Tuesday, February 4, 2020

CRAZY GOD-FAITH - This faith, works by love, which is passionate, fiery, and at times, a little crazy - Aggressive God-Faith is not for academics. They are too passive and indifferent for that. For them the things of God are an intellectual exercise – just something else to put down on paper. Paul says that the ‘merely intellectual person’ cannot know the things of the Spirit of God, for they are spiritually discerned. God is a spirit, and He put His Spirit into us so that we would have the power to overcome the world. Most theology is all talk and no action. Faith is relational and active. Faith takes a stand and does something. This kind doesn’t trust and try. It trusts and does. The God kind of faith doesn’t just try the things of God; it walks out in the open with nothing but the things of God. Those who trusted their God staked everything on Him. They were all in! Faith begins where the will of God is known. You have to know before you can go, and you have to know before you can do.

Image result for images Running to a Goliath
Crazy God-Faith
This faith, works by love, which is passionate, fiery, and at times, a little crazy
Rex Rouis

Image result for images Running to a GoliathRunning to a Goliath is not an academic exercise. Don’t try it at home on your own.
Either you’re in crazy God-Faith or you’re not, and you better know which.
Aggressive God-Faith is not for academics. They are too passive and indifferent for that.
For them the things of God are an intellectual exercise – just something else to put down on paper.
Paul says that the ‘merely intellectual person’ cannot know the things of the Spirit of God, for they are spiritually discerned.
God is a spirit, and He put His Spirit into us so that we would have the power to overcome the world.
Image result for images Running to a GoliathThis faith, works by love, which is passionate, fiery, and at times, a little crazy.
I love Bible doctrine, but most theology is all talk and no action.
Faith is relational and active. Faith takes a stand and does something.
Okay, so you can quote a bunch of obscure Old Testament verses, and you can throw out some pithy Bible statements.
Great, but can you cast out demons?
Can you heal the sick?
Will you go to the dangerous hard places?
Does your heart burn to turn the world right side up?
Does any of that even make sense to you?
Image result for images Running to a Goliath
If not, please stick to safe academic Bible issues, and do not attempt mountain moving, world-changing, salvation spreading, do or die crazy God-Faith.
This kind doesn’t trust and try. It trusts and does.
The God kind of faith doesn’t just try the things of God; it walks out in the open with nothing but the things of God.
Those who trusted their God staked everything on Him. They were all in!
Faith begins where the will of God is known.
You have to know before you can go, and you have to know before you can do.
If you don’t, you won’t go anywhere and you won’t do anything.
You have to know Him, and you have to know exactly what He is saying.
Crazy God-Faith is built upon crazy God-Hearing.
And besides, “There’s no crying in baseball.”


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Image result for images Running to a Goliath
Image result for images Running to a Goliath

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