Monday, November 18, 2019

ECONOMIC WARFARE - World War III Sparks Future Battle Predictions - Through sanctions and tariffs, the USA is now waging economic warfare against Turkey, Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela, N Korea, and others. Every one of these countries’ economies is hurting as a result, while the American economy seems to be improving. This economic warfare is the start of WW3. For some mysterious, suicidal reason, the US seems to be trying to actively provoke other countries to retaliate against the US, just as Roosevelt used sanctions against Japan in 1941, resulting in the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. Just as the Nazi army easily bypassed France’s concrete ‘Maginot line’ of fortifications to defeat France, America’s adversaries will bypass the high-tech US military.

WW3 has already Started
Economic Warfare
World War III Sparks Future Battle Predictions  
Thomas J Noss, D. Min.

American military planners usually fall into the trap of preparing to fight the next war using the same weapons and tactics as the last war.  
But, inevitably, the weapons and tactics of the next war are always different.
So it will be in our future… WW3 won’t be like WW2, Korea, Vietnam, or Iraq/Afghanistan. 
To prevent catastrophic, mutual destruction, countries will try to avoid using their arsenals of nuclear and biological weapons.
In fact, they’d prefer to defeat their enemy without using ships, planes, guns, and bombs at all.
Economic Warfare
Through sanctions and tariffs, the USA is now waging economic warfare against Turkey, Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela, N Korea, and others.
Every one of these countries’ economies is hurting as a result, while the American economy seems to be improving. This economic warfare is the start of WW3.
For example, here’s a graphic (from a video) showing the disaster that’s now happening in the Turkish lira.
American Provocation
For some mysterious, suicidal reason, the US seems to be trying to actively provoke other countries to retaliate against the US, just as Roosevelt used sanctions against Japan in 1941, resulting in the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor.
Expect Retaliation
Within the last week, top leaders of Russia, China, Turkey, and Iran have all warned that, unless America stops these economic attacks, the US should expect to suffer dire consequences.
Just as the Nazi army easily bypassed France’s concrete ‘Maginot line’ of fortifications to defeat France, America’s adversaries will bypass the high-tech US military.
For decades, Chinese (and Russian, Iranian, etc.) military planners have strategized to defeat and neutralize the USA using weapons and tactics the Americans aren’t expecting or ready for, including:
·               Cyber attacks
·               Media warfare
·               Economic actions to destroy the dollar, credit, etc.
·               Racial, political, and economic strife leading to civil unrest
·               Electric grid shutdowns
·               Water reservoir pollution
·               Destruction of moral standards and the rule of law
·               Degrade the populace through marijuana, opioids, etc.
·               Psychological warfare
·               Weather modification warfare
·               Cause natural disasters to occur
·               International law warfare
Babylon Destroyed
WW3 has started. The weapons and tactics listed above will escalate until nukes destroy cities. 
Before the rise of the Antichrist, Babylon will be destroyed in 1 hour.  (See #2 in the Sequence of End-time Events.)
What to Do?
We can’t prevent WW3, but we can try to prepare ourselves. Here’s what I suggest for everyone to do now:
1.    Get right with God.  The birth of a new age is imminent and the birthing process will be a time of tribulation for everyone. God’s kingdom is displacing Satan’s kingdom; smart people will join the winning side now.
2.    Be prepared with emergency food, water, resources, and skills. This is wise, even for normal power outages, storms, etc.
3.    Be flexible to react according to the situation. We don’t know exactly how (or how quickly) WW3 will unfold, so we need to be watchful and flexible to react accordingly.

Thomas J Noss, D. Min.
A committed follower of Jesus since 1973.
My passion and quest is to learn the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and then freely share them with truth-seekers worldwide, so that we may all “grow up to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13)
While serving as a US Army helicopter pilot in Vietnam in 1972, I made a ‘foxhole commitment’ to God, praying that if God helped me survive I’d serve Him.
In 1973, less than a year after my safe return from the war, the Spirit of God drew me to repentance and faith in Jesus as my Savior and Lord, and I’ve been growing as a disciple ever since.
I met my wife in Bible college and we married in 1975. Adventures over the next decades included successful careers, first as a US Air Force officer and then as an IT project manager and cyber-security consultant for IBM and other Fortune 500 corporations.
I’m an alumnus of Troy State University (BS), Colorado Technical University (MS), and Christian Leadership University (Doctor of Ministry). 
WW3 has already Started

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