Thursday, February 20, 2020

BECAUSE WE WERE MADE WITH A DREAM IN OUR SOULS - we were made on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose - Our dreams are a part of the fabric of our souls. The woven pieces God sews when he forms us in the deep; intricately, wonderfully, fearfully made for glory because we are image bearers. Unformed you were seen by the God who called light from dark and breathes life into dust. And all your days were written, your end is seen from your beginning by the Creator of all things good. You were already known, dreams inscribed in your soul, and considered precious before you were born. Every dreamer ought to remember that we were made on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose. We were intricately woven with skills and strengths and talents to spill out in every season of our journey by a God who saw our life in total. And the dreams that He gives us are not about us, they are about Him… they are about the Kingdom of God manifesting grace right where we are.

God-sized Dreams
Image result for images God-Sized DreamBecause We Were Made With A Dream In Our Souls
we were made on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose 
By Dawn Boyer

the dreams that He gives us are not about us, they are about Him

It was a regular day, like every other one before it.
We were running on auto-pilot and a few cups of caffeine with a splash of caramel. 
Recalling the list I forgot to write down, yet rolling tasks around like a rotisserie of uncompleted ‘to-do’s’, I was challenged by my brave creative dreamer who’s been watching me all her life.
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mom?”
I replied immediately, then corrected myself, then stopped… silent.
She laughed; I didn’t. The realization that I had forgotten what I wanted to be, unsettled me.
As life progresses, we are told what we can be, should be, ought to be and those initial dreams fade away. Or do they?
“God-sized dreams make their way into our hearts, homes, nights and every other area. Sometimes they feel like an insistent knocking on a door within us. We can’t get any rest until we let them inside.” – Holley Gerth
The reality is that our dreams are a part of the fabric of our souls.
The woven pieces God sews when he forms us in the deep; intricately, wonderfully, fearfully made for glory because we are image bearers. 
Unformed you were seen by the God who called light from dark and breathes life into dust. 
And all your days were written, your end is seen from your beginning by the Creator of all things good.
You were already known, dreams inscribed in your soul, and considered precious before you were born.
"You knit me together… I am fearfully and wonderfully made… Your eyes saw my unformed substance and in Your book all the days of my life were written before they ever took shape.” – Psalm 139:13-14,16
Every dreamer ought to read Psalm 139 and remember that we were made on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose. 
We were intricately woven with skills and strengths and talents to spill out in every season of our journey by a God who saw our life in total. 
And the dreams that He gives us are not about us, they are about Him… they are about the Kingdom of God manifesting grace right where we are.
God-Sized Dreams allow us to glimpse the mysterious and reach toward the majestic.
We often think our dreams have to be lofty and unreachable.
And we teach our children to shoot for the stars, yet we settle for the moon. 
We struggle with the boxes we didn’t check and goals we wanted to achieve, but forget that the dream is still possible. 
It’s still out there in the vast horizon that exists, yet we forget we were made for something else… for more.
So, what if you choose to believe it?
What if you asked the hard questions and were brave enough to answer them?
Friend, you were made with a God-Sized Dream imprinted on your soul.
When my daughter asked what I wanted to be, she wanted to know what I dreamed I could become.
She wanted to know the passion that fed my soul and the fire that fueled my purpose. 
She was challenging me to step up to the ‘more than moment’, daring me to declare that dream inside.
“… the calling of your soul is about more, so much more than anything you might hope to gain from it.” - Holley Gerth.
Sometimes, life throws us curve balls and our goals change with the direction we are going, but our dreams don’t have to cease.
Those strengths within you, those skills that enable you, those talents that equip you to succeed are built upon the experience and living that forged and refined them.
Image result for images God-Sized DreamJust because we haven’t arrived at the climax of our dream doesn’t mean we aren’t still on the journey or we can’t start one now.
So, what if that dream is bigger than you are, or harder than you thought, or people think you are crazy!
Don’t let the way you think a dream should look limit your ability to move forward, and don’t let your dream pass you by.
“You don’t have to be sure about your dream before you move forward. You only have to be certain of the One who is whispering to you…” - Holley Gerth
Praying you can step into that dream He has fashioned just for you today.
Dawn Boyer
Contributing Author
A word-loving coffee-drinking grace girl, I think my favorite title is Mom. However, once in awhile I write a few things that spill from my heart onto the white space that houses my desire to share my journeys with others. Prayer and a deep love for God’s Word are my passion, but I have been known to lace up shoes and count steps for fun or lose myself in the kitchen with my kids. I love to sit across the table from friends lost in deep conversation or looking for the hidden beauty all around with my camera lens. Sometimes I write about those hard questions that come in life, reasoning and rejoicing in God’s grace and mercy with those who are walking this journey to grace with me, and resting in prayer as often as I can on my blog, Journeys In Grace.
Image result for images God-Sized Dream

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