Wednesday, February 27, 2019

TARSUS - Free cities in the Roman empire were allowed to govern themselves by their own laws and customs, and given the privilege of selecting their own magistrates. Such free cities were also not subject to having Roman guards stationed within its gates. Those born in such free cities (like the Apostle Paul) were deemed to be citizens of the Roman Empire and could therefore exercise the privileges and rights granted to those with a Rome-based citizenship. The city was also the place where Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and Mark Antony met for the first time and where they held celebrated feasts during the construction of their fleet (41 B.C.).

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Image result for images tarsus bibleTarsus 
Apostle Paul's Missionary Journeys

The city has a history going back over 2,000 years.
The Hittites first dominated the city, followed by the powerful Assyrian Empire then the massive empire of Persia.
It was the headquarters of a Persian satrapy (a Persian governor who rules over a particular jurisdiction or province) for a period of time starting from around 400 B.C.
The undefeated Grecian military leader Alexander travelled through Tarsus with his massive army in 333 B.C.
Alexander almost met his demise in the city after he had taken a bath in Cydnus.
Pompey, the great Roman military general, placed Tarsus under the control of Rome.
It soon became the capital city of Cilicia (the province in which the city existed) and the place where the province's governor lived.
The city was given the status of being "free" by Roman Emperor Augustus as a thanks for its efforts during Rome's civil wars.
Free cities in the Roman empire were allowed to govern themselves by their own laws and customs, and given the privilege of selecting their own magistrates.
Such free cities were also not subject to having Roman guards stationed within its gates.
Those born in such free cities (like the Apostle Paul) were deemed to be citizens of the Roman Empire and could therefore exercise the privileges and rights granted to those with a Rome-based citizenship.
The city was also the place where Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and Mark Antony met for the first time and where they held celebrated feasts during the construction of their fleet (41 B.C.).
It was well-known for its culture of Greek philosophy, literature and wealth.
Its schools of learning rivaled and excelled even those found in Athens and Alexandria.
Around 171 B.C. the city's library held 200,000 books, including a huge collection of scientific works.
The New Testament references the apostle Paul in relation to his hometown several times (Acts 9:11, 30, 11:25, 21:39, 22:3). 
The Life and Epistles of Paul by Conybeare and Howson states the following regarding the apostle's place of birth.
"Situated near the western border of the Cilician plain, where the river Cydnus flows in a cold and rapid stream, from the snows of Taurus to the sea, was the city of Tarsus, the capital of the whole province, and ‘no mean city’ (Acts 21:39) in the history of the ancient world. Its coins reveal to us its greatness through a long series of years:- alike in the period which intervened between Xerxes and Alexander, - and under the Roman sway, when it exulted in the name of Metropolis, - and long after Hadrian had rebuilt it, and issued his new coinage with the old mythological types . . .
"Strabo says that, in all that relates to philosophy and general education, it (the city) was even more illustrious than Athens and Alexandria. From his description it is evident that its main character was that of a Greek city, where the Greek language was spoken, and Greek literature studiously cultivated. But we should be wrong in supposing that the general population of the province was of Greek origin, or spoke the Greek tongue. When Cyrus came with his army from the Western Coast, and still later, when Alexander penetrated into Cilicia, they found the inhabitants "Barbarians." (chapter 1, section "Tarsus and Cicero")
Paul's reference to the place of his birth and the Roman citizenship it made possible helped him avoid being WHIPPED by the Romans (Acts 22:22 - 29).
He also used his rights of citizenship, given to him in Tarsus, when he appealed to have a case against him (started by Jews) be heard in Rome by Caesar himself (Acts 25:10 - 12).

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

JESUS AND RECENT CREATION - Not all who consider themselves Christians really believe the Bible, especially its unpopular teachings. Many who think they are Bible-believing Christians have become adept at “twisting” the Scriptures even the recorded words of Jesus and the apostles, to make them conform to the scientism of evolutionary speculation. There is not the slightest suggestion of millions and billions of years anywhere in the Bible when it is taken simply to mean what it says. When the teachings of men conflict with the Word of God, it would be wise to go with God.

Jesus And Recent Creation
Did Jesus Teach Recent Creation?
Editor’s note: Despite the decade since this article’s initial publication, its timeless message stands: Perhaps the single most important reason to believe in recent creation is the fact that Jesus Christ believed in it.
Most everyone has been taught all through their school years that the earth, life, animals, and man have all been developing from primordial beginnings over billions of years of natural evolution.
Many have tried to “baptize” this process, so to speak, by calling it “theistic evolution” or “progressive creation,” saying that God may have used evolution as His process of creation.
Because of this ubiquitous indoctrination, even many evangelical Christians have felt they must conform to this evolutionary worldview, especially in relation to the so-called deep time that is so essential to evolutionism.
One respected leader of the Intelligent Design (ID) movement, for example, recently wrote to me that he would prefer to believe in a young earth but that science had proved the earth was very old, so he had to go with science.
Two other leaders of this ID movement told me personally on two separate occasions that they could not even afford to listen to my arguments for a young earth because they were afraid they would be convinced and that this would halt their opportunities to speak to college groups and others about Intelligent Design.
So I have written this brief article to show once again that the Lord Jesus Himself believes in recent creation and the young earth.
Assuming that a Christian is a person who believes in the deity and inerrant authority of Christ, it would seem that this fact alone should be sufficient to convince him.
What I will do here, therefore, is list three key reasons for concluding that our Lord Jesus Christ believed and taught literal recent creation of all things essentially instantaneously by the omnipotent command of God, who “spoke, and it was done” (Psalm 33:9).
1. The Bible nowhere allows for long ages.
One can search the Scriptures (see my book Biblical Creationism for proof) from beginning to end without finding even a hint of evolution or long ages.
To Jesus, every “jot or one tittle” of Scripture was divinely inspired (Matthew 5:18), and He warned us severely against adding any other words to it (Revelation 22:18).
The Bible, therefore, would certainly not leave the vital doctrine of creation open to human speculation.
2. The Bible explicitly states how and when creation took place.
Although many evangelicals have long equivocated as to the meaning of the “days” of creation, this type of ad hoc handling of Scripture is never justified in the context, and Christ Himself would never have interpreted them as indefinite ages of some kind.
Not only is “day” (Hebrew yom) defined in this context the first time it is used (Genesis 1:5), but the writer conclusively restricted its interpretation to the literal meaning by numbering the days (“first day,” “second day,” etc.) and by indicating their boundaries (“evening and morning”), both of which restrictions elsewhere in the Old Testament limit the meaning to literal days.
The question seems to be even more firmly settled when God wrote with His own finger that “in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the [seventh] day and hallowed it” (Exodus 20:11), thereby basing our calendar’s seven-day week on this primeval creation week.
Jesus referred to this divine example when He said that “the Sabbath was made for man” (Mark 2:27) to meet our weekly need of rest from work.
3. The Lord Jesus recognized that men and women existed right from the beginning.
The current opinion is that the cosmos evolved about 16 billion years ago, the earth about 4.6 billion, primitive life perhaps two billion, and human life about one million years ago.
The Lord Jesus, on the other hand (who was there, having Himself created all things - note John 1:1-3), taught that men and women were made essentially at the same time as the cosmos itself when He said that “from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female’” (Mark 10:6).
“The beginning” obviously was a reference to Genesis 1:1, and Christ was specifically citing Genesis 1:27.
On another occasion, speaking especially of Adam’s son Abel, He referred to “the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world” (Luke 11:50-51), thereby acknowledging that Abel was the first prophet, martyred in the very first generation - not 4.6 billion years after the formation of the earth.
Jesus also said that Satan, using Cain to slay Abel, “was a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44).
Note also that the father of John the Baptist, prophesying when filled with the Holy Spirit, said that God’s holy prophets had been predicting a coming Savior “since the world began” (Luke 1:70).
Then the apostle Peter later preached that the second coming of Christ and the ultimate removal of the great Curse on the earth had even been events that “God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began” (Acts 3:21).
The apostle Paul wrote that evidence of God as Creator should have been “clearly seen” (by men, of course) ever since “the creation of the world” (Romans 1:20).
There can be no reasonable doubt that Jesus was what evolutionists today (both theistic and atheistic) would call a “young-earth creationist.”
It would seem that this should settle the question for all true Christians, who should certainly - on the authority of Christ Himself - completely reject the notion of vast geologic ages.
But they don’t! For one thing, not all who consider themselves Christians really believe the Bible, especially its unpopular teachings.
Unfortunately, many who think they are Bible-believing Christians have become adept at “twisting” the Scriptures (note 2 Peter 3:16-17), even the recorded words of Jesus and the apostles, to make them conform to the scientism of evolutionary speculation.
As noted above, there is not the slightest suggestion of millions and billions of years anywhere in the Bible when it is taken simply to mean what it says.
That is why we young-earth creationists have to keep on reemphasizing the pervasive Bible teaching of just thousands of years of Earth and cosmic history.
But what are we supposed to do when the Bible disagrees with the majority of scientists on such matters?
We are to believe the Bible - that’s what! When the teachings of men conflict with the Word of God, it would be wise to go with God.
Furthermore, there are now thousands of scientists, fully credentialed with post-graduate degrees from accredited universities, who have become convinced believers in recent creation.
No doubt we are still a minority, but it is a growing minority.
There is also a rapidly growing body of scientific data that not only shows the impossibility of macroevolution but also much that repudiates the so-called evidences of billions of years.
Creationist geologists have been developing an abundance of evidence of global catastrophism instead of uniformitarianism in Earth history - thus confirming the biblical record of the great Flood as the major explanation for the fossil-bearing rocks in the earth’s crust, instead of having to invent imaginary long ages of evolution to account for them.
It is possible now even to amass a list of dozens of worldwide natural processes (e.g., accumulation of salt in the sea) which, even on uniformist assumptions, will yield ages much too brief for evolution.
Thus, even without referring to the Bible at all, it is possible to make an impressive case for recent creation.
One cannot determine the exact age of the earth by science, of course, and these various processes may yield various values, but all prove too small for evolutionism to be possible.
With the supposed exception of radiometric dating, that is.
The decay of uranium into lead, rubidium into strontium, and a few other such processes can be made to show extremely long ages, so radioactive decay processes have been considered by evolutionists to be firm proof of the billions of years.
But Christians need to remember that such calculations, like all the others, are based on the arbitrary assumption of uniformitarianism, which not only is unprovable but contrary to the Bible.
The apostle Peter calls it “willing ignorance” (note 2 Peter 3:3-6, KJV) when this assumption ignores the world-changing impact of special creation of all things in the beginning and the worldwide geologic impact of the global Deluge in the days of Noah.
Furthermore, the publication of the ICR/CRS RATE Initiative shows strong scientific evidence that even these radioactive decay processes really provide convincing arguments that the earth is thousands of years old - not billions!
Therefore, we plead once again with our Christian theistic evolutionists, progressive creationists, gap creationists, and Intelligent Design minimalists to come back to the Bible for their view of the world and its history.
We should most certainly believe the words of our Lord Jesus Christ on this vital subject. “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’” He might well say, “and [believe] not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46).

Adapted from Dr. Morris’ article “Did Jesus Teach Recent Creation?” in the June 2005 issue of Acts & Facts.
* Dr. Morris (1918-2006) was Founder of the Institute for Creation Research.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

SITTING AT THE FEET OF JESUS - Sitting at the feet of Jesus, Where can mortal be more blest? There I lay my sins and sorrows, And, when weary, find sweet rest; Sitting at the feet of Jesus, There I love to weep and pray; While I from His fullness gather Grace and comfort every day.

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
Author: J. H.              

1 Sitting at the feet of Jesus,

   Oh, what words I hear Him say!

   Happy place! so near, so precious!

   May it find me there each day;

   Sitting at the feet of Jesus,

   I would look upon the past;

   For His love has been so gracious,

   It has won my heart at last.

2 Sitting at the feet of Jesus,

   Where can mortal be more blest?

   There I lay my sins and sorrows,

   And, when weary, find sweet rest;

   Sitting at the feet of Jesus,

   There I love to weep and pray;

   While I from His fullness gather

   Grace and comfort every day.

3 Bless me, O my Savior, bless me,

   As *I sit low at Thy feet; [*I’m waiting]

   Oh, look down in love upon me,

   Let me see Thy face so sweet;

   Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus,  

Keep me holy as He is;

   May I prove I’ve been with Jesus,

   Who is all my righteousnes

So often in ministry, the Lord deals with my own spirit, saying – "You need to step back and get refocused!"
And we all know how hard it is at times when we get so busy with the normal every day stresses of life tugging at our limited time.
This morning I was re-reading the story of Mary and Martha, and how Mary chose the better part, while Martha was doing the housework.
Now let's not deny the real importance of housework and practical matters; let's face it, with nobody doing that stuff, what would get done? Life would be a mess!
But according to Jesus, something was wrong, and Martha had her priorities out of line. And He made it very clear, Mary had chosen the better part!
Mary preferred and chose relationship and intimacy with the Lord over the physical preparations and housework associated with His visit. And Jesus blessed and protected her choice.
And so the Lord has had to remind me, over and again of the importance of intimacy with Him...before getting down to the work!
It's a constant temptation to slip into an emphasis on DOING the work at hand.
And even in our own personal prayer time, to be mainly focused on those "urgent ministry needs"...and completely forgetting the most important thing, the "better part"- intimacy, personal communication, just BEING with Him.
Let us resolve to choose intimacy with Jesus!
Let us choose the better part! Let us resolve to spend time with the Lord and develop that intimate relationship He so wants with us.
That way we will constantly experience how deep and awesome His love for us is.
And it will make the work we are called to do -- so much easier!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

THE SWORD AND SPEAR OF GOLIATH - Could Goliath's sword and spear still exist to this day? Some students of the Bible are familiar with the fact that a large portion of the Israelite tribe of Dan had migrated through Europe after captivity and into what is now Ireland. There were also other things transported to Ireland. The king's daughters princesses, and descendants of the house of David also made the journey. It is through them that God would keep his promise to always have one of David's descendants on a throne over Israel. The article also mentions Scythian warriors migrating to Ireland. In Colossians 3:11, we find the Scythians were a major group of people. They brought with them to Ireland 'the sacred sword and spear.'

Image result for images Goliath's sword and spear
Image result for images Goliath's sword and spearGoliath's sword and spear

What happened to Goliath's sword and spear after King David killed him? Did it simply disappear? Could it possibly exist today?
The Bible states that when, as a young man, David slew Goliath the giant he took his armor and put them in his tent (1 Samuel 17:54).
This would include the giant's sword and spear.
The first questions we need to answer, however, is how BIG were these implements of war that Goliath used and how big he had to be in order to use them.
The Bible says Goliath's height was “six cubits and a span" (1 Samuel 17:4).
Various Bible commentaries place the length of a cubit anywhere from 17 inches (43.2 centimeters) to 21 inches (53.3 centimeters).
The length of a span is highly likely around 9 inches (22.9 centimeters).
Conservatively, Goliath was 9 feet 3 inches tall or 2.82 meters and likely was taller! Compare this to the average height of a U.S. male which is 5 feet 10 inches (1.8 meters).
Regarding the size and weight of Goliath's armor the Bible says his battle coat weighed 5,000 shekels of bronze.
He carried a long spear or javelin when he went to war that was as thick as a weaver's beam (roughly 2 to 2 1/2 inches in diameter).
The head of the spear he carried was made of iron and weighed six hundred shekels (1 Samuel 17:5 - 7).
It is safe to say that Goliath wore a protective coat that weighed at least 78 U.S. pounds (35.4 kilograms).
Several commentaries place the weight of the coat at an amazing 156 U.S. pounds (70.8 kilograms)!
The length of his spear may have been as long as 26 feet (7.9 meters). The head alone on it weighed at least 17 pounds U.S. (7.7 kilograms).
He was a formidable opponent indeed!
Goliath's armor comes up again later in David's life.
While he was fleeing from King Saul, he went to the priests at Nob to get some food.
After he ate, he requested a sword. Ahimelech the high priest gave him the only one he had, which is the one used by Goliath (1 Samuel 21:8 - 9).
But what would a sword be doing in the possession of one of God's priests?
The Bible says Ahimelech retrieved it, wrapped in cloth, from behind the ephod. It had become a sacred national possession for Israel.
We can well guess that the spear also had the same honor.
Could Goliath's sword and spear still exist to this day?
Some students of the Bible are familiar with the fact that a large portion of the Israelite tribe of Dan had migrated through Europe after captivity and into what is now Ireland. 
In the 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica (1911) in an article on Ireland, under the subheading of "Legendary Origins, Early History" we find a people called the "Tuatha de Danan" (tribe of Dan) had migrated into Ireland having with them the Stone of Destiny (called the Lia Fail or Jacob's pillar stone).
There were also other things transported to Ireland.
The king's daughters (Jeremiah 41:10; 43:6), princesses, and descendants of the house of David also made the journey.
It is through them that God would keep his promise to always have one of David's descendants on a throne over Israel.
The article also mentions Scythian warriors migrating to Ireland.
In Colossians 3:11, we find the Scythians were a major group of people.
In the 1911 Encyclopedia article on Ireland, we find the Tuatha de Danan and Scythian people (many of which were descendants of the Israelites taken into captivity) with genealogical records dating to Noah.
They brought with them to Ireland 'the sacred sword and spear.' These weapons of warfare are highly likely the same ones Goliath used to battle King David.

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Image result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spear

Image result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spear

Image result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spear

Image result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spearImage result for images Goliath's sword and spear

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Friday, February 22, 2019

BROKEN: BUT NOT FOREVER - The world we have now is NOT what God intended and it is NOT the world that our Father's children will inherit. The "Story of Redemption" reminds us that God's children will inherit a better world. In fact, that better world depends upon the full adoption of God's children when Jesus returns. In this glorious moment, both God's children and our broken world will be made new.

Broken: But NOT Forever!
Why did this brokenness, this pain, this shattering, come upon us if it is not God's intention for us?

We don't have to look far in our world today to know that something is broken.
The headlines, news teasers, social media posts, and our broken hearts shout from our pain: "Something's wrong, deeply flawed, and irreparably broken with our world!"
The following lyrics from long ago captured the emotions of our pain and frustration well:
Like a windowpane
Broken by a stone
Each tiny piece of me lies alone
And scattered
Far beyond repair
All my shiny dreams
Just lying there [NOTE]
Our world, our bodies, and our hearts all get broken in the process of life. But, why?
Why would a loving God allow our world to become so broken and his people to be so fragile?
Why would a loving God create our world in a way that it is so broken and our hearts so breakable?
Why did this brokenness, this pain, this shattering, come upon us if it is not God's intention for us?
James Nored reminds us in today's video that the world we have now is NOT what God intended and it is NOT the world that our Father's children will inherit:
If you can't see the video, and you sure don't want to miss it, view it online. For additional ideas to consider and some things to discuss with others, we encourage you to look at the Study Guide.
The "Story of Redemption" reminds us that God's children will inherit a better world. In fact, that better world depends upon the full adoption of God's children when Jesus returns.
In this glorious moment, both God's children and our broken world will be made new. The apostle Paul said it this way:
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” (Romans 8:18-21).
If creation waits in eager expectation, shouldn't we?
Paul didn't utter these words in the protective cocoon of religious safety or naïveté.
In fact, as he awaited his own execution at the hands of a combination of murderous religious hate and political power, Paul reiterated a similar hope.
In the face of death, he held this expectation with deep conviction and longing.
The old and imprisoned apostle trusted that a time was coming when all the mess of our world, along with all of our pain, would end; both we, along with our broken world, would be reborn into our promised and glorious future in Jesus:
“As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me-the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:8 NLT)
Our redemption, our world's redemption, is coming with our Redeemer, Jesus. A new future awaits.
Yes, our worlds and our hearts are broken and shattered, but not irreparably because of the redemption that is ours in Jesus.
What excites you about this hope?
What do you long for most in this redemption of all things?
Jesus is the goal of our journey.
We hope you will continue the journey with us as we keep asking questions and looking for answers that lead us closer to the Creator's destination for all of us.
We want you to join us in finding our story caught up in God’s glorious “Story of Redemption”!
Until next time, let's stay the course and keep seeking lasting truth about God, life, and the meaning of our journey!

[NOTE] Lyrics by Jimmy Webb lyrics, and sung by Linda Ronstadt. I share this link to help you hear Linda's beautiful voice before Parkinson's disease stole it from her. Our own bodies' decay and vulnerability to diseases are poignantly and tragically illustrated in Linda's life. Our prayers are with her and all who battle the fragility of their being with the determination of their wills and the faith in their hearts.
In this series, James Nored and Phil Ware partner two pioneering ministries providing resources to reach coming generations. James is a minister, Executive Director of Next Generation for Christ, and author of the Story of Redemption Film Series, filmed in the Israel, U.S., and around the world. This series is designed to lead seekers to faith and strengthen the faith of believers. Divided into 5-6 minute video segments, it is great to use with social media, small groups, sermon series, families, and friends. Phil is President of Heartlight, Inc., a preacher for 40 years, author of five books along with hundreds of articles & 11 years of daily devotionals, coach for churches in transition, and a resource for missionary renewal. Phil's devotionals are read by hundreds of thousands every day.