‘I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I
will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this
complaint.’ Habakkuk 2:1 (NIV).
Stone watchtowers were built on city walls or ramparts so that
watchmen could see people approaching their city while still at a distance.
Watchmen were guards who prepared the city for what was to come.
Habakkuk saw himself as a watchman who wanted to be in the best position
to receive God’s message.
We too ought to be watchmen and women listening, watching and waiting
for the message that God has to give us.
This is our call every day. We cannot afford to miss out on what He
has to say to us.
We must be on guard and ready.
Only the watchman or woman who is attuned to the voice of God will
hear His words.
Only the watch person who diligently listens and is in a posture of
expectancy will be ready to receive.
‘Father help me to be diligent and determined to hear your voice just
as Habakkuk was. Thank you that as I seek you, you will answer my cry for
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Final Thoughts:
What are we sensing God is drawing our attention to just now? What is
the Spirit of God impressing upon our hearts that cannot be shaken?
As we receive, He then requires us to act.
Or, is there other distractions that are drawing us away from being
watchmen and watchwomen for God?
How certain are we that we will hear God’s voice when He speaks to us?
Let’s recommit ourselves to God and determine to be diligent watch
people who hear His voice.
Let’s be able to proclaim to God as the lookout did in Isaiah
21:8, ‘Day after day Lord, I stand on the watchtower, every night I
stay at my post.’
And then as we stand, as God speaks, we will hear.
Be Greatly Blessed!
feel free to reach out to us at contactlistenandprosper@gmail.com. We look
forward to hearing from you. Be Greatly Blessed!
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