Move That Mountain!
We all face “mountains” in our lives
at times seemingly immovable obstacles blocking us from the abundant life God
wants us to experience.
If you’ve wondered why the gateway to some new opportunity hasn’t opened for you yet, it’s time to start praising God and giving Him thanks! If you are facing frustration in some part of your life today, this first key is critical to your breakthrough. Stop whatever else you’re doing, and enter into God’s presence with praise and thanksgiving!
Although your Heavenly Father loves you and wants to meet your
needs, He’s not your personal genie, ready to grant your requests as soon as
you snap your fingers. He says your season of blessing will surely come, but
then adds that you must not “lose heart” as you wait.
Speak to your mountain as the Lord instructed you. Whether
you’re facing an impassable mountain or locked door, you’ll find victory when
you put your faith to work.
by David Cerullo
3 Keys for
Transforming Frustration into Faith
Have you ever
felt like you were banging your head against a brick wall or locked door?
Perhaps you
experienced frustration when some need in your life seemed to go unmet or
long-standing prayers went unanswered.
Maybe you dealt
with some issue in your health, finances, or family that made you feel “stuck”
unable to find a solution.
It’s possible
you’re still feeling this frustration in some area of your life today. There’s
a mountain standing in your way, and it won’t seem to budge, no matter what you
Friend, I have
a message today that will help you. As I pray, I see you standing in front of a
huge door with a key chain in your hand. You’ve already tried many of the keys,
but without success in opening the door.
But right when
you’re about to give up, the Lord hands you three keys you haven’t tried yet.
The keys are old and rusty, signifying that they haven’t been used for a while.
You find that
each of the keys fits the lock but it’s only when you use them together that
the tumblers turn.
Suddenly, with
little effort compared to what you’ve tried in the past, the door swings open
wide. Access granted to God’s presence and the exact breakthrough you need!
So what are
these 3 powerful keys, so often neglected when our pathway is blocked by closed
doors and formidable mountains?
As I’ve prayed
about this, I believe each of these keys happens to start with the letter “P.”
As we celebrate
the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States this month, we need to remember
that gratitude is not just a great opportunity to gather with loved ones and
stuff ourselves with turkey and pumpkin pie.
The psalmist
reminds us that thankfulness and praise are powerful keys into the very gates
of the Lord:
“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His
courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.” - (Psalm
Take a moment
to let these words sink in. If you’ve wondered why the gateway to some new
opportunity hasn’t opened for you yet, it’s time to start praising God and
giving Him thanks!
I meet many
people who tell me they will gladly praise the Lord when they receive their
breakthrough but they are missing an important point:
· King Jehoshaphat sent out the worshipers ahead of the army and
won a resounding victory (2 Chronicles 20:1-30).
Paul and Silas started praising God at midnight after being
severely beaten and chained to a prison wall. Their worship resulted in an
earthquake that broke every chain and set them free (Acts
· Paul said when we make our petitions to God with thanksgiving
even before the answer comes, we’ll experience “the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:6-7).
If you are
facing frustration in some part of your life today, this first key is critical
to your breakthrough.
Stop whatever
else you’re doing, and enter into God’s presence with praise and thanksgiving!
For most of our
forefathers, persistence was a way of life. They didn’t know anything else. Without
perseverance, they were keenly aware that they would never survive life’s
However, things
are so much different today. Many people grow up feeling entitled to a fairly
easy life.
Instead of
developing persistence and tenacity, our culture opts for microwave ovens and
drive-through lines at fast-food restaurants. Whatever happened to character
traits like patience and delayed gratification?
Jesus taught
that God answers prayer. But He never said the breakthroughs would always be
quick or easy. In fact, He warned that the opposite would be more likely.
The Amplified
Bible brings this out well:
“Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you;
seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on
knocking and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7).
You see,
although your Heavenly Father loves you and wants to meet your needs, He’s not
your personal genie, ready to grant your requests as soon as you snap your
He says your
season of blessing will surely come, but then adds that you must not “lose
heart” as you wait (Galatians 6:9).
I love Jesus’
story in Luke 18:1-8 about the persistent widow and the unjust judge. Of
course, God is nothing like this stubborn judge.
But Jesus used
that stark image to demonstrate that our perseverance in prayer can win the
day, despite any delays or obstacles.
If you’ve been
waiting a long time for some prayer to be answered, I understand your
frustration. But don’t give up, my friend!
Persistence may
be exactly the key you need right now.
Recently I’ve
been looking again at an often-quoted promise from Jesus:
“Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard
seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’
and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew
What is the
Master saying to us here?
First, notice
that we all face “mountains” in our lives at times seemingly immovable
obstacles blocking us from the abundant life God wants us to experience.
So if you’re
facing one of those mountains today, know that you’re not alone!
But what does a
“mustard seed” of faith have to do
with moving a mountain that’s standing in our way?
Surely a tiny
seed is no match for a massive mountain!
Yet this points
to the crux of Jesus’ message here, with two important points:
doesn’t have to be bigger than the mountain, because your GOD is always bigger
than the mountain.
But in order
for your seed to be effective, it has to be activated through some step of
In another
passage, Jesus taught that a mustard seed, when planted, always GROWS (Mark 4:30-32).
Instead of
complaining that your faith isn’t big enough, go ahead and put your “little” faith to work and watch it
Speak to your
mountain as the Lord instructed you.
Doing the
Jesus ended Matthew 17:20 with a stunning promise for those who
learn how to activate their mustard seed of faith: “NOTHING will be
impossible for you.”
wonderful news, isn’t it?
Whether you’re
facing an impassable mountain or locked door, you’ll find victory when you put
your faith to work.
And while you
plant your seed of faith, don’t forget the other keys too. Praise the Lord in
advance for your breakthrough then, persist until your prayer is answered.
I am praying
for you!
God bless you,
David Cerullo is the
founder, chairman, and CEO of Inspiration Ministries, located in Indian Land,
South Carolina – a ministry dedicated to impacting people for Christ worldwide
through media. The son of international evangelist Morris Cerullo, David took a
less traditional approach to ministry, graduating from Oral Roberts University
with a degree in business administration and management. He has authored over
20 books, and operates a global media ministry that powerfully impacts the
world for Christ. More from
David on
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