Wednesday, March 4, 2020

LIFE-GIVING WORDS – There are some words that we long to hear. Words that may bring change or freedom to move into new possibilities. Words that open doors to move forward. Words that accompany hope, that generate excitement and enthusiasm. The Bible is full of words for those living in a cloud of uncertainty or those living with fear, doubts or worries. Let the life-giving words of God be on your heart, mind, and lips. Let His loving promises rid you of your fears and worries. Whatever situation you’re facing today, God has a corresponding Word for you. They are words to comfort you, guide you, strengthen you, save you, and bless you. For His Word is the Life and the Truth. His Word brings liberation, healing, and peace. His decrees bring favor into your life. His commandments cause blessings to surround you. Every letter of His Word was inscribed with the everlasting love for you. So let His Word saturate your spirit so His promises may be evident in your life. Be Greatly Blessed!

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Image result for images Life-Giving Words
Image result for images Life-Giving WordsLife-Giving Words
The Bible is full of words for those living in a cloud of uncertainty or those living with fear, doubts or worries.

‘and to keep the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees that I am commanding you today, for your own well-being.’ (Deuteronomy 10:18)

Image result for images Life-Giving WordsFavoured child of God, let the life-giving words of God be on your heart, mind, and lips.
Let His loving promises rid you of your fears and worries.
Whatever situation you’re facing today, God has a corresponding Word for you.
And they are words to comfort you, guide you, strengthen you, save you, and bless you.
For His Word is the Life and the Truth.
His Word brings liberation, healing, and peace.
His decrees bring favour into you life.
His commandments cause blessings to surround you.
Every letter of His Word was inscribed with the everlasting love for you.
So let His Word saturate your spirit so His promises may be evident in your life.
Be Greatly Blessed!
Father, thank you for your loving words.
I hunger for your promises and yearn to know you more intimately.
May your Word have greater rule and reign in my heart.
Mould me and change me into all you want me to be through the power of your life-giving Word.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Additional Thoughts:
There are some words that we long to hear.
Words that may bring change or freedom to move into new possibilities. Words that open doors to move forward. Words that accompany hope, that generate excitement and enthusiasm.
We need these words. What are they? ‘Sold’, ‘Just Married’, ‘It’s a Boy’, ‘On Holidays’, ‘I Love You’, or ‘I Miss You’.
The list of life-giving words is endless and sometimes we wait for what seems like eternity to hear these words that come like cool water to a thirsty soul.
Although we are excited by the arrival of such words, although they might move us over the threshold into something new, the Bible instructs us not to live for them, or to put all our hope in them alone.
We are instructed in Deuteronomy 8:3 to ‘live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.’
Image result for images Life-Giving WordsIt is His words that we must long for. Our hope is to be in them — no other.
Put your trust in God’s unchanging promises, not the volatile circumstances of the world.
Today God says to us, ‘You shall put these words of mine in your heart and soul and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and fix them as an emblem on your forehead.’ Deuteronomy 11:18.
We are to reflect on the words of God with our mind and act upon it with our hands.
We are to hide His words in our hearts, ruminate over them and encourage one another with them.
These are the timeless words that God has spoken through the centuries and will continue to impact upon generations to come.
These are the words we have access to right now, we don’t have to wait for them.
They promise us a fuller life that sustains our spirit while we are waiting for other words that can alter our immediate situation.
The Bible is full of words for those living in a cloud of uncertainty or those living with fear, doubts or worries.
For those of us who feel alone or lonely today there is comfort in the Scriptures.
For those of us who need help in making a decision, who need courage or are feeling weary or burnt out, God’s word can sustain us and give us wisdom.
And for those of us who are feeling far from God, there is words of reconciliation and forgiveness for us in the Word of God.
What place does God’s words have in our hearts?
Have we chosen to cling to other words and so neglected His?
Let us hunger for the eternal words that make the greatest difference in our lives today.

Image result for images Life-Giving WordsImage result for images Life-Giving Wordsproverbs 18_4b
Image result for images Life-Giving WordsImage result for images Life-Giving WordsImage result for images Life-Giving Words

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