Sunday, March 1, 2020

SPIRITUAL SPARKLERS - Some were twinkling decorative lights that simply brought joy and laughter to those who desperately need it - We are God’s “lights” to the world, His bright illuminations that shine forth in a very darkened world, a world that grows darker by the day. The Scripture’s explain that in the last days gross darkness will cover the earth, and though the darkness will increase, so also will the light! As born-again believers, each one of us carries within ourselves a holy light, an “aura” that can be keenly detected by our fellow man. Many times, you’ll even hear people say, “I’m not sure what it is about you, but for some reason I just like being around you.” “And all of us, as with unveiled face, (because we) continue to behold (in the Word of God) as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; (for this comes) from the Lord (Who is) the Spirit.”

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Image result for images Spiritual Sparklers
Spiritual Sparklers
Some were twinkling decorative lights that simply brought joy and laughter to those who desperately need it
Missey Butler

Image result for images Spiritual SparklersWe are God’s “lights” to the world, His bright illuminations that shine forth in a very darkened world, a world that grows darker by the day.
The Scripture’s explain that in the last days gross darkness will cover the earth, and though the darkness will increase, so also will the light!
As born-again believers, each one of us carries within ourselves a holy light, an “aura” that can be keenly detected by our fellow man.
Many times, you’ll even hear people say, “I’m not sure what it is about you, but for some reason I just like being around you.”
As a very young Sunday school preschooler, I remember vividly one particular song that I used to love to sing with every ounce of my 4-year-old heart. 
I would sing it at the top of my lungs and (usually) somewhat off key. It went something like this:
A Sunbeam, a Sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam. A Sunbeam, a Sunbeam, I’ll be a ‘Sunbeam’ for Him!
Even as a grown woman I find myself still singing that song… with all of my now 54-year-old heart!
Image result for images Spiritual SparklersThose simple but meaningful lyrics have never left me; in fact, they hold more meaning for me today than ever before.
The other evening, while lying in bed, I reached over to turn out my reading lamp, and instead of the room going black, the light bulb suddenly became brighter. 
I turned the switch again and it got even brighter. I turned it a third time and -- you guessed it -- super bright!
My husband had slipped in a three-way bulb without my knowing it.
As I laid there with sleepy eyes gazing at the finely woven filaments inside the bulb, I began to wonder if perhaps in a similar fashion, that is how it’s going to be as we are transformed from glory to glory.
Second Corinthians 3:18 in the Amplified version of the Bible tells us:
“And all of us, as with unveiled face, (because we) continue to behold (in the Word of God) as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; (for this comes) from the Lord (Who is) the Spirit.”
I immediately had a rather interesting vision of a vast group of believers.
All of them were shaped like Sylvania light bulbs. Each one had been hand blown by the Divine glass-blower, twisted and turned into unique shapes and sizes.
After creating these delicate containers of light, He lovingly placed each one of them atop a beautiful custom designed lamp.
All the bulbs that He created were “perfect” within themselves (what we are after receiving salvation).
Then, individually, they began to reflect forth varying degrees of light. Some of them were 15-watt, some were 25-watt, some 75- and some 1000-watts!
A portion of these bulbs were made to be “street lamps” to help illuminate the many walkways of life.
Others were made to be traffic lights to help guide those who needed to stop, go, or slow down with caution.
Some were twinkling decorative lights that simply brought joy and laughter to those who desperately need it.
Image result for images Spiritual SparklersAnd a few were made to be powerful flood lights, for times when imminent danger was approaching and plenty of light was needed in order to find a safe way out!
I found a couple more Scriptures where this analogy is described:
“The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differ from star in splendor. So will it be with the resurrection of the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:41)
“The path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).
“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).
It was beginning to get late, so I leaned over and turned out my reading lamp, and the room quickly surrounded itself with darkness.
As the moments quieted down and all I could hear were my thoughts, I began to pray: “Father, help us NOT to become a dimly lit night light, hidden away in some dark corner barely being seen by anyone. Instead, cause us to shine forth with the brilliance of Your glory, by flipping the switch and sending the current of Your anointing to emanate radiantly through us, just like Your word in Isaiah describes: ‘Arise and shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!’” (Isaiah 60:1)
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Missey Butler is a freelance writer and contributor to
The mission of CBN and its affiliated organizations is to prepare the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.  Our ultimate goal is to achieve a time in history when “the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.”
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