Saturday, May 4, 2019

LOST PASSION - You are an original, uniquely designed and positioned to fulfill God’s purposes in your life. There is no secondhand living in the Lord’s plan for you. There is no lack of new beginnings. God’s desire is for you to live your life upward, toward Him, fully aware and fully alive. You don’t need to settle for a small, trivial life. Instead, set your sights on discovering what the Lord has perfectly designed and created you to do! This kind of life requires courage and risk-taking. God will give you the ability to follow Him into the wonderful destiny He’s planned for you. Your excitement for living will return when you passionately pursue God and risk living in radical faith!

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Lost Passion
Regaining Your Lost Passion
by Inspiration Ministries

Hello dear friend.
This month I want to share about living a life that passionately seeks God.
Who do you know who lives like that?
Who do you look up to, respect, and admire because of their wholehearted devotion to the Lord?
While the media exploits spoiled athletes, hedonistic entertainers, and power-hungry politicians, where are the humble, honorable folks willing to jump with both feet into the full life God intends for them?
Our society typically honors those whose lives are centered on themselves…who feed their egos with the self-induced mantra of “I’m worth it!”
For them, the end justifies the means, regardless of who gets hurt in the process.
As a result of the steady diet the media puts in front of us, we tend to develop a hunger for “hero worship.”
Although we long to live full, bountiful lives, we too often lack the courage to step into that life.
Instead, we live vicariously through those in magazines, on Facebook, or on the TV screen, all the while thinking how great their lives must be.
Then all too often, we discover that our celebrities have failed and fallen in some way, and we become disillusioned with their lifestyle.
We finally turn to Scripture for perspective, but even there we find no perfect heroes but One.
No More Secondhand Living
As author Eugene Peterson points out in Run with the Horses:
“David committed adultery; Peter blasphemed…We find that Scripture is sparing in the information that it gives on people, while it is lavish in what it tells us about God. It refuses to feed our lust for hero worship. It will not pander to our adolescent desire to join a fan club. The reason is, I think, clear enough, fan clubs encourage secondhand living…we find diversion from our own humdrum existence by riding on the coattails of someone exotic.”
You see, our Father God is a creative genius. He never duplicates His creation.
You are an original, uniquely designed and positioned to fulfill His purposes in your life.
There is no secondhand living in the Lord’s plan for you. There is no lack of new beginnings.
God’s desire is for you to live your life upward, toward Him, fully aware and fully alive. You don’t need to settle for a small, trivial life.
Instead, set your sights on discovering what the Lord has perfectly designed and created you to do!
This kind of life requires courage and risk-taking, as Peterson explains:
“Are you going to live cautiously or courageously? [God] called you to live at your best, to pursue righteousness, to sustain a drive toward excellence…It is easier to relax in the embracing arms of The Average. Easier, but not better. Easier, but not more significant. Easier, but not more fulfilling. [He] called you to a life of purpose far beyond what you think yourself capable of living and promised you adequate strength to fulfill your destiny.”

Radical Faith
You may say, “Well, Barbara, that sounds great for someone young and energetic with lots of opportunities, but that’s not me. I’m beyond that in my life.”
Please don’t feel that way, dear friend! Wherever you are in life, God will give you the ability to follow Him into the wonderful destiny He’s planned for you.
But in order to begin that exciting journey, you need a life of radical faith in God. Yes, radical faith!
I encourage you to spend some time with your Father, just talking to Him about this. Get a piece of paper and write, “Lord, how can I live a life of radical faith?”
Then wait and listen. Write down what you hear Him saying to you.
He’s been waiting for you to come to Him with this question, and He’s absolutely delighted to give you the answers.
God told Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5).
I love this. It’s so great to know we were known by God and appointed to a destiny before we were even born!

Being Your Authentic Self

Armed with this fresh dose of radical faith and courage, you will find your passion rekindled for the Lord and His purposes. No more humdrum living!
In her book, Free to Be You, Sylvia Gunter writes:
“Your Beloved longs for you to live out of the spirit and heart that He gave you to be a reflection of Him. He desires that you celebrate the uniqueness of who He created you to be. Then you will express your radiant, authentic self in your world.”
Be blessed, dear one, to receive all the Father has for you. Then, in turn, give back to others who are still in need of a fresh touch from Him.
Your excitement for living will return when you passionately pursue God and risk living in radical faith!
Your friend on the journey,
Barbara Cerullo is devoted to authentically sharing God’s love with women. She authors From Barbara’s Heart, where her spiritual insights, heartwarming family stories, and delightful anecdotes encourage readers with God’s faithfulness. Her husband, David, is CEO of Inspiration Ministries.
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Image result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration Ministries
Image result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration Ministries
Image result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration Ministries
Image result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration MinistriesImage result for Regaining Your Lost Passion by Inspiration Ministries

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