Monday, February 3, 2020

WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD - There is something which God requires we should do for him and devote to him. Our conformity to it is not only the condition of our future happiness, but is a great expedient of our present happiness; in keeping God's commandments there is great reward, as well as after keeping them. The good which God requires of us is doing the duty which is the condition of our interest in the pardon purchased. We must do justly, must render to all their due, according as our relation and obligation to them are; we must do wrong to none, but do right to all, in their bodies, goods, and good name. We must love mercy; we must delight in it, as our God does, must be glad of an opportunity to do good, and do it cheerfully. Justice is put before mercy, for we must not give that in alms which is wrongfully got, or with which our debts should be paid. We must walk humbly with our God. This includes all the duties of the first table, as the two former include all the duties of the second table.

Walk Humbly With Your God

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 NKJV

God tells them plainly what he demands, and insists upon, from those that would be accepted of him.
Let their money perish with them that think the pardon of sin and the favour of God may be so purchased; no, God has shown thee, O man! what is good. Here we are told,
That God has made a discovery of his mind and will to us, for the rectifying of our mistakes and the direction of our practice.
It is God himself that has shown us what we must do. We need not trouble ourselves to make proposals, the terms are already settled and laid down.
He whom we have offended, and to whom we are accountable, has told us upon what conditions he will be reconciled to us.
It is to man that he has shown it, not only to thee, O Israel! but to thee, O man!
Gentiles as well as Jews-to men, who are rational creatures, and capable of receiving the discovery, and not to brutes, to men, for whom a remedy is provided, not to devils, whose case is desperate.
What is spoken to all men every where in general, must by faith be applied to ourselves in particular, as if it were spoken to thee, O man! by name, and to no other.
It is a discovery of that which is good, and which the Lord requires of us.
He has shown us our end, which we should aim at, in showing us what is good, wherein our true happiness does consist; he has shown us our way in which we must walk towards that end in showing us what he requires of us.
There is something which God requires we should do for him and devote to him; and it is good.
It is good in itself; there is an innate goodness in moral duties, antecedent to the command; they are not, as ceremonial observances, good because they are commanded, but commanded because they are good, consonant to the eternal rule and reason of good and evil, which are unalterable.
It has likewise a direct tendency to our good; our conformity to it is not only the condition of our future happiness, but is a great expedient of our present happiness; in keeping God's commandments there is great reward, as well as after keeping them.
It is shown us. God has not only made it known, but made it plain; he has discovered it to us with such convincing evidence as amounts to a demonstration.
Lo this, we have searched it, so it is. What that discovery is.
The good which God requires of us is not the paying of a price for the pardon of sin and acceptance with God, but doing the duty which is the condition of our interest in the pardon purchased.
We must do justly, must render to all their due, according as our relation and obligation to them are; we must do wrong to none, but do right to all, in their bodies, goods, and good name.
We must love mercy; we must delight in it, as our God does, must be glad of an opportunity to do good, and do it cheerfully.
Justice is put before mercy, for we must not give that in alms which is wrongfully got, or with which our debts should be paid. God hates robbery for a burnt-offering.
We must walk humbly with our God. This includes all the duties of the first table, as the two former include all the duties of the second table.
We must take the Lord for our God in covenant, must attend on him and adhere to him as ours, and must make it our constant care and business to please him.
Enoch's walking with God is interpreted (Hebrews 11:5) his pleasing God.
We must, in the whole course of our conversation, conform ourselves to the will of God, keep up our communion with God, and study to approve ourselves to him in our integrity.
And this we must do humbly (submitting our understandings to the truths of God and our will to his precepts and providences).
We must humble ourselves to walk with God (so the margin reads it); every thought within us must be brought down, to be brought into obedience to God, if we would walk comfortably with him.
This is that which God requires, and without which the most costly services are vain oblations; this is more than all burnt-offerings and sacrifices. - Matthew Henry

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