Saturday, September 12, 2020

SPLIT LAYERS - THE SPLITTING OF THE SEA - The splitting of the sea was more than a utilitarian measure to save the Israelites. Why did G-d choose this method? We have times when G‑d's presence is revealed and times when G‑d seems concealed from us. There are times when we are spiritually inspired and feel close to G‑d, and times when we are uninspired and feel distant from G‑d. A "splitting of the sea" in our lives would mean that the inspiration of prayer stays with us throughout the day — that we experience Divine awareness and revelation even in a time and place where G‑dliness is typically concealed. "We should be grateful to G‑d for the doubled and redoubled goodness that He has bestowed upon us! For He has ... split the sea for us, and took us through it on dry land." G‑d could have saved us in another way. Why did G‑d choose this method? The answer is that the splitting of the sea was the manifestation of a profound revelation of G‑d at that time. This revelation of the concealed was mirrored by the splitting of the waters, where what is normally concealed (the seabed) was revealed. Divine revelation of this kind would cause a person to be so overwhelmed that he would cease to exist with an independent consciousness at all. How was this possible? At the sea, G‑d revealed more than what is revealed in prophecy — He revealed His essence, which transcends all rules.

After “the incident” and years of self-imposed exile, Desmond “Deetz’ Mac Innes returns to Wales. His father has died.   In the preceding years, Deetz became a skilled martial artist, slept with everyone - every which way - from San Francisco to Thailand, all the while improving his psychic powers and insightful wit.  But on his journey home, he is confronted by another problem, an old crush on his childhood best friend, Angus Reese, soon to be the 12th Earl of Glamorgan.   Amidst international
Red Sea Cliparts - Cliparts ZoneSplit Layers - The splitting of the sea
The splitting of the sea was more than a utilitarian measure to save the Israelites. Why did G-d choose this method?
Times of Ahmad: Faith and Practice: Understanding The 'Splitting of the Sea'We have times when Gd's presence is revealed and times when Gd seems concealed from us. There are times when we are spiritually inspired and feel close to Gd, and times when we are uninspired and feel distant from Gd. A "splitting of the sea" in our lives would mean that the inspiration of prayer stays with us throughout the day — that we experience Divine awareness and revelation even in a time and place where Gdliness is typically concealed
By Yanki Tauber

"We should be grateful to Gd for the doubled and redoubled goodness that He has bestowed upon us! For He has ... split the sea for us, and took us through it on dry land." (Passover Haggadah)

Is there any significance to the splitting of the sea independent of Gd taking us through it?
Is it not essentially one act of kindness?
Why are they listed as two separate acts of kindness?
Gd could have saved us in another way.
Chasidus [and Kabbalah] explains that the splitting of the sea was more than a utilitarian measure to save the Israelites.
Indeed, Gd could have saved us in another way. Why did Gd choose this method?
The answer is that the splitting of the sea was the manifestation of a profound revelation of Gd at that time.
As our Sages taught, even the most spiritually illiterate amongst us experienced prophetic visions at the sea of the sort that our later prophets never experienced.
Wow! Stop whining to God as if He's not IN YOU!!  YOU have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead! YOU!This revelation of the concealed was mirrored by the splitting of the waters, where what is normally concealed (the seabed) was revealed.
Generally, Divine revelation of this kind would cause a person to be so overwhelmed that he would cease to exist with an independent consciousness at all. How was this possible?
More Than Prophecy
At the sea, Gd revealed more than what is revealed in prophecy — He revealed His essence, which transcends all rules.
The Israelites were therefore able to remain conscious — to walk through the sea during this immense revelation.
Hence the two acts of kindness:
1) He split the sea for us — i.e., revealed to us the Divine reality that is normally concealed;
2) He led us through the sea on dry land — i.e., He revealed His essence, which transcends the conflicting properties of "sea" and "dry land," thereby enabling us to remain conscious during this revelation.
On dry land:
In contrast to the above interpretation, another perspective is that we are thanking Gd for:
1.    Splitting the sea and providing us an escape from Egypt, and
2.    for drying the seabed for us so we would not have to walk in mud.
Exodus:  Israelites Explain How To Take an 11-Day Journey in 40 Years!    Disclaimer: I don't necessarily agree with all the moral judgments here, but I must ask you, "What journey in your life is taking you so long because of your [ ] attitude?"But sparing us a muddy walk seems a relatively insignificant miracle in comparison to the other miracles enumerated here.
Why then is it included?
... this inspiration slowly escapes once we close the prayer book and enter the "real" world...
As mentioned, the splitting of the sea represented a revelation of the Gdly reality that is usually hidden.
In a personal sense, we also have times when Gd's presence is revealed and times when Gd seems concealed from us.
There are times when we are spiritually inspired and feel close to Gd, and times when we are uninspired and feel distant from Gd.
Generally, we experience Divine "revelation"--awareness and inspiration during the times of prayer, especially through meditative prayer.
But this inspiration slowly escapes once we close the prayer book and enter the "real" world, where Gd is concealed.
A Personal Revelation
A "splitting of the sea" in our lives would mean that the inspiration of prayer stays with us throughout the day — that we experience Divine awareness and revelation even in a time and place where Gdliness is typically concealed.
But this can occur in two ways:
In the first, the perspective gained during prayer is enough to affect our behavior during the day but does not transform our feelings and inclinations.
ask for picture of parting the red sea | Parting of the Red Sea (unknown)This can be compared to a splitting of the sea in which the waters of concealment have not been completely removed from the seabed — it remains wet and muddy.
This means that the hidden has been revealed, but not entirely — a residue of the waters of concealment remains.
Yet, as we say in the Haggadah, even if Gd only granted us this "small" spiritual achievement — Dayenu!
He gave us the ability to experience an absolute "splitting of the sea"...
But Gd accorded us an even greater kindness: He gave us the ability to experience an absolute "splitting of the sea," a revelation of the concealed, where no "water" remains at all and we can walk on "dry land."
Our meditative prayers can "part the sea," enabling us to see through the "concealing waters" of the world even outside the times of prayer.
We are then able to see the world as the handiwork of its Creator and to perceive the purpose He intended for it in its creation.

From The Kehot Passover Haggadah: Translator--Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet; Commentaries—Yanki Tauber; Editor—Rabbi Yosef Marcus. By Yanki Tauber
Based on the talks and writings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson; rendered by Yanki Tauber.
Yanki Tauber served as editor of
The Splitting of the Sea - Beshalach Art - Parshah
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