennium. Those who are resurrected are not affected, John tells us, by the second death.
This suggests that the first death is the death we experience in this age, the death of the body, which means the soul is separated from the body and goes either to Hades or Heaven. 
The second death then would be described in Revelation 20:11, where those already dead by the first death are now called before the great white throne of Jesus for judgment. 
They are judged out of the book of life and because their names are not found there (they aren’t followers of Jesus), they perish or die the second death, consignment to Hell or the Lake of Fire forever. 
The severity of their judgment is based on the deeds recorded in the “books” in this passage.
Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11This seems to be another way of saying that there is no chance of heaven, once someone dies, if they have never trusted in Jesus for forgiveness and salvation. 
We must keep reaching the lost wherever they are.  This is Christ’s great commission for us (Matthew 28:19,20).

Central Church is an independent evangelical church in Collierville, TN.  When people in our church ask questions we try to provide sound, quality answers that are true to the Bible and thus, true to the character of God.  The answers are characteristically short without, hopefully, being incomplete or surface.
Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11
Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11
Image result for images the second death in Revelation 20:11

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