”Isaac prayed hard to
God for his wife because she was barren. God answered his prayer and Rebekah
became pregnant.
“But the children
tumbled and kicked inside her so much that she said, ‘If this is the way it’s
going to be, why go on living?’
“She went to God to
find out what was going on. God told her, ‘Two nations are in your womb, two
peoples butting heads while still in your body. One people will overpower the
other, and the older will serve the younger.’” - Genesis 25: 21-23
Rebekah did the right thing, by going to God
with her question.
But, just like Sarah, she tried to ‘fix’ the
situation herself. God said the older would serve the younger.
Since Rebekah loved Jacob more, she wanted
him to get this ‘birthright’.
In the end, a lot of trickery took place to
ensure that the younger son became what God had already said he would become.
Jacob would flee his angry brother and wonder
miles in the desert. In the midst of all this, God speaks to Jacob:
“Then God was right
before him, saying, ‘I am God, the God of Abraham your father and the God of
Isaac. I’m giving the ground on which you are sleeping to you and to your
“’Your descendants
will be as the dust of the Earth; they’ll stretch from west to east and from
north to south. All the families of the Earth will bless themselves in you and
your descendants.
“’Yes. I’ll stay with
you, I’ll protect you wherever you go, and I’ll bring you back to this very
ground. I’ll stick with you until I’ve done everything I promised you.’” - Genesis 28: 13-15
God Plan for your life
No matter how much we mess things up in
trying to fix it ourselves, God will intervene.
However, Jacob had his own share of
difficulty and trials to face.
He went on the run from his brother, missing
out on his family life.
He had to work fourteen years to marry the
woman he loved.
And, he was also tricked by his
It is our choice if we are going to trust
that God can accomplish His purpose in our lives.
We each have a purpose to fulfill in this
If you don’t know what it is, do like Rebekah
and go to God.
If you do know what God’s plan and purpose is
for your life, trust Him to make it come to pass.
Although it may seem easy for you to control
or take charge, God’s ways are higher than ours and He sees the big picture.
Don’t waiver in your trust, keep praising Him
and be faithful to Him.
His timing is perfect and He will not allow
his promises concerning you to go unfulfilled.
It’s Not Too Late!
Repent and turn around and recommit yourself
to God’s plan and purpose today.
God will turn things around and cause His
favor to shine upon you.
He will be with you, as His word says: He
will stick with you until He’s done what He has promised!
May the God who is able to do all things
continue to stand by your side! Amen.
I may know Him and the power of the Cross. I'm learning more and more to trust
that God has my best interests at heart and that everything He does is for
purpose and by design. I encourage you to get to know Him, it has been the most
exciting journey so far for me, I'm sure it will be the same for you!
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