Friday, November 23, 2018

ABUNDANT HARVESTS - Believing God for an Abundant Harvest - An abundant Harvest doesn’t happen automatically. God wants us to expectantly use our faith as we anticipate our Harvest from the Seeds we’ve Sown into His Kingdom. The Psalms are full of examples of when David reminded himself of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness. Maybe things even look darker right now rather than brighter. Keep praying and believing God for your Harvest. You may have to wait a while, but the Lord has a Harvest on His mind for you. He loves you and wants to give you the desires of your heart.

Image result for images Believing God for an Abundant HarvestAbundant Harvests

Believing God for an Abundant Harvest

by Barbara Cerullo

This is the time of year we gardeners just love…we get to be outside in the Lord’s beautiful creation, getting our hands dirty and planting every kind of seed imaginable. I just love it!
When we take time to prepare the soil for our gardens, we’re laying the proper foundation for our seeds to grow and produce the best Harvest possible.
With the correct soil, seed, light, water, fertilizer, and weeding, the results can be dynamic.
However, gardeners also recognize the need for patience.
Some time must pass between planting our seeds and actually tasting those wonderful ripe, sweet tomatoes we enjoy so much.
If you’re anything like me, you sometimes get tired of waiting on God for the spiritual Harvests you’ve sought.
You’ve Sown your Seeds, given them a “Specific Assignment,” watered them with your prayers and expectancy, and now you’re just plain weary of waiting.
When the psalmist David was waiting for God’s help and deliverance, he “strengthened himself in the LORD his God” (1 Samuel 30:6).
In the same way, you can encourage yourself as you wait on Him to release your Harvest. The Psalms are full of examples of when David reminded himself of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness, and reading these great passages will strengthen your faith as you wait on Him.
Maybe like me, you’ve Sown Seeds with a “Specific Assignment” for your children or grandchildren to come to Christ.
Maybe things even look darker right now rather than brighter. Again, I say to you, keep praying and believing God for your Harvest.
If you’re the only one standing in the gap for your family, keep on standing. It’s amazing what just one person can accomplish in God!

Tend Your Garden

I get so excited when I see my garden growing. It’s definitely worth the work and the wait.
But I know that an abundant Harvest doesn’t happen automatically. I must tend to my plants and pick off any pests I find.
I have to pull off the “suckers” on my tomatoes, and I must pull up any weeds that might start to rob my plants of their nutrition.
The most enjoyable part of the process for me is the sense of expectation I feel as I look forward to seeing the fruit begin to bud when I know I’ve faithfully done my part.
In the same way, God wants to expectantly use our faith as we anticipate our Harvest from the Seeds we’ve Sown into His Kingdom.
We need to carefully tend to the spiritual “garden” we’ve planted, and this means picking off any “pests” or pulling off any “suckers” the enemy would use to rob us of our abundant Harvest.
We also must be diligent to pull up any “weeds” of impatience, distraction, or doubt.
As we faithfully watch over the precious Seeds we’ve planted, we can look forward to receiving God’s “fruit” with great anticipation.
This is our faith in action, and it pleases the Lord when we trust Him like this (Hebrews 11:6).

Look for Your Harvest

A few years ago, our son Ben and his wife Jessica planted an amazing organic garden.
Ben made beautiful raised planter boxes, put in a nice sprinkler system, and built a trellis for the beans and other climbing plants.
Jessica had started the seeds indoors in the late winter, and our grandchildren enjoyed peeking each week to see how much the seeds had grown.
When they transplanted the seedlings to the outside, some of them didn’t make it. That was a bit disappointing, but it didn’t stop Jessica and the children. They just started new seedlings.
Well, what got off to a bit of a shaky start ended up in a great abundance of produce! The kids did a great job, and they learned many great lessons along the way.
They did the proper preparation, refused to give up when they initially faced setbacks, and then looked expectantly for their Harvest.
As I reflected on how proud I was of my grandchildren as they began their journey into gardening, I realized that this is exactly how our Heavenly Father feels when His children learn to plant and care for the Seeds they Sow into His Kingdom. He sees your faith and obedience, and He’s proud of you, my friend.
You may have to wait a while, but the Lord has a Harvest on His mind for you. He loves you and wants to give you the desires of your heart.
Look expectantly for your Harvest. I’m convinced it’s on the way to you right now!
Your friend on the journey,
David Sig
Barbara Cerullo is devoted to authentically sharing God’s love with women. She authors From Barbara’s Heart, where her spiritual insights, heartwarming family stories, and delightful anecdotes encourage readers with God’s faithfulness. Her husband, David, is CEO of Inspiration Ministries.
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