Sunday, December 1, 2019

POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS - The name of Jesus is more powerful than any other name in the universe, and much more so than all those other names that people tried to call on. The name of Jesus is so powerful that it exercises power over and subdues ever other being in the universe. There’s no magical power in the name of “Jesus”, but all the power of omnipotence belongs to the One who bears it. Jesus has promised his children that his name is so powerful, that anything that we ask in his name will be done. Jesus says that when his children ask for something in his name, he doesn’t have to ask the Father for that thing to be given to them. Through him, all the power of the Almighty, and all the treasures of heaven, are at the disposal of his children.

The Power of Jesus' Name
The Name Of Jesus
What’s The Power of Jesus’ Name?
Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Christianity sometimes seems full of clichés – expressions that we use that seem meaningless to others.
But can it be that they can also lose their meaning for us believers?
Can we hear them, listening to them so often, and all the time thinking we know what they mean, until we don’t even know what they mean ourselves?
Here’s an example: we talk about “the power of Jesus’ name.”
What does it mean?
In the ancient world, names were not just words, they had power. And the name of the gods had potent cosmic power.
That’s why most gods hid their true names from humanity.
There were huge traditions of antiquity of people trying to discover the true names of the gods. This was true both within paganism and within Judaism.
By using the true name of god in prayers and magical incantations, it was believed that you could somehow exert power over it, to get him or her to do what you wanted.
This background helps us to understand what the Bible says about the power of Jesus’ name.
The Bible continually highlights the power of Jesus’ name. It tells us that God has exalted Jesus to the highest place,
“and gave him the name that is above every name,
   that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
   and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”
 (Philippians 2:9–11).
In other words, the name of Jesus is more powerful than any other name in the universe, and much more so than all those other names that people tried to call on.
The name of Jesus is so powerful that it exercises power over and subdues ever other being in the universe.
There’s no magical power in the name of “Jesus”, but all the power of omnipotence belongs to the One who bears it.
Jesus has promised his children that his name is so powerful, that anything that we ask in his name will be done. (John 14:13).
More than that, Jesus makes a fascinating statement in John 16:26–27.
Jesus says that when his children ask for something in his name, he doesn’t have to ask the Father for that thing to be given to them.
Essentially, the reason for this is that Jesus’ name is powerful.
The marvelous thing is that although the names of power in antiquity were often hidden and mysterious, God has revealed to his children, right from the beginning, what the true name of power is, when the angel said to Joseph:
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
I am constantly bemused by those Christians who give great importance to discovering and knowing the true name of God.
Then they usually insist in only ever calling God by that name, or even just in spelling it in a certain way.
The truth is that God reveals himself by hundreds of names in Scripture, with the purpose that we not fixate on one name alone, but instead on the manifold glories of his person.
There’s no magical power in the name of “Jesus”, but all the power of omnipotence belongs to the One who bears it.
There is no virtue in repetitively chanting the name of “Jesus”, but there is salvation and joy in knowing the One who has asked us to pray in that name.
Through him, all the power of the Almighty, and all the treasures of heaven, are at the disposal of his children.

Eliezer Gonzalez is simply passionate about the gospel. With a background in teaching and management, the Lord called him to the gospel ministry and set him on an academic path. As a result, Eliezer earned two Master’s degrees (in Theology and Early Christian History), and then a PhD in Early Christian History.academic specialization is the early history of Christianity, and he was written prolifically in published books and in historical and theological academic journals. But don’t let that fool you! Eliezer communicates the gospel of the crucified and risen Christ in a powerful and simple way.
Eliezer has presented the gospel publicly in many countries and in many different forums. He considers it a privilege to be able to do his bit so that the Word Spreads Fast. Eliezer is praying for millions upon millions of people to be in the Kingdom of God because of the ministry of Good News Unlimited.
Good News Unlimited was born from the desire of like-minded Christians to enjoy fellowship based on Biblical principles, free from the politics and constraints of more formal religions. A non-profit ministry, it was originally established in California in 1980, but quickly spread through an informal network, producing regular taped sermons and a magazine, and sponsoring regular speaking seminars by Desmond Ford in various countries.
Good News Unlimited established a daily and weekly radio program which ran for more than twenty years. It also sponsored a TV program on health and preventative medicine, called ‘Worth More Than a Million’ for more than ten years.
The Power of Jesus' Name

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