Monday, April 30, 2018

LOST DREAMS - Rediscovering Your Lost Dream - Perhaps you had a dream in the past, but now your circumstances have changed so much that the dream seems like it was from another lifetime. Maybe life has been so hard that you’ve given up on your dream - or maybe you’ve never dared to dream at all. But no matter what your circumstances may be today, God still has a dream for you!

Lost Dreams
Rediscovering Your Lost Dream
by Inspiration Ministries
Do you have a dream—a sense of God’s purpose for your life?
Or perhaps you had a dream in the past, but now your circumstances have changed so much that the dream seems like it was from another lifetime.
Maybe life has been so hard that you’ve given up on your dream - or maybe you’ve never dared to dream at all.
But no matter what your circumstances may be today, God still has a dream for you!
I want you to take a moment to STOP. Get quiet.
Take time to ask your Abba Father (your Papa) to help you remember - or perhaps see for the very first time -  the dream He has put in your heart.
A Life of Purpose
Second Timothy 1:9 says God has “saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.”
Look at what this is saying. You don’t have to scratch your head and try to come up with some dream or purpose for your life. 
God is the author of your dream. He wants you to accomplish your purpose for His glory.
In the book, Authority in Prayer - Praying with Power and Purpose, pastor Dutch Sheets shares what it means to have God as the author of your life’s story:
“Neither you nor your family, possessions, or destiny is at the mercy of Satan, circumstances, or the world. The Author wrote the ending to your story, and no one but you has the authority to alter it.
“This doesn’t mean everything that happens to you was planned by God. You may have indeed been victimized through abuse or other misfortune. Pain in one form or another may have entered your life.
“But God is not behind your misfortune. He didn’t author it. He is the Author and Perfecter of your faith (Hebrews 12:2) and the Author of your destiny—one that includes overcoming every single devastation and making you more than a conqueror in the process” (Romans 8:35-39).39).
However, you must agree with Him.
You can change His ending if you like, for the Author authorized you to write as well.
He gave you and only you the right to rewrite the ending to your story, changing it from His to yours.
According to Ephesians 3:20, God has even more planned for us than we could ever ask or imagine.
I have a pretty big imagination, and you probably do too.
But whatever your dreams may be today, God has even more planned for you!

Daring to Dream with God

I met the Lord as a young girl and was taught that nothing was impossible with God, so my heart has always been open to the possibilities.
However, I never dreamed I would be on international television and be part of a worldwide Soul-winning outreach!
Sometimes this still seems quite unreal to me - even as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Inspiration Ministries this month.
I’m convinced God has a wonderful dream for you as well.
Yet if you are going through a painful time, it may be hard to fathom that dream right now.
You might be thinking, “The Lord has a purpose for me? I can barely get through the day. How can I possibly take time to dream with God?”
Yet my reply to you is, “How can you not?”
I’m not minimizing the difficult situation you may be going through.
I’m just trying to help you see that dreaming with God and recognizing His purpose for your life is the primary way out of your circumstances and into a new beginning and new perspective.
When we lose sight of God’s purpose, we end up settling for whatever life hands us.
We end up stuck in a rut, wishing something exciting would happen, but never taking any significant steps of faith.
Remember: In order to have something you’ve never had, you may need to do something you’ve never done.
Your circumstances seldom will change until you make a conscious choice to change.
But how?
Begin by praying. Open your Bible to the Psalms, and read them out loud.
Romans 10:17 promises, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” 
There is life in the Word, and hearing it will lift your spirits and give you fresh encouragement and vision.
Also, learn to have an open dialogue with God. He wants to speak back to you!
As one of His sheep, you can get to know His voice (John 10:4).
This may seem difficult at first, but as you learn to sit still in His presence, you will receive His perspective on your life and your circumstances.

Stepping Out in Faith

What step of faith is God calling you to take today? He is there with you, right now.
I can picture Him standing patiently with His arms crossed over His chest, gently taping His foot, just waiting for you to make up your mind to stop, get quiet, and listen for His instructions.
Walking with God is meant to be a grand adventure, not a life of monotony or drudgery.
And the adventure begins when you discover His dream and purpose for your life.
Jesus loves you so much! Whatever it is He asks of you, He will give you what you need, when you need it. Trust Him, and get ready for Him to do amazing things through you!

Your friend on the journey,

Barbara Cerullo is devoted to authentically sharing God’s love with women. She authors From Barbara’s Heart, where her spiritual insights, heartwarming family stories, and delightful anecdotes encourage readers with God’s faithfulness. Her husband, David, is CEO of Inspiration Ministries.

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