Written by Mac Hammond
The Bible has a
startling warning for the people of this generation: The things the world says
are important are going to be dissolved in a blink, consumed by the fire of
“Therefore, since
all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in
holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of
God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire, and the
elements will melt with fervent heat?” -
(2 Peter 3:11-12)
(2 Peter 3:11-12)
Now, it is not
coincidence that the Holy Spirit said the "day of the Lord" in
verse 10 and the "day of God" in verse 12.
Jesus is the King
of kings and Lord of lords; His "day" represents the 1000
years of His reign upon this earth.
God is eternal, and
with Him there is no time.
So, the day of God
is speaking of the beginning of the eternal state.
Our Lives Affect
the Timing of His Return
We find a remarkable truth in this passage. We are encouraged to be looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.
We find a remarkable truth in this passage. We are encouraged to be looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.
The hungrier you
are for this present age to end and for the millennial reign of Jesus to begin,
the quicker these things will come to pass.
You see, it is one
of the elements having to do with the "fullness of time" which
must arrive before the end-times begin.
The Greek word
translated “looking” in this passage literally means an
earnest anticipation and expectation.
He wants you to be mindful
of and motivated by an understanding of your eternal destiny.
The Word says this
life here is but a blink of an eye in time - nothing but a vapor.
There is an
eternity beyond the veil of death awaiting each one of us.
The difficulty is
that we do not have enough of an understanding of our true eternal destiny to
be eagerly anticipating and looking for that day.
And we get to
explore it!
We get to explore
galaxies by the billions, each galaxy containing millions of suns and planetary
Who knows how many
other kinds of life are present in this universe?
People ask me all
the time, "Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?"
They're often
surprised when I answer, "Of course I do; the Bible teaches it."
It mentions winged
creatures and four-headed beasts, not to mention the angelic hosts.
They are out there,
and God says He needs us to rule and reign with Him over the vastness of this
creation for eons to come.
It is going to put
science fiction movies to shame.
I'm Talking About
Your Eternal Destiny
I am not saying this just to be sensational. This is what the Word of God says.
I am not saying this just to be sensational. This is what the Word of God says.
You have an eternal
destiny awaiting you that is so magnificent in its scope that it is impossible
to embrace right now.
But we get glimpses
of it in the Word.
This destiny is
going to be determined by the way we live our lives now. This life is but a
blink of an eye, yet it determines our experience of eternity.
Make sure you
remain "hungry" and continue to look for the coming of the day
of the Lord.
The Last Millennium by Mac
Web site: Mac Hammond
Web site: Mac Hammond
Hammond is senior pastor of Living Word Christian Center, a large and growing
church in Brooklyn Park (a suburb of Minneapolis), Minnesota. He is the host of
the Winner’s Minute, which is seen locally in the Minneapolis area and can also
be viewed at winnersminute.com. He is also the host of the Winner’s Way
broadcast and author of several internationally distributed books. Mac is
broadly acclaimed for his ability to apply the principles of the Bible to
practical situations and the challenges of daily living.
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