Friday, November 29, 2019

ATHEISM IS NOT A RATIONAL OPTION FOR THE PROBLEM OF PAIN AND SUFFERING - Denying the existence of God does not remove the pain and suffering we experience and does nothing to make problems in life any easier. If there is no God and we have no purpose in existing, then the only answer to chronic pain, suffering, birth defects, cancer, and all of the other things that afflict us is suicide or euthanasia. “Survival of the fittest” may sound good as long as you are fit; but when old age, disease, and injuries set in, “survival of the fittest” is a destructive and pessimistic mantra. Atheism offers nothing. It has no encouragement to give, and no solution to offer.

Image result for images PROBLEM OF PAIN AND SUFFERING
Image result for images PROBLEM OF PAIN AND SUFFERINGAtheism And The Problem Of Pain And Suffering
John N. Clayton

One of the claims that atheists like to make is that the existence of pain and suffering eliminate the existence of God. 
This claim assumes that there is no purpose in our existence, and that there is no positive purpose in the struggles that we have. We will discuss these two points later. 
The point we need to make right now is that denying the existence of God does not remove the pain and suffering we experience and does nothing to make problems in life any easier
If there is no God and we have no purpose in existing, then the only answer to chronic pain, suffering, birth defects, cancer, and all of the other things that afflict us is suicide or euthanasia. 
“Survival of the fittest” may sound good as long as you are fit; but when old age, disease, and injuries set in, “survival of the fittest” is a destructive and pessimistic mantra. 
Atheism offers nothing. It has no encouragement to give, and no solution to offer.

DOES GOD EXIST? is a non-profit program to provide thinking, seeking people with scientific evidence that God does exist and that the Bible is His Word. It is our conviction that anyone can logically and rationally believe in God.
John N. Clayton, is a retired physics, chemistry and earth science instructor from the public schools in South Bend, Indiana.  Mr. Clayton holds a B.S. and M.S. from Indiana University in math and physics and a M.S. from the University of Notre Dame in earth science.  He taught in the public schools for 41 years and has been doing presentations on the compatibility of science and faith for 38 years.
Image result for images PROBLEM OF PAIN AND SUFFERING

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