This is the simple truth. The Bible says so in
many places, which you can see a listing of here:
JO has a great essay about signs that is no
longer on his website, but fortunately I copied it out:
God Will Give You a Sign
The scripture talks about how God will confirm
His Word with signs following.
And yes, that’s true.
But it also means when God puts a promise in
your heart, He will confirm that promise by showing you some kind of sign that
the promise is going to come to pass, something to boost your faith and
encourage you.
It may be something small. It may be through a
dream, another person, nature, His Word, or even something that seems like a
A friend might make one comment. They don’t
even realize it, but it’s exactly what you needed to hear.
Something lights up on the inside. That’s a
sign from God. You know God is in control.
You know He is fighting your battles. That’s a
sign from God.
It’s important that we recognize these signs.
That’s what is going to help keep us encouraged while we’re waiting for the
promise to come to pass.
When we’re tempted to get down, we can go back
and say, “No. I’ve got this sign. God confirmed it through a phrase that was
spoken to me, through a dream that I had, through His Word when this passage of
scripture jumped out to me.”
He controls nature. He controls animals. If you will be sensitive, you will see the hand of God at
work even in the small things.
But I wonder how many times we miss the signs
God is giving us?
We think, “Oh, wow! The pages on the Bible
flipped. That’s a good scripture.”
No, learn to be sensitive to what God is
It could very well be God confirming a promise
that He has placed in your heart.
Will there be times when we’re feeling
doubtful or distracted and we miss a sign? Yes.
Will there be times when wishful thinking
makes us see a sign where there isn’t one? Yes.
Is there a way to be 100% sure something is a
sign when it’s not a huge, dramatic one? No.
This is where faith comes into it.
And, my personal experience is that God will
give multiple signs when you have to wait a long time for His promise to come
to pass.
I keep a written record of things that I
believe to be signs, and I highly recommend that, because that record will
comfort you when you’re bumming out over what feels like an endless wait for
your flourishing finish.
God wants us to have unwavering faith, but His
mercy is so enormous that He’ll help us out and never hold it against us.
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