Saturday, October 24, 2020

MASADA - Today Masada represents something special. After nearly 1,900 years from the fall of Masada, the state of Israel became a formal nation again in 1948. As part of defending the renewed land, all Israeli men and women are asked to serve a period in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). After the completion of basic training, new IDF soldiers climb the “snake path” at night and are sworn-in at a torch-lit ceremony at the top of Masada. There final declaration of the night before descending the mountain as an IDF soldier is “Masada shall not fall again.” Masada – A Refuge for Herod the Great - Masada was originally built by Herod the Great between 37 and 31 B.C. as a palace of refuge in case of a revolt. According to Josephus, King Herod was an Edomite appointed by the Roman Empire as a client king over Judea. Because he was not a Judean, was in league with the Romans, cruel to his subjects, and called for the assassinations of many Hasmoneans, Herod was a despised leader. Some psychologists have even classified Herod as bipolar and suffering from a type of paranoia. Thought to be one of the reasons behind his prolific building activities such as Masada, his paranoia about losing power is evident in the records of Josephus concerning the murder of some of his sons, as well as the massacre of innocent children in Matthew 2. Masada – A Final Standoff Against the Romans. Masada means “fortress” in Aramaic.



Masada shall not fall again



Today Masada represents something special. After nearly 1,900 years from the fall of Masada, the state of Israel became a formal nation again in 1948. As part of defending the renewed land, all Israeli men and women are asked to serve a period in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). After the completion of basic training, new IDF soldiers climb the “snake path” at night and are sworn-in at a torch-lit ceremony at the top of Masada. There final declaration of the night before descending the mountain as an IDF soldier is “Masada shall not fall again.”

All About GOD Ministries


Masada – A Refuge for Herod the Great

Masada was originally built by Herod the Great between 37 and 31 B.C. as a palace of refuge in case of a revolt.

According to Josephus, King Herod was an Edomite appointed by the Roman Empire as a client king over Judea.

Because he was not a Judean, was in league with the Romans, cruel to his subjects, and called for the assassinations of many Hasmoneans, Herod was a despised leader.

Some psychologists have even classified Herod as bipolar and suffering from a type of paranoia.

Thought to be one of the reasons behind his prolific building activities such as Masada, his paranoia about losing power is evident in the records of Josephus concerning the murder of some of his sons, as well as the massacre of innocent children in Matthew 2.

Masada – A Final Standoff Against the Romans

Masada means “fortress” in Aramaic.

The actual fortress is located on top of a cliff, with the front edge 1,300 feet high and the back edge 300 feet high.

At the top of the flat plateau, the main complex was built and surrounded entirely by a casemate wall and several defensive towers.

Inside the walls were storehouses, a barracks, an armory, a palace, cisterns, and possibly a synagogue.

Although an excellent example of the building prowess of Herod the Great, Masada is best known as the place where the Sicarii, a group of Jewish zealots, took over the Roman garrison in 66 A.D., and then in 72 A.D., the Romans under general Flavius Silva laid siege to the fortress.

To break the siege, the Romans employed a slave force of over 9,000 to build a massive earthen ramp up the side of the cliff and battered into the fortress with about 5,000 soldiers in the spring of 73 A.D.

The end result of the siege was the suicide of 953 Sicarii and the capture of 7.

Rather than be captured and forced into slavery by the Romans, the Sicarii ended their lives, making a powerful statement about the freedom and independence of Judea.

Masada – The Historic Legacy

The account of the siege and suicide at Masada was reported by two women hiding in a cistern with five children.

They shared the final words of Eleazar, the leader of the Jews on Masada, which was later recounted by the historian, Josephus:

Since we, long ago, my generous friends, resolved never to be servants to the Romans, not to any other than to God himself, who alone is the true and just Lord of mankind, the time is now come that obliges us to make that resolution true in practice. (Josephus, The Jewish War, Book 7, Ch. 8, Par. 6)

The remains of at least nine Roman camps from the siege can still be seen today, and the ramp to the fortress made by the Romans can still be climbed.

Although Masada holds many interesting discoveries, the most Biblically relevant came during the excavations of 1963-65 when portions of several Biblical, sectarian, and apocryphal scrolls were uncovered, including fragments of Genesis, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, and Ezekiel dating to before the 1st century A.D.

These appear to have come from nearby Qumran.

Masada – The New Symbolism

Today, the Jewish people are back in the land of Israel and Masada represents something special again.

After nearly 1,900 years from the fall of Masada, the state of Israel became a formal nation again in 1948.

As part of defending the renewed land, all Israeli men and women are asked to serve a period in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

After the completion of basic training, new IDF soldiers climb the “snake path” at night and are sworn-in at a torch-lit ceremony at the top of Masada.

There final declaration of the night before descending the mountain as an IDF soldier is “Masada shall not fall again.”


We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible.

If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

We are followers of Jesus. Like Jesus, we reject many of the issues found in “organized religion” (man-made attempts to reach God through rules and rituals). We consider the personal pursuit of God as paramount in each of our personal life journeys. We also believe that ultimate, saving Truth is found only through God’s Son, Jesus Christ. (Read our Faith Statement here.) We believe that the authoritative and primary source of that truth is the Bible as illuminated by the power of the Holy Spirit. Further, we believe that spiritual growth occurs in combination with being in God’s Word consistently and dealing with the things we suffer in this fallen world while being in fellowship with other believers where there is an atmosphere of grace, love, and accountability.

Although we're not formally affiliated with any organization or denomination, we work with a number of credible ministries and churches. Read what some of them are saying 
here. is a service of All About GOD Ministries, Inc, a 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization located in Belen, NM. Currently, we have a very small team and a much larger number of volunteers. Formal governance is maintained by an outside Board of Directors.


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