Saturday, March 23, 2019

PAUL'S CONVERSION ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS - God often chooses the most unlikely people to accomplish his will. Over and over in the Bible, God picked flawed men and women to help carry out His plan of salvation. The lesson is that the power comes from God; the person is only a vessel. When God calls a person to a task, He equips that person for it. Paul received the Holy Spirit, along with the truth of the gospel so he could share it with others. Paul could not have achieved his remarkable accomplishments in his own strength. He was empowered by God.

Paul's Conversion on the Road to Damascus
Paul's Conversion
Bible Story Study Guide
On the Road to Damascus Paul Made a Miraculous Turnaround
by Jack Zavada

Few Bible stories are as thrilling as Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus.
Through the power of Christ, a man who had been a hate-filled villain became a love-filled hero.
By submitting himself completely to Jesus, Paul was able to spread the gospel throughout the known world.

Question for Reflection

The same Jesus who rose from the dead and transformed Paul wants to work in your life too.
What could Jesus do through you if you surrendered as Paul did and gave him complete control of your life?
Maybe God will call you to work quietly behind the scenes like the little known Ananias, or perhaps you'll reach multitudes like the great Apostle Paul.
Scripture References
The story of Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus is told in Acts 9:1-19; Acts 22:6-21; and Acts 26:12-18.
Paul's Road to Damascus Conversion Story Summary
Saul of Tarsus, a Pharisee in Jerusalem after the crucification and resurrection of Jesus Christ, swore to wipe out the new Christian church called The Way.
Acts 9:1 says he was "breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples."
Saul obtained letters from the high priest, authorizing him to arrest any followers of Jesus in the city of Damascus.
On the Road to Damascus, Saul and his companions were struck down by a blinding light.
Saul heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" (Acts 9:4, NIV).
When Saul asked who was speaking, the voice replied: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." (Acts 9:5-6, NIV)
Saul was blinded. They led him into Damascus to a man named Judas, on Straight Street. For three days Saul was blind and didn't eat or drink.
Meanwhile, Jesus appeared in a vision to a disciple in Damascus named Ananias and told him to go to Saul. Ananias was afraid because he knew Saul's reputation as a merciless persecutor of the church.
Jesus repeated his command, explaining that Saul was His chosen instrument to deliver the gospel to the Gentiles, their kings, and the people of Israel. So Ananias found Saul at Judas' house, praying for help.
Ananias laid his hands on Saul, telling him Jesus had sent him to restore his sight and that Saul might be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. He arose and was baptized into the Christian faith.
Saul ate, regained his strength, and stayed with the Damascus disciples three days.
After his conversion, Saul changed his name to Paul.
Historical Context
Saul of Tarsus possessed perfect qualifications to be an evangelist: He was versed in Jewish culture and language, his upbringing in Tarsus made him familiar with the Greek language and culture, his training in Jewish theology helped him connect the Old Testament with the gospel, and as a skilled tentmaker he could support himself.
When retelling his conversion later to King Agrippa, Paul said Jesus told him, "It is hard for you to kick against the goads" (Acts 26:14, NIV).
A goad was a sharp stick used to control oxen or cattle. Some interpret this as meaning Paul had pangs of conscience when persecuting the church. Others believe Jesus meant that it was futile to try to oppress the church.
Paul's life-changing experience on the Damascus Road led to his baptism and instruction in the Christian faith. He became the most determined of the apostles, suffering brutal physical pain, persecution, and finally, martyrdom.
He revealed his secret of enduring a lifetime of hardship for the gospel:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)

Points of Interest
When God brings a person to faith in Jesus Christ, he already knows how he wants to use that person in service to his kingdom. Sometimes people are slow to understand God's plan and may even resist it.
Paul's conversion showed that Jesus Himself wanted the gospel message to go to the Gentiles, quashing any argument from the early Jewish Christians that the gospel was only for the Jews.
The men with Saul did not see the risen Jesus, but Saul did. This miraculous message was meant for one person only, Saul.
The scales falling from Paul's eyes symbolized a spiritual transformation that allowed him to see the truth. Once he knew the truth about Jesus, there was no going back.
Paul may have been knocked off his horse and struck blind, but in the end, the choice to follow Christ was his own.
Saul witnessed the risen Christ, which fulfilled the qualification of an apostle (Acts 1:21-22).
Only those who had seen the risen Christ could testify to His resurrection.
In some ways, Paul's conversion was similar to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Paul "died" to his past life of persecuting Christians and was "resurrected" to a new life as a zealous evangelist.
Major Themes and Life Lessons
In one moment of fear, enlightenment, and regret, Saul understood that Jesus was the true Messiah and that he (Saul) had helped murder and imprison innocent people.
Despite his previous beliefs as a Pharisee, he now knew the truth about God and was obligated to obey him. Paul's conversion proves that God can call and transform anyone he chooses, even the most hard-hearted.
Jesus did not distinguish between His church and His followers, and Himself.
Jesus told Saul he had been persecuting Him. Anyone who persecutes Christians, or the Christian church, is persecuting Christ Himself.
A person's past does not matter to Christ. He is more interested in a person's future.
Even though Saul had been one of Jesus' cruelest enemies, he became one of his closest friends. God’s forgiveness is full and final.
God often chooses the most unlikely people to accomplish his will. Over and over in the Bible, God picked flawed men and women to help carry out His plan of salvation.
The lesson is that the power comes from God; the person is only a vessel.
When God calls a person to a task, He equips that person for it.
Paul received the Holy Spirit, along with the truth of the gospel so he could share it with others.
Paul could not have achieved his remarkable accomplishments in his own strength. He was empowered by God.

Jack Zavada
·   Created and manages and blogs at
·   Published several books about Christian lifestyle topics
·   Contributes to numerous self-growth and Christian-based websites
·   Former newspaper reporter, technical editor, and public relations director
Jack Zavada is a former writer for ThoughtCo who concentrates his contribution on Christian topics and lifestyle. Jack began his 45-year career as a police and government newspaper reporter and Associated Press wire editor. He later served as a technical editor at the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL). Other positions held include being a publications editor and a communications director.
As a writer, Jack focuses his work into three genres, Christian lifestyles, self-help, and western fiction. Other than his work for ThoughtCo, Jack also contributes to several Christian-focused websites including,,,, and Jack created, manages and blogs at his website The site also serves as a platform for marketing his self-help eBooks. He also writes and publishes western fiction under the pen name of Calder Boone.
Jack Zavada earned a Master Arts (M.A.) in English Composition and a Bachelor Science (B.S.) in English literature, both from Illinois State University.
Awards and Publications
·   Outsmarting Loneliness (Pine Cone Press, 2012)
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