Friday, November 8, 2019

A WOMAN WHO FEARS THE LORD - A woman that fears the Lord, shall have praise of God and of men too. Virtuous women, it seems, are precious jewels, but not such rare jewels as was represented. There have been many, but such a one as this cannot be paralleled. Who can find her equal? She excels them all. Many daughters, in their father's house, and in the single state, have done virtuously, but a good wife excels them all, and does more good in her place than they can do in theirs.

Image result for images A Woman Who Fears The Lord.A Woman Who Fears The Lord

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:6 NKJV

A woman that fears the Lord, shall have praise of God (Romans 2:29) and of men too.
It is here shown, that she shall be highly praised (Proverbs 31:29): Many have done virtuously.
Virtuous women, it seems, are precious jewels, but not such rare jewels as was represented Proverbs 31:10.
There have been many, but such a one as this cannot be paralleled.
Who can find her equal? She excels them all.
Note, Those that are good should aim and covet to excel in virtue.
Many daughters, in their father's house, and in the single state, have done virtuously, but a good wife, if she be virtuous, excels them all, and does more good in her place than they can do in theirs.
Or, as some explain it, A man cannot have his house so well kept by good daughters, as by a good wife.
That she shall be incontestably praised, without contradiction. - Matthew Henry
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Image result for images A Woman Who Fears The Lord.
Image result for images A Woman Who Fears The
Image result for images A Woman Who Fears The Lord.Image result for images A Woman Who Fears The Lord.

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