Saturday, April 18, 2020

TREAD THROUGH THIS CRAZINESS - The promise of victory is available to us who TREAD upon the enemy, and upon His territory… to claim it requires faith and obedient action - With obedience comes God’s faithfulness and security - “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt.” - When I’m dealing with what is beyond a normal, average trial, I need to muster a more militant attitude, and I remind myself of this promise; the Lord has given me authority to TREAD upon the enemy … to walk in His victory over every trial and tribulation that life brings. But what happens if we don’t tread? When he was about to enter the Promised Land God told Joshua, "Every place on which the sole of your foot treadeth, to you I have given it". Then the Lord said, “Be strong and courageous”, follow the Word, and the ground will be given to you. And finally, God promised He would be with Him wherever He went. Notice that Joshua had to TREAD to claim His victory … his part was to believe and go through the Land. But what if He didn’t "tread"? The promised inheritance and victory could not be claimed. The promise of victory is available to us who TREAD upon the enemy, and upon His territory… to claim it requires faith and obedient action. With obedience comes God’s faithfulness and security!

The Lord Our God is With Us (Joshua 1:9)
United In THE WORD: March 7 Bible Reading: Joshua Chapters 10-12Tread through this craziness!
The Story: Chapter 7 – The Battle Begins-Joshua appointed leader ...
The promise of victory is available to us who TREAD upon the enemy, and upon His territory… to claim it requires faith and obedient action - With obedience comes God’s faithfulness and security! 

Worthy Ministries

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” - Luke 10:19-20 

The Israelites Enter the Promised Land | Bible Message
When I’m dealing with what is beyond a normal, average trial, I need to muster a more militant attitude, and I remind myself of this promise; the Lord has given me authority to TREAD upon the enemy … to walk in His victory over every trial and tribulation that life brings.
But what happens if we don’t tread?
When he was about to enter the Promised Land God told Joshua, "Every place on which the sole of your foot treadeth, to you I have given it".
Then the Lord said, “Be strong and courageous”, follow the Word, and the ground will be given to you.
And finally, God promised He would be with Him wherever He went. [Joshua 1:3-9]
Notice that Joshua had to TREAD to claim His victory … his part was to believe and go through the Land.
But what if He didn’t "tread"?
The promised inheritance and victory could not be claimed.
The promise of victory is available to us who TREAD upon the enemy, and upon His territory… to claim it requires faith and obedient action.
Courage: Be Strong and Courageous — iDevoWith obedience comes God’s faithfulness and security!
At a time like this, with giants in our land, we need this militant attitude which the Lord gave Joshua to walk in His victory and tread over the power of the enemy.
The giants of fear, despair, and discouragement can stay under our feet when we stand in the courage of faith.
Our authority is in the resurrection power of Yeshua, and in His promise to be with us...even to the end of the age!

Worthy Ministries is a Christian organization based in the United States and Israel with a global outreach to more than 120 countries on a daily basis.
Though we are an internet ministry, we are also significantly involved in the land of Israel.
Each week, Worthy Ministries delivers thousands of daily devotionals and news briefs across the globe. This past year alone, we have sent out more than 5.2 million news briefs and inspirational devotionals. We have received thousands of encouraging responses from appreciative subscribers. And many millions have utilized our sites and services, including Worthy News, Worthy Chat, Worthy Devotions, and Worthy Christian Forums.

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