Convergence of Prophecy and Evangelism
I simply say, “Yes and Amen!” to these promises of a
great global harvest for Jesus Christ’s sake!
James W. Goll
We are postured at
yet another major crossroads in the body of Christ, which includes a strategic
“Changing of the Guard.”
In the last five
years, we have had five major seer prophets all ascend to their heavenly reward.
On February 14, 2014,
the heavenly minded seer prophet Bob Jones passed into Glory.
The following year in
the exact same timeframe, the seer prophet John Paul Jackson suddenly departed
from this world.
In the next two
years, we had yet two more very anointed seer prophets graduate from this world
to their true eternal one: Kim Clement and John Sandford.
Just a few days ago
on February 12th, 2019, the boy prophet who became an elderly seer, Paul Cain,
also shed his earthly tabernacle and ascended on high.
I attended the
memorial services for all three of these former Kansas City Prophets: Bob
Jones, John Paul Jackson and Paul Cain.
As I pondered and
reflected upon their home goings, I became aware of some intriguing and
profound details.
Bob Jones was lowered
into the earth on 2/22/2014 in Moravian Falls, the day after his Memorial
Service on 2/21.
John Paul Jackson was
also buried as a seed into the ground on 2/22/2015.
John Paul’s burial
was exactly one year after our mutual friend, Bob Jones.
Paul Cain departed on
2/12/2019, the anniversary date of the Beginning of the Latter Rain Movement.
But not only that,
Paul Cain was another seer seed lowered into the earth on 2/22/2019. That is
exactly five years to the date of the burial of Bob Jones. You cannot make up
this timeline!
Does this really mean
anything? Is there any major significance we can derive from our loss and
heaven’s gain?
Is there an
inheritance we are to receive? How do we posture ourselves to receive the baton
from these and other heroes of the faith?
The Nature of the
After being in
prophetic ministry 40 years, I have observed some key issues concerning the
nature of a prophetic word.
Often, a word is
bigger than the person who carries it.
I have stated for
years, that one way you can know if you have heard God, is that what you have
heard requires His help to fulfill it.
God does not speak
into the realms of man’s possibilities, but God speaks into the realm that
requires His divine assistance to see the word come to pass.
Another key component
I have learned could be expressed as “living in the until clause.”
A promise is revealed
and then a promise is fulfilled. A revelation is released and then later, a
revelation is manifested.
In between the two,
there is a gap called the “until clause.” What comprises this “until clause?”
Foundational to the
prophetic is the three-stage process of: revelation, interpretation and
application. If you get the wrong interpretation to the revelation you will
surely end up with a misapplication.
So properly
discerning and interpreting a word is paramount. It is also vital to meet the
conditions of a word, whether spoken or unspoken, to help unlock a prophetic
We must learn to pray
the promise back to God, walk in faith adding corresponding actions, at times
wage spiritual warfare, and wait upon God’s strategic timing.
All these ingredients
are important components of unlocking the prophetic promise of God!
What Promises Are We
to Inherit?
Here are some of the
prophetic promises the Lord gave these five seer prophets.
Bob Jones released
the prophetic promise of a Last Days “Billion Soul Harvest” especially among
the youth of the earth.
Papa Bob also challenged us with the piercing statement, “Did
you learn to love?”
In the 1980’s and
1990’s, I spent hundreds of hours at this man’s side. During that time, I was
one of the few people he would allow to lay hands on him and pray in the Holy
Spirit as he ministered to others into the wee hours of the night.
John Paul Jackson
labored for greater purity in the prophetic stream and a depth of
accountability for the words spoken by the clay lips of revelatory vessels.
John Paul was a true
seer of seers and was noted for his precise predictions of the coming “Perfect
JP and I had a high
mutual esteem for each other’s capacity to equip the saints to hear God for
themselves. We were very different but cut from the same sensitive cloth.
Kim Clement was a
musical seer like King David in the Bible. He contended for new creative
inventions to release Kingdom wealth and that Jerusalem would be a united city
in the midst of a time of great chaos.
Often Kim’s highly
potent prophetic nuggets were somewhat veiled and required the skill to dig for
the hidden gold of the promise of God.
John Sandford was
noted for his expertise in uniting the prophetic with counseling, inner healing
and deliverance. He composed the landmark book, The Elijah Task.
Uncle John, as I
fondly referred to him, contended for wholeness among the prophetic community
and modeled honor to the First Nations people as a needed tool to “Heal the
Land.” This man truly walked in the character needed to carry the promise.
Paul Cain prophesied
the “New Breed of a Nameless and Faceless Generation” who would only lift up
the name of the One Man Christ Jesus.
Though controversial at times in his life, to my knowledge
Paul finished well. He declared with ferocity that the “Stadiums will be
filled with a New Move of the Holy Spirit with Signs and Wonders.”
I was present
multiple times when Paul Cain would step into a zone and declare a new era of
Stadium Christianity.
While mentioning
these five highly gifted seer prophets, I would be amiss to not mention the man
who preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as an evangelist to more
people than any other person in all church history. Dr. Billy Graham also
departed from this world one year ago.
Are we in a Kairos
time where the mantles of the prophetic and evangelism are converging?
As this changing of
the guard occurs, are we properly postured to inherit the revelatory promises
released by these forerunners? I simply say, “Yes and Amen!” to
these promises of a great global harvest for Jesus Christ’s sake!
Unless a Seed
Let me close with the
words of Jesus, the One we love and the One we serve.
John 12:24 states, “Truly, truly, I say to you,
unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if
it dies, it bears much fruit.”
What a profound
truth! What a stunning eternal reality!
Yes, these things remain constant in this life, “Seedtime
and Harvest.”
There is a season for
everything. Could we be crossing the Jordan River that separates Promise
Revealed from Promise Fulfilled?
I for one firmly
believe so! I am posturing myself along with thousands of other desperate
lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ to see the Greatest Youth Awakening the World
Has ever known.
For the Sake of the
Let us be among those who “give honor to whom honor
is due.”
Let us consecrate
ourselves to be part of a New Breed of Jesus People around the world. Let’s
welcome an upgrade in our gifts and callings and to see a grand convergence of
the prophetic and evangelism.
Let’s echo the vision statement of the Moravian believers
of old, “To win for the Lamb the rewards of His sufferings.”
Personally, I do not labor for the mantle of a man. But
much more than that, we who remain are here to declare, “Where is the
Lord God of Elijah?”
Why? Because God has
the Harvest on His Mind!
Humbly and Reverently
James W. Goll
JAMES W. GOLL is the President
of God Encounters Ministries, formerly known as Encounters
Network, and has founded numerous ministries including Prayer Storm and Women
on the Frontlines. He is a member of the Harvest International Ministries
apostolic team and an instructor in the Wagner Leadership Institute and
Christian Leadership University.
great joy James has shared Jesus in more than 50 nations teaching and imparting
the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit.
is the prolific author of numerous books including The Seer, The Lost
Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening, Finding Hope, and
the award winning The Lifestyle of a Prophet. He has recorded multiple
classes with corresponding study guides and full curriculum kits.

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