Wednesday, March 4, 2020

CHRISTIANS ARE ENLISTED IN GOD'S ARMY - Open the eyes of the blind and release the prisoners so they can see and believe! - When you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior you were enlisted you have been called to be a soldier in the army of God. Soldiers are called to counter evil and protect the kingdom of their King. How is that accomplished? By the overwhelming, overcoming goodness that flows from an obedient heart in love with God. No matter what situation a Christian soldier is in, they must live by the Spirit. Soldiers in Christ bless everyone around them as they take it by force. Our enemy knows he doesn’t have to annihilate the church – he just needs to deflect her from her God-given destiny and purpose. There’s a reason Satan is called “the accuser of the brethren,” When we fall into sin in battle, the Holy Spirit will convict us. But Satan will counterfeit with accusations. “You call yourself a Christian…?” It’s designed to drive you into false peace. Church, it’s critical we keep our eyes on the prize and set our face like a flint regarding God’s commands.

Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's Army
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's Army
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyChristians are enlisted in God's Army
Open the eyes of the blind and release the prisoners so they can see and believe!
Julia Marie Phillips

Did you know that when you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior you were enlisted?
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyAs a Christian, you have been called to be a soldier in the army of God.
Soldiers are called to counter evil and protect the kingdom of their King.
How is that accomplished? By the overwhelming, overcoming goodness that flows from an obedient heart in love with God.
No matter what situation a Christian soldier is in, they must live by the Spirit.
Soldiers in Christ bless everyone around them as they take it by force.
Our enemy, the devil, is the “prince of the power of the air.” (Ephesians 2:2) 
He operates in the atmosphere around us. He battles to defeat our faith by introducing doubt, fear, and eventually unbelief.
If we could peer into the spirit realm surrounding us, we would see that Satan is attempting to be our substitute for God!
Our enemy knows he doesn’t have to annihilate the church – he just needs to deflect her from her God-given destiny and purpose.
There’s a reason Satan is called “the accuser of the brethren,” When we fall into sin in battle, the Holy Spirit will convict us.
But Satan will counterfeit with accusations. “You call yourself a Christian…?”
It’s designed to drive you into false peace. Church, it’s critical we keep our eyes on the prize and set our face like a flint regarding God’s commands.
A soldier without a kingdom to protect has nothing.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” (Galatians 5:1) 
If a church is not releasing people into their pre-ordained destinies, identities, and calling, they’re failing to produce warriors or even soldiers who are prepared for their missions.
Warriors are people who change the atmosphere and ignite passion in those around them.
Warriors, through their total obedience and fearless commitment, are windows into the Kingdom we were created for, far above all principalities and powers.
Warriors get things done!
As a Soldier of Christ, your first mission is to change the atmosphere around you.
Church, we are ambassadors of reconciliation who represent a merciful King who has paid the price for freedom and blessing for whosoever will – and it’s past time we be about our Father’s business!
That is the good news we have been assigned to proclaim to all people. Ambassadors of reconciliation.
The righteous anger of God against sin has been satisfied by the sacrifice of Jesus, and “Mercy and truth have kissed each other,” and “Mercy rejoices over judgment.”
Glory to God!
Spiritual warriors fight for the freedom for all people to realize through experience all the blessings God intends them to inherit.
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyThrough Christ’s love, joy, and peace flowing through us, we fight the good fight and we push aside the devil’s attempts to sabotage their victory in Christ!
The enemy and religious spirits try and deceive us into thinking we need to be spiritual giants to accomplish this mission, but it has nothing to do with who we are but instead who He is that lives within us!
The plan of the enemy is to create and disperse misery, take away hope, and maintain a climate of despair and helplessness.
We overcome evil with good! We must position ourselves daily as good soldiers in order to have the power to “Open the eyes of the blind and release the prisoners so they can see and believe!”
Otherwise we will continue to live our lives selfishly, like someone with a cure for the disease of the masses who doesn’t have the love or mercy to share it.
None of us has an excuse to sit around and whine about the encroaching darkness.
Though we are all enlisted in God’s army, there is a distinction between spiritual warriors and soldiers.
The training required to be a true warrior requires great sacrifice, discipline, and faith. This calling is voluntary and open to whosoever will.
But a person needs to pause and count the costs, because if charged with specific, God-led special assignments regarding recovering people or places the devil has stolen.
It requires a highly disciplined, selfless lifestyle along with an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying at all times.
Like David’s mighty men, they are raised up to battle and hold ground in the spiritual realm.
David’s men were identified by their specific strengths and callings as much as their names:
- the incredible swordplay of Josheb-basshebeth, who killed 800 men at one time;
- the amazing courage of Eleazar who, after everyone else retreated, stayed and fought the enemy alone and won against the odds – a great victory;
- Shammah, who defended a piece of ground alone and unaided against an entire troop of Philistines;
- Abishai couldn’t be overcome by 300 men and won an amazing battle with just a spear;
- Benaiah killed two mighty heroes of Kabzeel then went on to kill a lion!
Great leaders produce mighty warriors! God raised up these mighty men to help fight alongside David – a man “after God’s own heart.”
Just as David’s victory over Goliath inspired previously paralyzed Israelite soldiers to charge into the fight, our victories will awaken the faith in many who have abandoned their faith long ago due to unending battles, or feelings of uselessness and defeat.
Get ready church, because the Lord is about to restore those ones, and many prodigal sons and daughters will be returning home to the Father’s House!
A true warrior has already given his or her life away.
It doesn’t belong to them but to Christ! “For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)
That’s our battle cry! Paul suffered the loss of all things but counted it as nothing compared to the return of knowing Jesus. (Philippians 3:8)
He knew that there are times when a soldier or a warrior puts everything on the line for the purposes of Christ.
We are not putting our actual life on the line, because “We are dead and our lives are hid with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3) 
Christ is our life, and when He is revealed in us, His glory is manifested also!
Warriors – when confronted with a huge challenge or assault, before you move, submit your will to God.
We march inwardly to Him to be changed; we march outwardly to make a change!
A safe place in God becomes a strong refuge from the enemy.
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyWe are commanded to encourage others as well as ourselves in the Lord.
The day has arrived when Christ is sifting and shaking everything that can be shaken.
Do not lose heart, friend, because things aren’t always as they appear in times when you feel you’ve been thrown under the bus, or judged unfairly, because there is One who sits in the heavens Who sees all and nothing escapes His view.
“I will repay,” says the Lord.
Don’t spend your time trying to fight personal battles or trying to correct a wrong done to you.
Your times are in His hands, and you want to leave them there!
Soldier, do not lose heart! Rather, ruminate on this!Top of Form

Delta Wind is Delta Junction’s only online and print newspaper covering all the news for Delta Junction, Deltana, Big Delta, and Fort Greely.
Since 1987 we have provided the community with information on what’s happened in the community and events that are upcoming.
Our print publication is distributed each Thursday (except for the week after Christmas) and is available in local retailers and by mail.
Delta Wind is published by TriDelta, Inc. Publishing.
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Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's Army
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyImage result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyImage result for images Christians are enlisted in God's Army
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyImage result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyImage result for images Christians are enlisted in God's Army
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyImage result for images Christians are enlisted in God's ArmyImage result for images Christians are enlisted in God's Army
Image result for images Christians are enlisted in God's Army

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