Thursday, June 28, 2018

SWEET SCENT - The spiritual aroma of Christ is sensed by the spiritual condition of those we encounter. For those who are to be saved, new life in Christ carries spiritual vitality. But for those who reject God’s light, the aroma is objectionable.

The Spiritual Aroma Of Christ

Sweet Scent
"We are the aroma of Christ to others."

“Thanks be to God, who . . . uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)

Author Rita Snowden tells a delightful story about visiting a small village in Dover, England.
Sitting outside a café one afternoon enjoying a cup of tea, she became aware of a beautiful scent.
Rita asked a waiter where it was coming from, and was told it was the people she could see passing by.
Most of the villagers were employed at a nearby perfume factory. As they walked home, they carried the fragrance that permeated their clothes out into the street.
What a beautiful image of the Christian life! As the apostle Paul says, we are the aroma of Christ, spreading His fragrance everywhere (2 Corinthians 2:15).
Paul uses the image of a king returning from battle, his soldiers and captives in tow, wafting the smell of celebratory incense in the air, declaring the king’s greatness (v. 14).
We spread the aroma of Christ in two ways.
First, through our words: telling others about the One who is beautiful.
Second, through our lives: doing deeds of Christ-like sacrifice (Ephesians 5:1-2).
While not everyone will appreciate the divine fragrance we share, it will bring life to many.
Rita Snowden caught a scent and was driven to seek its source.
As we follow Jesus we too become permeated with His fragrance, and we carry His aroma into the streets through our words and deeds. — Sheridan Voysey

Lord Jesus, make us carriers and communicators of Your beauty to the people in our homes, offices, and neighborhoods.
We are the aroma of Christ to others.
INSIGHT: When a Roman general won a significant victory, he would be granted the honor of a triumphal parade in the streets of Rome.
Citizens of Rome would line the streets and shout words of praise. Pagan temples would offer up fragrant incense that flooded the parade with sweet-smelling aromas in honor of the event.
Paul uses this imagery to stunningly illustrate the spiritual victory of Christ in securing our redemption. Having won the victory over sin and death, Jesus is our triumphant leader.
The spiritual aroma of Christ is sensed by the spiritual condition of those we encounter.
For those who are to be saved, new life in Christ carries spiritual vitality.
But for those who reject God’s light, the aroma is objectionable.
What are some ways you can spread the aroma of Christ to others? Dennis Fisher
God never calls us to do something for Him that He does not empower us to do if we are willing to do the work and time. Take the time to get to know God in an intimate way.
Your purpose on earth is to shine God’s love to a lost and dying world.
Open your ears and your heart to the Lord and be excited about your new future serving Him in spirit and truth.
God has made it possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in your own life.
Serve Him.
Wait on Him.
And expect … for He is able to do much much more than you can ask or imagine.
Settle that sin issue ...
“Father God, I confess I am a sinner and my sins have separated me from You.
I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and live a new life pleasing to You.
Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again.
I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer.
I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Thank You that according to Your Word, I am now born again.
Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. I promise to study Your Word – the Bible.
Use me for Your glory.
In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.” .
Our Daily Bread 

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