Saturday, November 9, 2019

THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IS IN YOU - We do have a huge force inside of us: we have Jesus living within us! The Bible says that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” Thus, because Jesus lives in you, you have access to a force that far surpasses your own or the world’s! When you’re at the end of yourself, when you can no longer do it, remember that Jesus Himself lives in you. And the One who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, than he who endeavors to discourage you.

The Most Powerful Force
You have the most powerful force in the universe inside of you!

Who hasn’t dreamed of having superpowers?
“Oh if only I could’ve become invisible, right then and there…”
“If only I could fly high, soar through the sky…”
Fortunately for us, we don’t have them! (It’s better this way, isn’t it?)
However, we do have a huge force inside of us: we have Jesus living within us!
The Bible says that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4, NKJV) 
Thus, because Jesus lives in you, you have access to a force that far surpasses your own or the world’s!
When you’re at the end of yourself, when you can no longer do it, remember that Jesus Himself lives in you.
And the One who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, than he who endeavors to discourage you.
Yes, Jesus is above all things, and He is stronger and more powerful than anything!
“The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command…” (Hebrews 1:3, NLT) 
May HIS force be with you! is a global international network of more than 70 Christian organizations and ministries who are engaged in online evangelism and discipleship. We see the impact in the lives of people. Every few seconds someone in the world decides that he or she wants to know more about Jesus. has a huge dream, which we believe God gave us:
Imagine a world with every single person having free access to the Gospel, knowing God, growing in Jesus and sharing faith easily.
We believe this dream can become a reality. Worldwide, 3.6 billion people have access to the Internet in 2017. Projections show that over 5 billion people are expected to have Internet access in 2020. This growth will continue the following years. Just imagine that all these people can find and share the Gospel online.

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