Wars And Rumors Of
Jesus DID
say we would have "… wars and rumors of
“And ye shall hear of wars and
rumours of war: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to
pass, but the end is not yet.” Matthew
First of all, because of a myriad of various prophecies
happening today which were foretold to eventually lead up to the Last Days and
the return of Jesus Christ at Armageddon, I have been somewhat confused by this
particular verse.
Yes, we have had wars and rumors of
wars for thousands of years but in the context of Jesus’ response to His
disciples on the Mount of Olives when asked when He would return, He responded
with the above and then a few verses later in Matthew 24:8 He said “All
these are the BEGINNING (capitals mine) of
So, obviously He was talking about certain events in the
Last Days that would cause sorrow but independently would not solely be the
events that would end with His immediate Second Coming.
I wrote about these wars in three previous posts, The War of Psalm 83, The War of God and Magog, and Is Turkey the REAL threat today to Israel?
My intent is NOT to change anything I wrote previously but
to perhaps better explain how ALL these wars could very well lead to Christ’s
soon return, especially based on the many very serious things happening in the
world and especially the Mideast TODAY!
First, if I may, let me give you a very brief synopsis of
the three major wars described in the Bible and prophesied to occur in the Last
Days. They are:
· The War of Psalm 83
· The War of Gog and Magog of Ezekiel
38 & 39
· The War of Armageddon primarily
discussed in Daniel 11:40-45 and Revelation 16
Basically, the War of Psalm 83 talks about a future war
where those nations directly surrounding Israel (Egypt, Syria, Jordan and
Lebanon) would gather together and say in verse 4, “They
have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of
Israel may be no more in remembrance.”
Doesn’t this
sound an awful lot like what many in the Mideast are saying today?
These people
of the lands/nations attempting to destroy Israel in the Last Days ARE THE
EXACT SAME ONES living in the lands listed in Genesis 15:18-21 which God gave
to Abraham as part of His eternal Covenant to the Jews.
While there have been
numerous wars since the Jews returned, there has not been one YET where the
Jews finally regained all the land God gave to them.
The next war critical to the fulfillment of Biblical
prophesy is what is referred to as the War of Gog and Magog discussed in
Ezekiel 38 & 39.
This one is VERY different from the War of Psalm 83 in
that the SIX named countries invading Israel are not their direct neighbors but
instead are today primarily Muslim nations which DO NOT touch the borders of
Those nations are Russia (not Muslim but they have an agenda to gain
control of the Mideast), Turkey, Iran and several northern Africa nations.
will be led by Russia in an attempt to invade Israel but God will intervene,
slaying 5 of every 6 of the invaders on the mountains of Israel. “And
I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee…” –
Ezekiel 39:2.
It will take 7 months to bury all the dead (“And
seven months shall the house of Israel be burying them, that they may cleanse
the land.” – Ezekiel 39:12) and 7 years to burn the
implements of war.
God’s direct intervention will also cause the Jews to
finally recognize Him as their true God (“And they shall know that I am
the Lord.” – Ezekiel 39:6).
Most importantly, this war
will be the turning point in the Jews recognition of God forever. “So
the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and
forward.” – Ezekiel 39:22
The final war and perhaps the best known is the War of
Armageddon where Christ returns and slays ALL of the world’s invaders of Israel
and ALL that have taken the mark of the beast; throws the anti-christ and false
prophet into the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity; and binds Satan for
1,000 years during His Millennium sin-free rule on earth.
We know this battle
will involve ALL the nations of the world, not just the few in Psalm 83 or the
6 listed in the War of Gog and Magog.
This FINAL war is critical because it is
Satan’s last attempt to disprove God’s Promise to the Jews thereby vindicating
his original sin and the resulting punishment.
Obviously Satan WOULD NOT be
going to battle unless he had someone to try to defeat! While he will rule a
one world government, economy and religion, he WILL NOT rule the Jews or those
who come to believe in Jesus during the Tribulation period.
This will be his
last attempt to defeat all those who oppose him and his Satanic rule. Of course
as the Bible tells us, Jesus will defeat him!
“And I saw an angel come down
from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his
hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and
Satan, and bound him a thousand years. And cast him into the bottomless pit,
and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no
more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that he must be
loosed a little season.” Revelation 20:1-3
Again, for a more complete explanation on these wars and
their Scriptural basis, please go to my previous posts.
So, why are these
predicted wars important today and especially, how do they pertain to
prophecies which Jesus said would be “…the beginning of sorrows.”?
The Books of the Psalms, Daniel and Ezekiel were written approximately 2,500
years ago while the Book of Revelation was written almost 2,000 years ago.
ALL pertain to a time when the Jews would be brought BACK to their God given
land. After they are brought back to their God promised land, THERE WILL BE
WARS (and rumours of wars)!
But, Jesus says these will be the “…beginning
of sorrows.”
By this, I believe He is speaking of the
many, many other trials and troubles of the Tribulation period, the final 7
years before His triumphant return at Armageddon.
If you are like me, you probably believe many signs today
point to the fact we are living in the Last Days as prophesied in the
Because we HAVE NOT YET seen these particular wars and if indeed we are
in those days, then we must be very close to their ultimate fulfillment.
of the recently observed developments which could lead to these wars coming to
fruition are as follows:
The UN, with the United States
abstention under President Obama, voted in December 2016 the city of Jerusalem
is being illegally occupied by the Nation of Israel even though that same
government body voted in 1947 to allow the Jewish people those lands in
Palestine including Jerusalem to be their homeland.
President Trump recognized Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel and vows to move the U.S. Embassy there by May 14,
2018, the 70th anniversary of the refounding of the Nation of Israel. Of course
this has caused much consternation within the Arab countries and many U.S.
allies around the world.
Sunni nations like Egypt, Saudi
Arabia and Jordan that have been on peaceful terms with Israel and who recognize
the greatest threat to their countries is a Shiite Iran are upset regarding the
Trump move of the U.S. embassy to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
A brutal civil war in Syria has
aligned Russia, Iran and Turkey in a NEVER before seen military pact to work
together to destroy ISIS but also to keep the Assad regime in power. Is it
coincidence these same three countries are predicted in Ezekiel 38 & 39 to
invade Israel in the Last Days and to be TOTALLY defeated?
Russia now has not only a naval base
in Syria but recently added an air force base as well. One thing many do not
know about is the prophecy regarding the total destruction of Damascus (in
Syria). If the Israelis respond to a chemical attack on Israel and they wipe
out Damascus as retribution, this could easily start the War of Psalm 83 and
eventually encourage the War of Ezekiel 38 & 39. To learn more on this,
read my post on God's "Red Line" in Syria.
Israel has attacked Iranian proxies
Hezbollah and Hamas in the West Bank and in Lebanon and Syria for their attacks
on Israel. While they are doing this in self defense, their Muslim neighbors
will see it as the Jews trying to destroy their countries and will turn on
Israel recently shot down an Iranian
drone that had entered Israeli airspace.
President Obama signed the infamous
Iranian nuclear deal that supposedly caused Iran to cease their efforts for 10
years developing a nuclear bomb but which has enabled them to TRIPLE the number
of missiles they are producing without fallout or sanctions from the other
countries of the world. I wonder what they are planning to do with all those
With all this said, let me give you, I believe, a POSSIBLE
scenario that could literally start at any time.
Based on the above, I could easily see where Syria attacks
Israel in such a way that Israel’s ONLY viable response would be to utterly
destroy Damascus (home of the Assad regime) with a brutal counter attack.
This could be a nuclear bomb to end their attacks once and
for all but what we do know from the Bible (Isaiah
17:1-3) is Damascus will be utterly destroyed
NEVER to be occupied again!
That has never occurred in the history of the world!
Those countries spoken of in Psalm 83 would then attack
Israel to end Israel’s being a nation.
Of course they would also be defeated and the land of
Israel would be enlarged to those boundaries originally given by God to Moses
in the Abrahamic Covenant.
Other Arab countries like Turkey and Iran, led by Russia
will then invade Israel only to also be defeated with 5 of every 6 of the
invaders dying on the mountains of Israel.
It doesn’t stop here! I believe the world upon seeing this
line of amazing successes by the Jews will decide it is finally time to
establish a “peace treaty” between the Jews and the rest of the world.
We know it is the Anti-Christ who will get the parties to
the table and sign this agreement!
This will finally give the Jews the right to exist in
their God promised land AND to rebuild their third Holy Temple in Jerusalem on
the Temple Mount.
Since this agreement will be a 7 year agreement during
which the world will go through the Tribulation many believe the final decision
to resolve the right of the entire city of Jerusalem to belong to the Jews
will be “put off” for 7 years.
In other words, there will be a peace treaty signed but
the ultimate decision on who “owns” Jerusalem will be decided 7 years later.
At the end of that time, the world’s armies led by the Anti-Christ
will go against Israel at Armageddon to finally defeat the Jews.
But, the Jews have Jesus on their side and ALL the
invaders will be slain by the Word coming out of the mouth of Jesus!
Recently many have been very upset by the decision to name
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the resulting global upheaval
decrying that decision.
There are many wars going on in the area, whether it is
ISIS, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Al Quaida, Yemen, etc.
The one thing these all have in common, however, is a
hatred of the Jews and America with our Judeo-Christian values.
What amazes me beyond belief is Jesus
Himself told us in the Last Days there would be “…
wars and rumours of wars” but these are ONLY “…
the beginning of sorrows.”
We were told what to expect and what is coming!
By itself those Words are so
comforting so we need not be “troubled” when we actually see them
I am very comforted by His Words and I hope you are as
Then we should do as WE are all
instructed to do and that is to “… therefore comfort one another with these words.”
May God Bless you!
This is My Story
My name is Mike
Wigton. I am the creator and author of this Biblical blog. I spent my entire
working career in the electrical industry, moving 9 times around the U.S.,
ultimately becoming the President of one of the largest electrical distributors
in the country. But this is not about me or my professional accomplishments.
Rather my intent in
creating this upon my retirement was because of my passion for Biblical
prophecy and the thousands of conversations I have had over the past 40 years
with people that had never heard about the many events foretold to happen
to us in the Last Days. My goal is to inform all with things very clearly
stated in the Bible; not to frighten but to do as we all are instructed to do
and that is to “comfort one another” with these words.
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