Monday, March 9, 2020

FALSE TEACHERS AND "CHRISTIAN" CULTS - The Bible has never been re-written except by cults. If we read the Bible, we won't be misled. Most of the Bibles available are simply different translations of the original Greek and Hebrew. While they may use different words, they say the same thing. If we try to serve God without the Bible, we will be misled because the Bible tells us who God is and what it means to love and worship Him. We cannot truly know who God is without studying Scripture. In fact, the only way we can understand cults and false teachers is by reading the Bible. Without it, we will be fooled by anything and everything. Beware of any group that claim Scripture is incomplete or corrupted and that they possess the only pure knowledge of God. They claim to have "extra revelations" which contradict Scripture. Knowing that certain Scripture passages refute their beliefs, they create explanations that are inaccurate. They believe that until their “prophet” or founder came along, God allowed the gospel to be corrupted and misunderstood for hundreds of years. Included in their list of those who were unable to discern God's truth would be martyrs, missionaries, and great theologians. They claim that Jesus is not God and God’s purpose is to give us wealth and/or ease on earth.

Beware of any group that approaches the Bible in any of these 7 ways. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible
Image result for images False Teacher cartoon7 Claims of False Teachers and "Christian" Cults
Gail Burton Purath

Beware of any group that approaches the Bible in any or all of these ways:

Image result for images False Teacher cartoon1. They claim Scripture is incomplete or corrupted and that they possess the only pure knowledge of God.
2. They claim to have "extra revelations" which contradict Scripture.
3. Knowing that certain Scripture passages refute their beliefs, they create explanations that are historically, academically, or linguistically inaccurate. 
4. They ignore New Testament passages that put an end to certain Old Testament laws (e.g. dietary).
5. They believe that until their “prophet” or founder came along, God allowed the gospel to be corrupted and misunderstood for hundreds of years. Included in their list of those who were unable to discern God's truth would be martyrs, missionaries, and great theologians.
6. They claim that Jesus is not God (John 1:1-141 John 4:1-3). 
7. They claim God’s purpose is to give us wealth and/or ease on earth (Matthew 10:32-39).
If we go to a grocery store that sells rotten fruit and poison meat, do we quit eating fruit and meat or do we go to another grocery store? Just because some people change or misuse God's Word doesn't mean we should give up on it.
If we give up on the Bible because certain groups pervert the teaching, we will have to give up on everything in life - marriage, family, friendship, doctors, etc.
Beware of any group that approaches the Bible in any of these 7 ways. #BibleLoveNotes #BibleThe Bible has never been re-written except by cults. If we read the Bible, we won't be misled. Most of the Bibles available are simply different translations of the original Greek and Hebrew. While they may use different words, they say the same thing. If you compare them, you fill find this to be true.
If we try to serve God without the Bible, we will be misled because the Bible tells us who God is and what it means to love and worship Him. We cannot truly know who God is without studying Scripture.
In fact, the only way we can understand cults and false teachers is by reading the Bible. Without it, we will be fooled by anything and everything.
I pray that you will read and trust God's Word because it is important for your spiritual well-being.
God bless you.
Hi!  I'm Gail Burton Purath. I started Bible Love Notes to give people a minute of Scriptural encouragement in their busy day.
I don't have all the answers, but
since I asked Christ to be my Lord and Savior in 1974, I've been learning from the One Who has all the answers!
I'm still a sinner, a learner, a student who falls down and disappoints God at times. But it's my desire to grow closer to the Lord, day by day, minute by minute.
I need to be challenged, encouraged, corrected and comforted, and I think you do as let's learn together about the love of God--a love that is so vast that we will always be discovering new and wonderful things about it.
Image result for images False Teacher cartoon
Image result for images False Teacher cartoonImage result for images False Teacher cartoonImage result for images False Teacher cartoon

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