Friday, December 6, 2019

DISAPPOINTMENTS - When life doesn’t add up, it leaves the heart sick. When we have done all we know to do and the formula has not worked, it leaves us questioning. Life is filled with disappointments. Many of God’s greatest servants experienced deep disappointment in their journeys of faithfulness to God. These are times that try the very souls of men. There is no human sense to be made of it. We are left with a choice: to cling or not to cling. There are times when holding on to our Master’s robe is all that we can do. It is all that He wants us to do. There is only one answer to life’s disappointments. Like the psalmist, we must “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”

“times when holding on to our Master’s robe is all that we can do”
by: Os Hillman

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

Life is filled with disappointments.
Many of God’s greatest servants experienced deep disappointment in their journeys of faithfulness to God.
Joseph, after spending years as a slave and in jail for crimes that he did not commit, revealed deep disappointment when he was forgotten another two years in prison.
John the Baptist, when awaiting execution, doubted whether Jesus was, in fact, the Christ because he was sitting there awaiting his death.
Elijah, losing all hope and despondent to the point of death, asked God to take his life in the desert; and Peter, who left his fishing business and invested three years of his life only to watch his Savior crucified, wondered whether the purpose of those three years could be justified.
When life doesn’t add up, it leaves the heart sick.
When we have done all we know to do and the formula has not worked, it leaves us questioning.
These are times that try the very souls of men. There is no human sense to be made of it.
We are left with a choice: to cling or not to cling.
There are times when holding on to our Master’s robe is all that we can do. It is all that He wants us to do.
“The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not obtained by sudden flight;
But they, while their companions slept,
We’re toiling upward in the night.
Standing on what too long we bore,
With shoulders bent and downcast eyes,
We may discern-unseen before-
A path to higher destinies!” ~ Longfellow
There is only one answer to life’s disappointments.
Like the psalmist, we must “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken” (Psalm 62:5-6).

Os Hillman owned and operated an ad agency from 1984-2001. During this time he served clients such as American Express, Steinway Pianos, US Kids Golf, Peachtree Software, ADP Payroll Services, Parisian Department stores (now Belk), Thomas Nelson Publishers and many non-profit organizations.  His company won many prestigious awards from the Direct Marketing Industry such as the International Echo Award, Direct Marketing’s highest achievement for excellence in direct marketing for specific ad campaigns.
Os has been featured on CNBC, LA Times, NY Times and many Christian media. He has been a regular contributor to, Charisma, and Christian Post. He has spoken at Harvard University and was a visiting professor at Regent University for a season. Os is also an editorial contributor to and iDisciple platforms.
Today Os Hillman is president of Marketplace Leaders and Aslan Group Publishing, and is involved in several entrepreneur ventures related to publishing and internet marketing. He has an online bookstore, serving the faith and work movement. He is an author of 18 books, speaker, consultant and recognized authority in the role that faith and ethics play in the marketplace. Os began sending out a daily internet email newsletter entitled TGIF Today God Is Firstin 1998. Today TGIF is subscribed to by more 150,000 people daily worldwide but read by many more in 104 countries.

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