Thursday, September 10, 2020

I DID IT MY WAY - We had turned our back on God’s way, and we had chosen our own way instead. I thought my way was right, but my life was a mess. Reading the Bible and the books about prophecy showed me that my standards just didn’t matter. It was God’s standards that I would be judged by. I realized that I had blown it - I hadn’t kept God’s Word - I’d chosen my own way over His. That’s why my life was a mess - my rebellion against God carried an eternal death penalty. But God, in His great love for the world, and for me, made the only way out - His Name is Jesus - “All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” - I began to be afraid as I looked around at the world. It appeared to be getting worse, not better. Why? Wasn’t it supposed to get better and better? And what about my life? The same thing was happening there. Though I believed it would get better and better, it was clearly worse. I had more problems, not less. The world, really frightened me. Friends had been reading books on Bible prophecy. They said that the Bible told of our time and the things that were happening now. But, call it curiosity or whatever you want, I read those books and some of the Bible as well. What I learned was that the Bible really did tell about the world that I live in and about the future. It even told about me. Now I was really scared.

Using Exposure Therapy to Overcome Driving and Highway Anxiety | The Mighty
Pikes Peak Is My Mountain: “It Symbolizes The Mountains, Challenges I've  Had To Overcome” | Colorado Public RadioI Did It My Way
My Way Tattoo - Home | FacebookWe had turned our back on God’s way, and we had chosen our own way instead. I thought my way was right, but my life was a mess. Reading the Bible and the books about prophecy showed me that my standards just didn’t matter. It was God’s standards that I would be judged by. I realized that I had blown it - I hadn’t kept God’s Word - I’d chosen my own way over His. That’s why my life was a mess - my rebellion against God carried an eternal death penalty. But God, in His great love for the world, and for me, made the only way out - His Name is Jesus

“All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. -  Isaiah 53:6 (NKJV)

Highway Road iPhone Background ...Several years ago, I began to be afraid as I looked around at the world. 
It appeared to be getting worse, not better.
Wasn’t it supposed to get better and better?
And what about my life?
The same thing was happening there. Though I believed it would get better and better, it was clearly worse.
I had more problems, not less.
The world, however, really frightened me.
Frank Sinatra Proudly Sang “I Did It My Way”… What About Doing It God's Way?Friends told me that they had been reading books on Bible prophecy.
They said that the Bible told of our time and the things that were happening now.
My reaction? “Give me a break! I’m concerned about reality not stuff written 2000 years ago!”
But, call it curiosity or whatever you want, I read those books and some of the Bible as well.
What I learned was that the Bible really did tell about the world that I live in and about the future.
It even told about me.
Now I was really scared.
Words from my Stories: The Road is Long : As the Bird flies... Travel,  Writing, and Other JourneysThe problem with the world and the problem with me were one and the same: We had turned our back on God’s way, and we had chosen our own way instead.
I thought my way was right, but my life was a mess.
I had my own standards of right and wrong, and I kept them, most of the time.
Reading the Bible and the books about prophecy showed me that my standards just didn’t matter.
It was God’s standards that I would be judged by.
With blazing clarity, I realized that I had blown it.
I hadn’t kept God’s Word. I’d chosen my own way over His. That’s why my life was a mess.
Not only was it a mess, but my rebellion against God carried an eternal death penalty.
But God, in His great love for the world, and for me, made the only way out.
His Name is Jesus, He became a human being, yet without falling and without violating God’s standards, without going His own way.
10 Roads You Should Drive On In Your Lifetime - SimplemostHe was tempted at all points, yet He did not sin.
He came to earth to live a perfect life and then to die in my place for my sin.
He paid the death penalty. Wow!
“Lord, I am sorry. I did it my way.
“I know that Your Son paid for my sin when He died for me.
“I know that He rose from the grave and that You will forgive me and give me a new life with You.
“My life is yours, make it like You want it to be. I will live for You.”
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Final Thoughts:
Continuing, He defeated even death because three days later He rose.
Not only is it a fact of history but it is a fact that is real today.
To confess Him as Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead brings me from death to life.
Quotes About Highways. QuotesGramI did just that.
The life that He gave to me was more than I could have imagined at that time.
I had no idea of the healing, deliverance and restoration that He would do in my life.
It is only the beginning.
I will belong to His kingdom forever.
It is not because of anything that I am or that I have done, it is because of Him.
Oh, how He loves us!
If you’re like me and know that you haven’t kept His standards, your life is in a mess created only by you, and you know there is no way out except Jesus, you can come to Him just as I did.
Tell Him.
Be Greatly Blessed!

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