when you choose to believe God’s word over the illusions of the world,
you’re watering the seedlings of hope and faith - allow the seedling of your
hope to bloom into a luscious tree and you’ll surely see His promises come to
pass in your life
When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been sick for
a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:6)
How good is the God you believe in?
As the day draws to a close, meditate again on His goodness and
Were there things that troubled you today? Were there situations
that seemed hopeless?
It’s time to let them go, into the hands of God.
In John 5, we read that a man who laid by the pool of Bethesda
was sick for thirty-eight years.
But there was no one to carry him into the pool.
So, he could only watch as others got healed. While he lay there
Can you imagine how hopeless he must have felt?
That is, until he met Jesus!
Jesus simply asked the man, “Do you want to be made well?”
With one, command, Jesus said, “Arise, take up your mat, and
And “Immediately, the man was made well, and
took up his mat and walked.” (John 5:9)
After years of hopelessness, yearning, pining, desperate for a
healing, all he could do was lie and see others get healed.
Yet, the moment he met Jesus he was instantly healed!
What have you been pining
Does it seem like the blessings you want always end up in
someone else’s house?
Maybe some of them don’t even seem godly at all, yet they seem
to be blessed?
Well, God is asking you not to lose hope today.
Whether you need healing in your body, your finances or your
relationships, one Word from Jesus is all you need.
Remember, victory is already yours through the finished work of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hold fast to the hope and see the promises of God come to pass
in your life.
Be Greatly Blessed!
Action Steps:
Place your hope in the finished work of Jesus – not on what your
eyes see or your senses feel.
Hope gives birth to faith.
And faith gives birth to the manifestations of God’s promises.
(Faith is the substance of things hoped for.)
The first fruits of your miracles usually come through a sense
of peace, hope, and love.
As you meditate on the Word of God, let His promises take root
in your heart.
Whenever you’re tempted to lose hope, bring God’s promises to
But don’t just repeat the verses mindlessly. Instead, let each
word marinate in your spirit.
See, hear, feel, what it’d be like if your prayer already came
What’d it be like if you’re already healed?
If you’re already prosperous? If you’re already in a happy
relationship? If you’re already righteous?
For all of the above are already true.
And when you choose to believe God’s word
over the illusions of the world, you’re watering the seedlings of hope and
Allow the seedling of your hope to
bloom into a luscious tree and you’ll surely see His promises come to pass in
your life.
Father, I admit that there are times when I lose hope.
There are times when I’m not sure whether you’re listening, or
whether you even care.
But I know Lord that those are the thoughts of my flesh.
For your Word says that you’re always with me. You’re closer to
me than my very breath.
And before I even utter a word, you already know my heart.
How then can I lose hope? When I know that you’re planning the
way ahead for me.
You’ve gone ahead to prepare the way for me.
You’re my hope and my strength Lord. In you I rest my faith.
I see now all the promises and all the treasures you’ve laid up
for me.
The health, the abundance, the security, the joy, the love, the
wholeness, the shalom peace.
All purchased for me with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I receive them all now.
In Jesus’ mighty Name.
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