Saturday, February 15, 2020

MESSAGE FROM GOD - Congratulations! You've Won A Millions Dollars! - A short lesson on the time value of money - Joe, a new convert to Christianity and a first year student at Harvard Business School, was impressed by what the Bible has to say about the power of prayer. He thought he had discovered a path to instant wealth and happiness. So Joe says to God, "I'll bet a thousand years is just like a minute to you." God replies, "Yes, Joe, you've got that right." Then Joe says, "God, I'll bet a million dollars is just like a penny to you." God replies again, "Yes, Joe, you're right once again." Going for the trifecta, with thoughts of what he was shortly to be doing with his instant million, Joe asks: "Would you give me a million dollars?" God: "Yes, Joe, but it’ll take just a minute."

Image result for images a million dollars from god
Image result for images Message from GodMessage from God: 
Congratulations! You've Won A Millions Dollars!
Image result for images a million dollars from god
A short lesson on the time value of money
Charles Henderson

Image result for images a million dollars from godJoe, a new convert to Christianity and a first year student at Harvard Business School, was impressed by what the Bible has to say about the power of prayer.
He thought he had discovered a path to instant wealth and happiness.
So Joe says to God, "I'll bet a thousand years is just like a minute to you."
God replies, "Yes, Joe, you've got that right."
Then Joe says, "God, I'll bet a million dollars is just like a penny to you."
Image result for images a million dollars from godGod replies again, "Yes, Joe, you're right once again."
Going for the trifecta, with thoughts of what he was shortly to be doing with his instant million, Joe asks: "Would you give me a million dollars?"
God: "Yes, Joe, but it’ll take just a minute."

The Rev. Charles P. Henderson, a graduate of Princeton University and Union Theological Seminary, is a Presbyterian minister. He has led churches in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and has served as a chaplain at Princeton. He is the author of numerous articles and books including God and Science (John Knox / Westminster Press, 1986) and Faith, Science and the Future (CrossCurrents Press, 2007). He has taught and lectured at Princeton, Columbia, Yale Divinity School, Union Seminary, Harvard Divinity School, and others. He is Executive Director of the Association for Religion and Intellectual Life, an interfaith organization that publishes CrossCurrents, an academic quarterly and is President of the Society for the Arts, Religion and Contemporary Culture. Rev. Henderson is a founding member of CIE/ the Consultation on Interfaith Education.
He lives in New York City with his spouse, The Rev. Katharine Rhodes Henderson, Executive Vice President of Auburn Theological Seminary. The Hendersons have three children and two grand children. When not working on the projects mentioned above, Charles Henderson may be out sailing in the waters of New York harbor or beyond.
Image result for images a million dollars from god

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